
Developing Multicultural Leadership Using Knowledge Dynamics and Cultural Intelligence

ISBN: 978-1-83549-433-2, eISBN: 978-1-83549-432-5

Publication date: 30 May 2024


Paiuc, D. (2024), "Appendices", Developing Multicultural Leadership Using Knowledge Dynamics and Cultural Intelligence, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 147-245.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Dan Paiuc. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited

Appendix A – My Working Definitions

  • Cultural Intelligence (CQ) was defined as being the set of skills to relate and work effectively in culturally diverse situations. It is the capability to cross boundaries, prosper in multiple cultures, and impact the bottom-line results.

  • Knowledge Dynamics (KD) refers to the characteristics of knowledge that transform, change, and evolve as a result of various processes and influences.

  • Multicultural Leadership (ML) was defined as the process of engaging and leading a workforce comprised of individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Appendices for Qualitative Research

Appendix B – Screening Filtering Questions to Validate Interview Participation


In order to test your possible fit for a 30–60 minutes pro-bono interview in a research project that will serve as building support for the thesis/book “Developing multicultural leadership based on knowledge dynamics and cultural intelligence” conducted by PhD candidate Dan Paiuc, from the Department of Management of the National University for Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania – please kindly answer with Yes (Y) or No (N) for the following two questions:

  1. Do you actually manage multicultural teams? Y/N

  2. Are you familiar with the notion of Cultural Intelligence (CQ) as per my working definition: CQ being the set of skills to relate and work effectively in culturally diverse situations? Y/N

Appendix C – Consent to Participate in Research Interviews

Dear Participant,

Thanks for agreeing to participate in the research project that will serve as a building base for the thesis/book “Developing multicultural leadership based on knowledge dynamics and cultural intelligence” conducted by PhD candidate Dan Paiuc, from the Department of Management of the National University for Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania.

With an expected duration of the interview of 30–60 minutes, please agree:

  • to voluntarily participate in the interview;

  • that all the interviews will be recorded, transcripted, and anonymized by Dan Paiuc;

  • all or parts of the anonymized interview may be used in the above thesis/book or related academic articles/conferences.

Appendix D – Interviews' Synthetic Results

Fig. D.1. 
Age of Interviewed Managers.

Fig. D.1.

Age of Interviewed Managers.

Fig. D.2. 
Gender of Interviewed Managers.

Fig. D.2.

Gender of Interviewed Managers.

Fig. D.3. 
Highest Level of Education Completed by the Interviewed Managers.

Fig. D.3.

Highest Level of Education Completed by the Interviewed Managers.

Fig. D.4. 
Continent-Based Geographical Distribution of Interviewed Managers.

Fig. D.4.

Continent-Based Geographical Distribution of Interviewed Managers.

Fig. D.5. 
Main Company's Activity Sectors of Interviewed Managers.

Fig. D.5.

Main Company's Activity Sectors of Interviewed Managers.

Fig. D.6. 
Main Sizes of the Companies of Interviewed Managers (Data in Euro).

Fig. D.6.

Main Sizes of the Companies of Interviewed Managers (Data in Euro).

Fig. D.7. 
Main Sizes of the Companies of Interviewed Managers (Data in Number of Employees).

Fig. D.7.

Main Sizes of the Companies of Interviewed Managers (Data in Number of Employees).

Fig. D.8. 
Hierarchical Position of the Interviewed Managers.

Fig. D.8.

Hierarchical Position of the Interviewed Managers.

Fig. D.9. 
Working Years' Experience in Actual Company and in Total of the Interviewed Managers.

Fig. D.9.

Working Years' Experience in Actual Company and in Total of the Interviewed Managers.

Fig. D.10. 
Number of Managed Nationalities of the Interviewed Managers.

Fig. D.10.

Number of Managed Nationalities of the Interviewed Managers.

Fig. D.11. 
Number of Spoken Languages of the Interviewed Managers.

Fig. D.11.

Number of Spoken Languages of the Interviewed Managers.

Fig. D.12. 
Number of Continents on Which the Interviewed Managers Worked.

Fig. D.12.

Number of Continents on Which the Interviewed Managers Worked.

Fig. D.13. 
Number of Countries in Which the Interviewed Managers Worked.

Fig. D.13.

Number of Countries in Which the Interviewed Managers Worked.

Appendix E − Sample of One Interview

Table E.1.

One Sample Interview.

