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Digital Transformation: Threats and Opportunities for Social Entrepreneurship

aSaint Andrew the First-Called Georgian University, Georgia
bBucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania
cPetroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Romania

Two Faces of Digital Transformation

ISBN: 978-1-83753-097-7, eISBN: 978-1-83753-096-0

Publication date: 13 July 2023


The expansion of new technologies has induced the digital revolution and paved the way for an innovation-based economy. Digitalization, while blurring real and virtual environments, acts as an incentive for innovation and has been regarded as a tool to tackle the crisis. Its particular acceleration was caused by the lockdown regulations due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Social entrepreneurship searches for innovative methods, tools and models to solve pressing social problems. The concept suggests applying business models for implementing social missions. Revenue generated from commercial activities is spent to solve social challenges caused by market imperfection, government inefficiency, disasters, pandemics, wars and economic crises. Advancing technologies, on the one hand, present opportunities for social enterprises and, on the other hand, involve risks to employment, data protection, transformed business model and strategies and changes in society's lifestyle and impose costly digital technologies to be adopted. Social entrepreneurs can create social value by using digital technologies that allow them to reach remote customers, investors or beneficiaries overcoming geographical boundaries or time differences. Yet digitalization can pose a threat to existing jobs as they become redundant; it transforms them or gives rise to new jobs while demanding technological skills and digital literacy. Moreover, enhanced digitalization and effective governmental actions set the stage for the decline of social business. The chapter explores the influence of digitalization on social entrepreneurship and discusses the potential of digital transformation for social enterprises. It examines the risks and opportunities that bring accelerated digitalization to social entrepreneurship.



Gigauri, I., Apostu, S.-A. and Popescu, C. (2023), "Digital Transformation: Threats and Opportunities for Social Entrepreneurship", Akkaya, B. and Tabak, A. (Ed.) Two Faces of Digital Transformation, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 1-17.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2023 Iza Gigauri, Simona-Andreea Apostu and Catalin Popescu. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited