1 July 2008 Well-conditioned multiple laser Mueller matrix ellipsometer
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We report on the design and performance test of a multiple laser Mueller matrix ellipsometer (MME). The MME is well conditioned due to the integration of the recently reported achromatic 132-deg compensators based on biprisms, in combination with high-quality Glan-Thompson polarizers. The system currently operates between 300 and 2700 nm, without the need to change any optical components except for the detector. Four lasers are employed as light sources (405, 532, 633, and 1570 nm) to test the performance in both reflection and transmission modes. Thus, the system is used to determine the Mueller matrices and associated optical constants of known optical systems: 1. optical rotatory power of D-glucose in solution, 2. reflection of a native oxide c-Si wafer, and 3. the properties of a liquid crystal spatial light modulator. The results show that the system matrices of the MME have condition numbers between the optimal √3 and 2 during operation, resulting in small experimental errors. To the best of our knowledge, there is no other MME reported with such good conditioning over a comparably wide spectral range.
©(2008) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Frantz Stabo-Eeg, Morten Kildemo, Ingar Nerbo, and Mikael Lindgren "Well-conditioned multiple laser Mueller matrix ellipsometer," Optical Engineering 47(7), 073604 (1 July 2008). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.2957047
Published: 1 July 2008
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Spatial light modulators



Condition numbers


Liquid crystals


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