Description of Variable Variable Coding Instructions
Respondent no. 1
Name or pseudonym Ahmed AbdelMawla
Gender Male (1) Male = 1, Female = 2, Non-binary = 3
Age 45 years (3) 18–25 = 1, 26–40 = 2, 41–60 = 3, >61 = 4
Education University graduate (2) High school only = 1, University graduate = 2, Master graduate = 3, PhD graduate = 4
Geography Africa (3) Europe = 1, Asia = 2, Africa = 3, North America = 4, South America = 5, Australia = 6.
Country Egypt
Company sector Services (4) Retail = 1; Production = 2; Trade = 3; Services = 4; Others = 5
Company size (turnover) >10M = x < 50M (5) <0.5M. euro/year as turnover = 1, 0.5 >= x < 1M. euro/year = 2, 1 <= x < 5M. euro = 3, 5 >= x < 10M. euro = 4, >10M = x < 50M = 5, >=50 m euro = 6
Company size (employees' number) 1,001+ employees (6) 1–10/11–50/51–100/101–500/501–1,000/1,001+ employees
Function TOP management (1) TOP management = 1/Middle Management = 2/Lower management = 3
Years of experience within the company 16 years (5) 1–3 = 1/3–5 = 2/5–10 = 3/10–15 = 4/>16 = 5
Years of experience in total 21+ years (6) 1–3 = 1/3–5 = 2/5–10 = 3/10–15 = 4/16–20 = 5/21+ = 6
Number of nationalities managed 11–15 managed nationalities (4) 1–3 = 1/4–5 = 2/6–10 = 3/11–15 = 4/16–20 = 5/21–50 = 6/51–100 = 7/>100 = 8
Number of spoken languages 2 languages (2) One = 1, Two = 2, Three = 3, more than 3 = 4
Number of continents in which the subject worked 2 continents: Asia, Africa (2) One = 1, Two = 2, Three = 3, more than 3 = 4
Number of countries in which the subject worked 8 countries (4) One = 1, Two = 2, Three = 3, more than 3 = 4
CQ Questions Answers
1. How do you assess the cultural intelligence of your team members? I used to work with the cultural intelligence scale developed by Yang, but, nowadays, I use a 360′ review (developed by Gallup) that helps me assess the cultural and emotional intelligence level of all my team members. Meaning that each employee in our company is assessed by matrix colleagues, direct managers, and subordinates.
2. How do you leverage your team members' cultural intelligence? After assessing each team member's cultural and emotional intelligence level, I allocate them the tasks and roles based on their cultural agility, experience, and expertise.
3. Is there a relationship between the cultural intelligence of your team and your result as a multicultural manager? Please detail. Yes, if one of the cultural skills is missing within my team – I am trying to develop it; otherwise, my results as a manager – leading 14 nationalities – will be affected and non-performant.
4. What is your biggest challenge when dealing with cultural intelligence? Why? My biggest challenge is portrayed by the business etiquette differences between Arab culture and European culture. Leading a team composed mainly of Arabic country members and dealing with European customers – forced me to learn and develop specific European business tactics and approaches. One is the pricing construct, where Europeans prefer a less negotiated option – so my first proposal is close to my target price.
KD Questions Answers
5. Are your decisions based only on data and rational thinking? Depending on the situation – my decisions are based on data (rational thinking) or experience. If a situation is urgent and there is no data or no time for getting the data, I rely on my experience and common sense to make the best decision. I cannot lose a contract because I need two days to get the exact numbers.
6. Do emotions play any role in your decisions? Emotions do not play any role in my professional decisions. As mentioned before, I believe in data and experience. I am performance-driven, and this is what I am developing within my team. Emotions make you soft and make you lose the big picture and the professional goals.
7. Do you consider their cultural values when interacting with people from different cultures?
I consider their cultural values
When interacting with business people from different cultures, I think that this will show my business partners that I respect their origins and cultures, and this will help the professional partnership between our companies.
8. Do you consider that it is useful to have a proper balance between rational thinking, emotions, and cultural values when making decisions? Yes, I really do, but mostly between rational thinking and cultural values. I do not think that emotions are to be involved in the business. Otherwise, the proper balance between rational thinking and cultural values smooths the decision-making process and increases the overall productivity of the teamwork.
ML Questions Answers
9. What is your leadership style with a multicultural team? Why? My leadership style is bureaucratic and transactional, and all my employees are strictly advised to follow the established rules. This will ensure predictability and uniformity, and these are important characteristics when dealing with multicultural teams.
10. How do you create trust in your multicultural team? I create and develop trust within the team by coaching each member. I am also insisting on the company values – as a trust generator.
11. When assigning tasks, do you consider each team member's cultural background? I always do because every different cultural team member mostly has a different skill set that I always want to leverage to optimize results.

Source: Author's own research.

Appendix F – The Interviews Codebook and Codes

Table F.1.

The Interview Codebook.

Theme Sub-Theme Categories Descriptive Codes
Cultural intelligence Downplays cultural differences for team culture * Does not assess cultural intelligence * does not leverage on team members' cultural intelligence * downplays individual cultural intelligence * focusing on assigning tasks to the best hands not based on cultural intelligence * does not deal with cultural intelligence because everyone has common understanding of tasks * relationship between cultural intelligence and results is low * results is driven by skills developed and transmitted by the manager to a team member not cultural intelligence * there is no relationship between cultural intelligence and result * unsure of the relationship between cultural intelligence and results as a manager
Emotional cultural intelligence Assessing cultural intelligence through emotional intelligence metrics * Assesses acceptance and adaptability for cultural intelligence * assesses cultural intelligence by reviewing their work in light of applied cultural intelligence “assesses cultural intelligence of team members by analyzing clients' feedback on team members' actions and interactions” * assesses cultural intelligence of team members by having one to one coaching and evaluation sessions every quarter * assesses cultural intelligence through standardized meetings * assesses cultural intelligence using 360 review * assesses team members based on experience * assesses team members skill and experience through communication * assesses the cultural intelligence of team members through a report/questionnaire on cultural and emotional intelligence
Leveraging emotional cultural intelligence for company results * Leverages on cultural intelligence by assigning team members to task based on their identified cultural expertise * leverage on team members' cultural intelligence through detailed communications * leverage on team members' cultural intelligence by using verbal and nonverbal behavior in cross-cultural encounters * leverages on team members' cultural intelligence through social events * leveraging cultural skill for better result * leveraging emotional cultural intelligence for company result * partner with team members to get the best result
View emotional intelligence issues as challenges * The biggest challenge is accepting other opinions * biggest challenge is getting different people to work for a common goal * providing the right feedback based on understanding Canadian feelings * team members having a different attitude to work is a challenge * the biggest challenge is managing diversity * the level of conscious cultural awareness during interactions is a major challenge
Rational cultural intelligence Assessing rational cultural intelligence * Assessing cultural intelligence through knowledge of other cultures * assessing cultural intelligence through staff's prior experience and performance on tasks
Leveraging rational cultural intelligence for results *Assigning tasks based on knowledge and experience of culture * leveraging rational cultural intelligence for better results as multicultural manager *
Views rational cultural intelligence issues as challenges * generalized beliefs about groups are the biggest challenge when dealing with cultural intelligence * getting team members to be knowledgeable about Canadian practices is a challenge * giving feedback is a challenge because it has the role of driving the adaptation of individual culture to the company's culture “lack of knowledge of different cultures is a challenge when dealing with cultural intelligence” * language is a barrier when dealing with cultural intelligence * managing diversity is a problem because different people understand same task differently
Spiritual cultural intelligence Leveraging spiritual cultural intelligence for result * Leverages on team members' cultural intelligence through a monitored ambience
View spiritual cultural intelligence issues as challenges * The biggest challenge in dealing with cultural intelligence is how not to hurt any personal beliefs * the biggest challenge is business etiquette difference * cultural self-awareness * the biggest challenge is not disrespecting the personal belief of others as it might affect productivity
Knowledge dynamics Combining rational, emotional and cultural values for decision-making * balancing rational thinking, emotions, and cultural values is a key success factor * considers the balancing of rational thinking, emotions, and cultural values useful in decision-making
Emotional knowledge * Emotion plays a role in decision-making
Rational knowledge * business should be prioritized when making decisions * data and rational thinking are the main drivers of decision-making
Spiritual knowledge * Authentic decision-making * making decisions based on common sense * understanding the values of others is needed for decision-making when interacting with business partners and team members
Multicultural leadership Conceptual skill * Identifying practices that lead to productivity * leveraging cultural background for company success * strategic planning
Interpersonal skill * Building an environment with a sense of belonging * coaching and empowerment * collaboration * communication * empathy * friendliness and openness
Multicultural skill (values) * Equal treatment * finding common ground * respecting cultural differences
Leaders focus on uniformity and task completion. * assign tasks based on skillset and not cultural background * focus on uniformity rather than understanding the cultural background

Source: Author's own research.

Table F.2.

Interview's Codes.

Themes Sub-Themes Files
Cultural Intelligence
Emotional cultural intelligence 14
Assessing cultural intelligence through emotional intelligence metrics 11
Leveraging emotional cultural intelligence for company results 5
View emotional intelligence issues as challenges 7
Rational cultural intelligence 11
Assessing cultural intelligence through rational intelligence metrics 6
Leveraging rational cultural intelligence for results 9
Views rational cultural intelligence issues as cultural intelligence challenges 6
Spiritual cultural intelligence 4
Leverages on team members' cultural intelligence through a monitored ambience 1
View spiritual cultural intelligence issues as challenges 4
Downplays cultural differences for team culture 4
Knowledge Dynamics
Emotional knowledge 6
Emotion plays a role in decision-making 4
Emotions play a minimal role in the decision-making process 6
Rational knowledge 14
Business should be prioritized when making decisions 4
Does not consider cultural values as the focus when interacting with people of different cultures 2
Emotions play no role in decision-making 5
Data and rational thinking are the main drivers in decision-making 13
Spiritual knowledge 11
Authentic decision-making 1
Making decisions based on common sense 2
Understanding the values of others is needed for decision-making when interacting with business partners and team members 10
Combining rational, emotional and cultural values for decision-making 13
Balancing rational thinking, emotions, and cultural values is a key success factor 3
Considers the balancing of rational thinking, emotions, and cultural values useful in decision-making 13
Multicultural Leadership
Conceptual skill 9
Identifying practices that lead to productivity 4
Leveraging cultural background for company success 8
Strategic planning 3
Interpersonal skill 13
Coaching and empowering team members 7
Collaboration 3
Communication 5
Building an environment with a sense of belonging 2
Empathy and kindness 3
Friendliness and openness 4
Multicultural skill (Values) 6
Equal treatment 3
Finding common ground
Respecting cultural differences 3
Leader focuses on uniformity and task completion 7
Assign tasks based on skillset and not cultural background 6
Focus on uniformity rather than understanding the cultural background 2

Source: Author's own research.

Appendix G – Demography and Number of Words Transcribed

Table G.1.

Gender and Age Classification – Interviews.

Pseudonym Number of Words Transcribed Gender Age Classification
Ahmed AbdelMawla 616 Male 41–60
Dean Watson 546 Male 41–60
Dusty Wagoner 408 Male 41–60
Khosrow Salour 545 Male 41–60
Kristian Skovrider 380 Male 60+
Pedro Lemos 460 Male 26–40
Rin Senan 465 Male 26–40
Tinatin 413 Female 26–40
Umair Arshad 372 Male 26–40
Yousef Siam 401 Male 41–60
Zeinab Mekawy 486 Female 26–40
Annas Siddiqui 798 Male 26–40
Rana El Maghraby 362 Female 26–40
Saim Ali 537 Male 26–40
Vishal Kumar 263 Male 26–40

Source: Author's own research.

Table G.2.

Education, Geography, Country Classification – Interviews.

Pseudonym Number of Words Transcribed Education Geography Country
Ahmed AbdelMawla 616 University graduate Africa Egypt
Dean Watson 546 High school Europe England
Dusty Wagoner 408 University graduate North America United States of America
Khosrow Salour 545 University graduate Asia Iran
Kristian Skovrider 380 Master graduate Europe Denmark
Pedro Lemos 460 Master graduate North America Canada
Rin Senan 465 Master graduate North America Canada
Tinatin 413 University graduate Europe Georgia
Umair Arshad 372 Master graduate Europe United Kingdom
Yousef Siam 401 University graduate Asia Saudi Arabia
Zeinab Mekawy 486 Master graduate Africa Egypt
Annas Siddiqui 798 University graduate Europe England
Rana El Maghraby 362 University graduate Africa Egypt
Saim Ali 537 Master graduate Europe England, UK
Vishal Kumar 263 Master graduate North America Canada

Source: Author's own research.

Table G.3.

Function, Years of Experience Within the Company, Years of Experience in Total Classification – Interviews.

Pseudonym Number of Words Transcribed Function Years of Experience Within the Company Years of Experience in Total
Ahmed AbdelMawla 616 TOP management 16 years 21+ years
Dean Watson 546 TOP management 5–10 years 21+ years
Dusty Wagoner 408 TOP management >16 21+ years
Khosrow Salour 545 TOP management >16 21+ years
Kristian Skovrider 380 TOP management 14 years 21+ years
Pedro Lemos 460 Middle management 10–15 years 10–15 years
Rin Senan 465 Middle management 1–3 years 5–10 years
Tinatin 413 TOP management 2 years 5–10 years
Umair Arshad 372 Middle management 3 years 5–10 years
Yousef Siam 401 TOP management 3–5 years 21+ years
Zeinab Mekawy 486 Middle management 1–3 years 3–5 years
Annas Siddiqui 798 Middle management 1–3 years 5–10 years
Rana El Maghraby 362 TOP management 5–10 years 10–15 years
Saim Ali 537 Middle management 1–3 years 5–10 years
Vishal Kumar 263 Middle management 1–3 years 10–15 years

Source: Author's own research.

Table G.4.

Company Sector, Company Size (Turnover, Employee's Number) Classification – Interviews.

Pseudonym Number of Words Transcribed Company Sector Company Size (Turnover) Company Size (Employees' Number)
Ahmed AbdelMawla 616 Services >10M = x < 50M 1,001+ employees
Dean Watson 546 Other 0.5>=x < 1 11–50 employees
Dusty Wagoner 408 Services 5>=x < 10M 51–100 employees
Khosrow Salour 545 Services <0.5M 1–10 employees
Kristian Skovrider 380 Trade 1<=x < 5M 1–10 employees
Pedro Lemos 460 Services >=50 m 1,001+ employees
Rin Senan 465 Services >=50 m 1,001+ employees
Tinatin 413 Services 1<=x < 5M 101–500 employees
Umair Arshad 372 Services >=50 m 1,001+ employees
Yousef Siam 401 Retail 0.5>=x < 1 11–50 employees
Zeinab Mekawy 486 Services 5>=x < 10M 101–500 employees
Annas Siddiqui 798 Services 1<=x < 5M 1,001+ employees
Rana El Maghraby 362 Services 0.5>=x < 1 11–50 employees
Saim Ali 537 Trade 20 million 11–50 employees
Vishal Kumar 263 Services >=50 m 1,001+ employees

Source: Author's own research.

Table G.5.

Number of Words Transcribed, Number of Nationalities Managed, Number of Spoken Languages, Number of Countries in Which Subject Worked – Interviews.

Pseudonym Number of Words Transcribed Number of Nationalities Managed Number of Spoken Languages Number of Continents in Which the Subject Worked Number of Countries in Which the Subject Worked
Ahmed AbdelMawla 616 11–15 nationalities 2 languages 2 continents 8 countries
Dean Watson 546 1–3 nationalities 1 language 1 continent 1 country
Dusty Wagoner 408 1–3 nationalities 1 language 1 continent 1 country
Khosrow Salour 545 6–10 nationalities 3 languages 3 continents 3 countries
Kristian Skovrider 380 6–10 nationalities 3 languages 2 continents 3 countries
Pedro Lemos 460 16–20 nationalities 2 languages 3 continents More than 3 countries
Rin Senan 465 11–15 nationalities 2 languages 2 continents 2 countries
Tinatin 413 6–10 nationalities 5 languages 2 continents 2 countries
Umair Arshad 372 4 nationalities 2 languages 2 continents 2 countries
Yousef Siam 401 4–5 nationalities 2 languages 2 continents 2 countries
Zeinab Mekawy 486 1–3 nationalities 2 languages 2 continents 2 countries
Annas Siddiqui 798 11–15 nationalities 2 languages 2 continents 2 countries
Rana El Maghraby 362 1–3 nationalities 3 languages 1 continent 1 country
Saim Ali 537 6–10 nationalities 5 languages 2 continents More than 3 countries
Vishal Kumar 263 6–10 nationalities More than 3 languages 1 continent 3 countries

Source: Author's own research.

Appendix H – Transcribed Words and Participants per Variable

Table H.1.

Gender Classification – Transcribed Words per Participant for Interview Section.

No. Pseudonym Transcribed Words Transcribed Total Words
Gender: Male
1 Ahmed AbdelMawla 616 616
2 Dean Watson 546 1,162
3 Dusty Wagoner 408 1,570
4 Khosrow Salour 545 2,115
5 Kristian Skovrider 380 2,495
6 Pedro Lemos 460 2,955
7 Rin Senan 465 3,420
8 Umair Arshad 372 3,792
9 Yousef Siam 401 4,193
10 Annas Siddiqui 798 4,991
11 Saim Ali 537 5,528
12 Vishal Kumar 263 5,791
Gender: Female
13 Tinatin 413 6,204
14 Zeinab Mekawy 486 6,690
15 Rana El Maghraby 362 7,052

Source: Author's own research.

Table H.2.

Age Classification – Transcribed Words per Participant for Interview Section.

No. Pseudonym Transcribed Words Transcribed Total Words
Age classification
60+ years
1 Kristian Skovrider 380 2,896
Age classification
41–60 years
2 Ahmed AbdelMawla 616 616
3 Dean Watson 546 1,162
4 Dusty Wagoner 408 1,570
5 Khosrow Salour 545 2,115
6 Yousef Siam 401 2,516
Age classification
26–40 years
7 Pedro Lemos 460 3,356
8 Rin Senan 465 3,821
9 Tinatin 413 4,234
10 Umair Arshad 372 4,606
11 Zeinab Mekawy 486 5,092
12 Annas Siddiqui 798 5,890
13 Rana El Maghraby 362 6,252
14 Saim Ali 537 6,789
15 Vishal Kumar 263 7,052

Source: Author's own research.

Table H.3.

Education Classification – Transcribed Words per Participant for Interview Section.

No Pseudonym Transcribed Words Transcribed Total Words
Education: High School
1 Dean Watson 546 546
Education: University Graduate
2 Ahmed AbdelMawla 616 1,162
3 Dusty Wagoner 408 1,150
4 Khosrow Salour 545 2,115
5 Tinatin 413 2,528
6 Yousef Siam 401 2,929
7 Annas Siddiqui 798 3,727
8 Rana El Maghraby 362 4,089
Education: Master Graduate
9 Kristian Skovrider 380 4,469
10 Pedro Lemos 460 4,929
11 Rin Senan 465 5,394
12 Umair Arshad 372 5,766
13 Zeinab Mekawy 486 6,252
14 Saim Ali 537 6,789
15 Vishal Kumar 263 7,052

Source: Author's own research.

Table H.4.

Geography Classification – Transcribed Words per Participant for Interview Section.

No Pseudonym Transcribed Total Transcribed Total Words
1 Ahmed AbdelMawla 616 616
2 Zeinab Mekawy 486 1,102
3 Rana El Maghraby 362 1,464
4 Dean Watson 546 2,010
5 Kristian Skovrider 380 2,390
6 Tinatin 413 2,809
7 Umair Arshad 372 3,175
8 Annas Siddiqui 798 3,973
9 Saim Ali 537 4,510
North America
10 Dusty Wagoner 408 4,918
11 Pedro Lemos 460 5,378
12 Rin Senan 465 5,843
13 Vishal Kumar 263 6,106
14 Khosrow Salour 545 6,651
15 Yousef Siam 401 7,052

Source: Author's own research.

Table H.5.

Country Classification – Transcribed Words per Participant for Interview Section.

No Pseudonym Transcribed Words Transcribed Total Words
Country: Egypt
1 Ahmed AbdelMawla 616 616
2 Zeinab Mekawy 486 1,102
3 Rana El Maghraby 362 1,464
Country: England
4 Dean Watson 546 2,010
5 Annas Siddiqui 798 2,808
6 Umair Arshad 372 3,180
7 Saim Ali 537 3,717
Country: Canada
8 Pedro Lemos 460 4,177
9 Rin Senan 465 4,642
10 Vishal Kumar 263 4,905
Country: Denmark
11 Kristian Skovrider 380 5,283
Country: Saudi Arabia
12 Yousef Siam 401 5,686
Country: Iran
13 Khosrow Salour 545 6,231
Country: Georgia
14 Tinatin 413 6,644
Country: The United States
15 Dusty Wagoner 408 7,052

Source: Author's own research.

Table H.6.

Function Classification – Transcribed Words per Participant for Interview Section.

No Pseudonym Transcribed Words Transcribed Total Words
Function: TOP Management
1 Ahmed AbdelMawla 616 616
2 Dean Watson 546 1,162
3 Dusty Wagoner 408 1,570
4 Khosrow Salour 545 2,115
5 Kristian Skovrider 380 2,495
6 Tinatin 413 2,908
7 Yousef Siam 401 3,309
8 Rana El Maghraby 362 3,671
Function: Middle Management
9 Pedro Lemos 460 4,131
10 Rin Senan 465 4,596
11 Umair Arshad 372 4,968
12 Zeinab Mekawy 486 5,454
13 Saim Ali 537 5,991
14 Vishal Kumar 263 6,254
15 Annas Siddiqui 798 7,052

Source: Author's own research.

Table H.7.

Years of Experience Within the Company Classification – Transcribed Words per Participant for Interview Section.

No Pseudonym Transcribed Total Transcribed Total Words
Years of Experince: 1–5 Years
1 Rin Senan 465 465
2 Zeinab Mekawy 486 951
3 Annas Siddiqui 798 1,749
4 Saim Ali 537 2,286
5 Vishal Kumar 263 2,549
6 Umair Arshad 372 2,921
7 Tinatin 413 3,334
8 Yousef Siam 401 3,735
Years of Experience: 5–10 Years
9 Dean Watson 546 4,281
10 Rana El Maghraby 362 4,643
Years of Experience: 10–15 Years
11 Pedro Lemos 460 5,103
12 Kristian Skovrider 380 5,483
Years of Experience: 16+ Years
13 Ahmed AbdelMawla 616 6,099
14 Dusty Wagoner 408 6,507
15 Khosrow Salour 545 7,052

Source: Author's own research.

Table H.8.

Years of Experience in Total Classification – Transcribed Words per Participant for Interview Section.

No Pseudonym Transcribed Total Transcribed Total Words
Years of Experience in Total
21+ Years
1 Ahmed AbdelMawla 616 616
2 Dean Watson 546 1,162
3 Dusty Wagoner 408 1,570
4 Khosrow Salour 545 2,115
5 Kristian Skovrider 380 2,495
6 Yousef Siam 401 2,896
Years of Experience
10–15 Years
7 Pedro Lemos 460 3,356
8 Rana El Maghraby 362 3,718
9 Vishal Kumar 263 3,981
Years of Experience in Total
5–10 Years
10 Rin Senan 465 4,446
11 Tinatin 413 4,859
12 Umair Arshad 372 5,231
13 Annas Siddiqui 798 6,029
14 Saim Ali 537 6,566
Years of Experience in Total
3–5 Years
15 Zeinab Mekawy 486 7,052

Source: Author's own research.

Table H.9.

Company Sector Classification – Transcribed Words per Participant for Interview Section.

No Pseudonym Transcribed Total Transcribed Total Words
Company Sector
1 Ahmed Abdel 616 616
2 Dusty Wagoner 408 1,024
3 Khosrow Salour 545 1,569
4 Pedro Lemos 460 2,029
5 Rin Senan 465 2,494
6 Tinatin 413 2,907
7 Umair Arshad 372 3,279
8 Zeinab Mekawy 486 3,765
9 Annas Siddiqui 798 4,563
10 Rana El Maghraby 362 4,925
11 Vishal Kumar 263 5,188
12 Kristian Skovrider 380 5,568
13 Saim Ali 537 6,105
14 Yousef Siam 401 6,506
15 Dean Watson 546 7,052

Source: Author's own research.

Table H.10.

Company Size (Turnover) Classification – Transcribed Words per Participant for Interview Section.

No Pseudonym Transcribed Words Transcribed Total Words
Company Size (Turnover): 0.5M to <1M Euro
1 Khosrow Salour 545 545
2 Rana El Maghraby 362 907
3 Dean Watson 546 1,453
4 Yousef Siam 401 1,854
Company Size (Turnover): 1M to <5M Euro
5 Kristian Skovrider 380 2,234
6 Tinatin 413 2,647
7 Annas Siddiqui 798 3,445
Company Size (Turnover): 5M to >10M Euro
8 Dusty Wagoner 408 3,853
9 Zeinab Mekawy 486 4,339
Company Size (Turnover): 10M to >50M
10 Ahmed Abdel 616 4,955
11 Saim Ali 537 5,492
Company Size (Turnover): 50M+
12 Pedro Lemos 460 5,952
13 Rin Senan 465 6,417
14 Umair Arshad 372 6,789
15 Vishal Kumar 263 7,052

Source: Author's own research.

Table H.11.

Company Size (Employees) Classification – Transcribed Words per Participant for Interview Section.

No Pseudonym Transcribed Total Transcribed Total Words
Company Size Employee
1,001+ Employees
1 Ahmed AbdelMawla 616 616
2 Pedro Lemos 460 1,076
3 Rin Senan 465 1,541
4 Umair Arshad 372 1,913
5 Annas Siddiqui 798 2,711
6 Vishal Kumar 263 2,974
Company Size
101–500 Employees
7 Tinatin 413 3,387
8 Zeinab Mkawy 486 3,873
Company Size
9 Dusty Wagoner 408 4,281
Company Size Employee
11–50 Employees
10 Dean Watson 546 4,827
11 Yousef Siam 401 5,228
12 Rana El Maghraby 362 5,590
13 Saim Ali 537 6,127
Company Size
1–10 Employees
14 Kristian Skovrider 380 6,507
14 Khosrow Salour 545 7,052

Source: Author's own research.

Table H.12.

Number of Nationalities Managed Classification – Transcribed Words per Participant for Interview Section.

No Pseudonym Transcribed Words Transcribed Total Words
Number of Nationalities Managed: 1–3
1 Dean Watson 546 546
2 Dusty Wagoner 408 954
3 Zeinab Mekawy 486 1,440
4 Rana El Maghraby 362 1,802
Number of Nationalities Managed: 4–5
5 Umair Arshad 372 2,174
6 Yousef Siam 401 2,575
Number of Nationalities Managed: 6–10
7 Khosrow Salour 545 3,120
8 Kristian Skovrider 380 3,500
9 Tinatin 413 3,913
10 Saim 537 4,450
11 Vishal Kumar 263 4,713
Number of Nationalities Managed: 11–15
12 Ahmed AbdelMawla 616 5,329
13 Rin Senan 465 5,794
14 Annas Siddiqui 798 6,592
Number of Nationalities Managed: 16–20
15 Pedro Lemos 460 7,052

Source: Author's own research.

Table H.13.

Number of Languages Spoken Classification – Transcribed Words per Participant for Interview Section.

No Pseudonym Transcribed Words Transcribed Total Words
Number of Languages Spoken: 1 Language
1 Dean Watson 546 546
2 Dusty Wagoner 408 954
Number of Languages Spoken: 2 Languages
3 Ahmed AbdelMawla 616 1,570
4 Pedro Lemos 460 2,030
5 Rin Senan 465 2,495
6 Umair Arshad 372 2,867
7 Yousef Siam 401 3,268
8 Zeinab Mekawy 486 3,754
9 Annas Siddiqui 798 4,552
Number of Languages Spoken: 3 Languages
10 Khosrow Salour 545 5,097
11 Kristian Skovrider 380 5,477
12 Rana El Maghraby 362 5,839
Number of Languages Spoken: More than 3 Languages
13 Vishal Kumar 263 6,102
14 Saim Ali 537 6,639
15 Tinatin 413 7,052

Source: Author's own research.

Table H.14.

Number of Continents in Which the Subject Worked Classification – Transcribed Words per Participant for Interview Section.

No Pseudonym Transcribed Total Transcribed Total Words
No of Continents
3 Continents
1 Khosrow Salour 545 545
2 Pedro Lemos 460 1,005
No of Continents
2 Continents
3 Ahmed AbdelMawla 616 1,621
4 Kristian Skovrider 380 2,001
5 Rin Senan 465 2,466
6 Tinatin 413 2,879
7 Umair Arshad 372 3,251
8 Yousef Siam 401 3,652
9 Zeinab Mekawy 486 4,138
10 Annas Siddiqui 798 4,936
11 Saim 537 5,473
No of Continents
1 Continent
12 Dean Watson 546 6,019
13 Dusty Wagoner 408 6,429
14 Rana El Maghraby 362 6,789
15 Vishal Kumar 263 7,052

Source: Author's own research.

Table H.15.

Number of Countries in Which the Subject Worked Classification – Transcribed Words per Participant for Interview Section.

No Pseudonym Transcribed Words Transcribed Total Words
Number of Countries in Which the Subject Worked: 1
1 Dean Watson 546 546
2 Dusty Wagoner 408 954
3 Rana El Maghraby 362 1,316
Number of Countries in Which the Subject Worked: 2
4 Rin Senan 465 1,781
5 Tinatin 413 2,194
6 Umair Arshad 372 2,566
7 Yousef Siam 401 2,967
8 Zeinab Mekawy 486 3,453
9 Annas Siddiqui 798 4,251
Number of Countries in Which the Subject Worked: 3
10 Khosrow Salour 545 4,796
11 Kristian Skovrider 380 5,176
12 Vishal Kumar 263 5,439
Number of Countries in Which the Subject Worked: More than 3
13 Ahmed AbdelMawla 616 6,055
14 Pedro Lemos 460 6,515
15 Saim 537 7,052

Source: Author's own research.

Appendix I – Total Transcribed Words per Variable

Table I.1.

Gender Classification – Total Transcribed Words for Interview Section.

Total Interviews Total Words Transcribed Total Male Total Female
15 7,052 12 3

Source: Author's own research.

Table I.2.

Age Classification – Total Transcribed Words for Interview Section.

Total Interviews Total Words Transcribed 26–40 41–60 60+
15 7,052 9 5 1

Source: Author's own research.

Table I.3.

Education Classification – Total Transcribed Words for Interview Section.

Total Interviews Total Words Transcribed High School University Graduate Masters
15 7,052 1 7 7

Source: Author's own research.

Table I.4.

Geography Classification – Total Transcribed Words for Interview Section.

