Pendekatan Kabur untuk Mengenal Pasti Kriteria Mempengaruhi Pelajar Memilih Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam (IPTA)


  • Muhammad Mat Yusof
  • Abdul Aziz Jemain



Saban tahun, ramai pelajar yang berkelayakan memohon untuk meneruskan pengajian ke institusi pengajian tinggi awam. Lantaran itu, suatu penunjuk perlu dicari bagi membantu pihak berwajib mendapat gambaran tentang kriteria pemilihan ke universiti untuk tujuan perancangan, pemantauan, pemulihan, pemuliharaan atau penaiktarafan selanjutnya. Dalam kajian ini, teori set kabur digunakan. Maklumat kecenderungan pemilihan boleh digambarkan dengan menggunakan vektor tertib, vektor kepuasan, vektor linguistik atau vektor pemilihan subset. Para pelajar sebagai pembuat keputusan akan memberi kecenderungan mereka dalam format yang berbeza-beza mengikut idea, sikap, motivasi dan personaliti masing-masing. Perbezaan format ini kemudiannya diseragamkan dan diagregatkan menggunakan format hubungan kecenderungan kabur. Pemberat setiap kriteria akan diperolehi dengan menggunakan operasi pemurata tertib berpemberat (Ordered Weighting Averaging – OWA). Berdasarkan kajian ini, didapati bahawa pelajar memilih kriteria penawaran kursus, kualiti pengajaran pensyarah dan kemudahan pinjaman/biasiswa sebagai kriteria utama untuk meneruskan pengajian di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam. Kata kunci: Teori set kabur, vektor tertib, vektor kepuasan, vektor linguistik, operasi pemurata tertib berpemberat (OWA) Every year, many qualified students apply tu further their study to the public higher learning institution. For that reason, indicators are needed in assisting the proper authority to get the current situation in the country regarding criterias used by students in seeking proper places for them to pursue their higher education. Thus, the selection criteria should be treated with a high level of importance, which will provide information useful for planning, monitoring and upgrading in order to ensure all public higher intuitions are able to satisfy the demand from the society. In this study, a fuzzy set theory was applied when the imprecise information was represented in fuzzy terms. Preference information can be represented by means of preference orderings, utility functions, vector of linguistic terms or a selected subset. In this approach, four different preference formats are provided from students as decision makers to express their individual preferences, taking into consideration the decision makers different attitudes, motivation, and personalities. The different formats of preferences are transformed into uniform fuzzy preference relations and aggregated. Ordered Weighting Averaging (OWA) was used to assess the criteria weights. From this study, it was found that offering courses, teaching qualities and availability of financial aid are the most important criteria considered by the students to further their study in public higher learning institutions. Key words: Fuzzy set, fuzzy consensus, multi-criteria decision, fuzzy preference






Social Sciences

How to Cite

Pendekatan Kabur untuk Mengenal Pasti Kriteria Mempengaruhi Pelajar Memilih Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam (IPTA). (2012). Jurnal Teknologi, 40(1), 59–71.