Total Interviews Total Words Transcribed Africa Europe North America Asia
15 7,052 3 6 4 2

Source: Author's own research.

Table I.5.

Countries Classification – Total Transcribed Words for Interview Section.

Total Interviews Total Words Transcribed Egypt England Canada Denmark Saudi Arabia Iran Georgia US
15 7,052 3 4 3 1 1 1 1 1

Source: Author's own research.

Table I.6.

Company Sector Classification – Total Transcribed Words for Interview Section.

Total Interviews Total Words Transcribed Services Trade Other Retail
15 7,052 11 2 1 1

Source: Author's own research.

Table I.7.

Company size (Turnover) Classification – Total Transcribed Words for Interview Section.

Total Interviews Total Words Transcribed <0.5M.euro/ 0.5>=x < 1M euro/ 1<=x < 5M 5<=x < 10M 10M = x < 50M 50M +
15 7,052 1 3 3 2 2 4

Source: Author's own research.

Table I.8.

Company Size (Employees) Classification – Total Transcribed Words for Interview Section.

Total Interviewed Total Words Transcribed 1,001+ 11–50 51–50 1–10 101–500
15 7,052 6 4 1 2 2

Source: Author's own research.

Table I.9.

Function Classification – Total Transcribed Words for Interview Section.

Total Interviewed Total Words Transcribed Top Management Middle Management
15 7,052 8 7

Source: Author's own research.

Table I.10.

Years of Experience Within the Company Classification – Total Transcribed Words for Interview Section.

Total Interviewed Total Words Transcribed 1–5 5–10 10–15 16+
15 7,052 8 2 2 3

Source: Author's own research.

Table I.11.

Years of Experience in Total Classification – Total Transcribed Words for Interview Section.

Total Interviewed Total Words Transcribed 3–5 5–10 10–15 21+
15 7,052 1 5 3 6

Source: Author's own research.

Table I.12.

Number of Nationalities Managed Classification – Total Transcribed Words for Interview Section.

Total Interviewed Total Words Transcribed 1–3 4–5 6–10 11–15 16–20
15 7,052 4 2 5 3 1

Source: Author's own research.

Table I.13.

Number of Spoken Languages Classification – Total Transcribed Words for Interview Section.

Total Interviewed Total Words Transcribed One Two Three More than 3
15 7,052 2 7 3 3

Source: Author's own research.

Table I.14.

Number of Continents in Which the Subject Worked Classification – Total Transcribed Words for Interview Section.

Total Interviewed Total Words Transcribed One Two Three
15 7,052 4 9 2

Source: Author's own research.

Table I.15.

Number of Countries in Which Subjects Work Classification – Total Transcribed Words for Interview Section.

Total Interviewed Total Words Transcribed One Two Three More than 3
15 7,052 3 6 3 3

Source: Author's own research.

Appendices for Quantitative Research

Appendix J – Introduction Section for Questionnaire

Dear participant,

My name is Dan Paiuc and I am a PhD student at SNSPA Bucharest, Romania. The purpose of my questionnaire is to find out the impact of cultural intelligence and knowledge dynamics on multinational leadership, within organizational context, and I need your co-operation to help me answer this survey questions. I assure you that your responses are just for academic purposes and will be used only for statistical purposes.

It is estimated that this questionnaire will take 10–12 minutes, and I really appreciate your help in fulfilling this research endeavor that will benefit both academic and business-related areas.

Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary and you won't be compensated for it. However, you have the freedom to decline participating in the research or exit the survey at any time without any consequences. It is preferred that you answer all the questions but you are not obligated to. Your survey responses will be stored in a secure electronic format by Google Forms, and any identifying information such as your name, email address, or IP address won't be collected. Hence, your responses will be completely anonymous and in compliance with GDPR policy. It is assured that no one will be able to identify you by your responses, and no one will know if you participated in the study or not. Answering the questionnaire will represent your consent in regards all the above mentions.

Thank you very much for your time, effort, and participation! It is much appreciated.

Appendix K – Descriptive Statistics (Quantitative Research)

Table K.1.

Descriptive Statistics for Quantitative Research: Frequencies and Percentages.

Variables Group Category Frequency Percentage (%)
MCQ1 1 Strongly disagree 12 3.0
2 Disagree 22 5.6
3 Somewhat disagree 36 9.1
4 Neutral 50 12.6
5 Somewhat agree 72 18.2
6 Agree 103 26.0
7 Strongly agree 101 25.5
MCQ2 1 Strongly disagree 17 4.3
2 Disagree 21 5.3
3 Somewhat disagree 24 6.1
4 Neutral 54 13.6
5 Somewhat agree 97 24.5
6 Agree 77 19.4
7 Strongly agree 106 26.8
MCQ3 1 Strongly disagree 10 2.5
2 Disagree 12 3.0
3 Somewhat disagree 36 9.1
4 Neutral 63 15.9
5 Somewhat agree 82 20.7
6 Agree 74 18.7
7 Strongly agree 119 30.1
MCQ4 1 Strongly disagree 10 2.5
2 Disagree 17 4.3
3 Somewhat disagree 36 9.1
4 Neutral 54 13.6
5 Somewhat agree 84 21.2
6 Agree 78 19.7
7 Strongly agree 117 29.5
COCQ1 1 Strongly disagree 13 3.3
2 Disagree 22 5.6
3 Somewhat disagree 38 9.6
4 Neutral 70 17.7
5 Somewhat agree 74 18.7
6 Agree 94 23.7
7 Strongly agree 85 21.5
COCQ2 1 Strongly disagree 7 1.8
2 Disagree 20 5.1
3 Somewhat disagree 42 10.6
4 Neutral 61 15.4
5 Somewhat agree 91 23.0
6 Agree 79 19.9
7 Strongly agree 96 24.2
COCQ3 1 Strongly disagree 7 1.8
2 Disagree 30 7.6
3 Somewhat disagree 42 10.6
4 Neutral 61 15.4
5 Somewhat agree 78 19.7
6 Agree 63 15.9
7 Strongly agree 115 29.0
COCQ4 1 Strongly disagree 13 3.3
2 Disagree 26 6.6
3 Somewhat disagree 32 8.1
4 Neutral 53 13.4
5 Somewhat agree 106 26.8
6 Agree 85 21.5
7 Strongly agree 81 20.5
COCQ5 1 Strongly disagree 16 4.0
2 Disagree 26 6.6
3 Somewhat disagree 25 6.3
4 Neutral 65 16.4
5 Somewhat agree 70 17.7
6 Agree 86 21.7
7 Strongly agree 108 27.3
COCQ6 1 Strongly disagree 14 3.5
2 Disagree 25 6.3
3 Somewhat disagree 46 11.6
4 Neutral 63 15.9
5 Somewhat agree 77 19.4
6 Agree 81 20.5
7 Strongly agree 90 22.7
MOTCQ1 1 Strongly disagree 0.290 0.523
2 Disagree 13 3.3
3 Somewhat disagree 26 6.6
4 Neutral 36 9.1
5 Somewhat agree 69 17.4
6 Agree 76 19.2
7 Strongly agree 68 17.2
MOTCQ2 1 Strongly disagree 10 2.5
2 Disagree 18 4.5
3 Somewhat disagree 46 11.6
4 Neutral 56 14.1
5 Somewhat agree 61 15.4
6 Agree 82 20.7
7 Strongly agree 123 31.1
MOTCQ3 1 Strongly disagree 13 3.3
2 Disagree 22 5.6
3 Somewhat disagree 33 8.3
4 Neutral 56 14.1
5 Somewhat agree 79 19.9
6 Agree 72 18.2
7 Strongly agree 121 30.6
MOTCQ4 1 Strongly disagree 9 2.3
2 Disagree 18 4.5
3 Somewhat disagree 41 10.4
4 Neutral 60 15.2
5 Somewhat agree 62 15.7
6 Agree 84 21.2
7 Strongly agree 122 30.8
MOTCQ5 1 Strongly disagree 16 4.0
2 Disagree 20 5.1
3 Somewhat disagree 33 8.3
4 Neutral 51 12.9
5 Somewhat agree 78 19.7
6 Agree 83 21.0
7 Strongly agree 115 29.0
BEHCQ1 1 Strongly disagree 18 4.5
2 Disagree 20 5.1
3 Somewhat disagree 36 9.1
4 Neutral 59 14.9
5 Somewhat agree 84 21.2
6 Agree 93 23.5
7 Strongly agree 86 21.7
BEHCQ2 1 Strongly disagree 9 2.3
2 Disagree 21 5.3
3 Somewhat disagree 41 10.4
4 Neutral 57 14.4
5 Somewhat agree 68 17.2
6 Agree 76 19.2
7 Strongly agree 124 31.3
BEHCQ3 1 Strongly disagree 9 2.3
2 Disagree 22 5.6
3 Somewhat disagree 43 10.9
4 Neutral 51 12.9
5 Somewhat agree 80 20.2
6 Agree 70 17.7
7 Strongly agree 121 30.6
BEHCQ4 1 Strongly disagree 11 2.8
2 Disagree 23 5.8
3 Somewhat disagree 38 9.6
4 Neutral 52 13.1
5 Somewhat agree 70 17.7
6 Agree 85 21.5
7 Strongly agree 117 29.5
BEHCQ5 1 Strongly disagree 9 2.3
2 Disagree 19 4.8
3 Somewhat disagree 28 7.1
4 Neutral 48 12.1
5 Somewhat agree 84 21.2
6 Agree 93 23.5
7 Strongly agree 115 29.0
RKD1 1 Strongly disagree 5 1.3
2 Disagree 22 5.6
3 Somewhat disagree 35 8.8
4 Neutral 60 15.2
5 Somewhat agree 93 23.5
6 Agree 103 26.0
7 Strongly agree 78 19.7
RKD2 1 Strongly disagree 4 1.0
2 Disagree 19 4.8
3 Somewhat disagree 24 6.1
4 Neutral 50 12.6
5 Somewhat agree 79 19.9
6 Agree 82 20.7
7 Strongly agree 138 34.8
RKD3 1 Strongly disagree 10 2.5
2 Disagree 17 4.3
3 Somewhat disagree 15 3.8
4 Neutral 67 16.9
5 Somewhat agree 91 23.0
6 Agree 100 25.3
7 Strongly agree 96 24.2
SKD1 1 Strongly disagree 8 2.0
2 Disagree 17 4.3
3 Somewhat disagree 26 6.6
4 Neutral 78 19.7
5 Somewhat agree 93 23.5
6 Agree 80 20.2
7 Strongly agree 94 23.7
SKD2 1 Strongly disagree 6 1.5
2 Disagree 15 3.8
3 Somewhat disagree 26 6.6
4 Neutral 48 12.1
5 Somewhat agree 98 24.7
6 Agree 93 23.5
7 Strongly agree 110 27.8
SKD3 1 Strongly disagree 0.472 0.461
2 Disagree 5 1.3
3 Somewhat disagree 10 2.5
4 Neutral 26 6.6
5 Somewhat agree 52 13.1
6 Agree 75 18.9
7 Strongly agree 100 25.3
EKD1 1 Strongly disagree 10 2.5
2 Disagree 9 2.3
3 Somewhat disagree 20 5.1
4 Neutral 39 9.8
5 Somewhat agree 52 13.1
6 Agree 111 28.0
7 Strongly agree 155 39.1
EKD2 1 Strongly disagree 9 2.3
2 Disagree 23 5.8
3 Somewhat disagree 28 7.1
4 Neutral 46 11.6
5 Somewhat agree 83 21.0
6 Agree 83 21.0
7 Strongly agree 124 31.3
EKD3 1 Strongly disagree 8 2.0
2 Disagree 8 2.0
3 Somewhat disagree 38 9.6
4 Neutral 38 9.6
5 Somewhat agree 66 16.7
6 Agree 87 22.0
7 Strongly agree 151 38.1
AS_ML1 1 Strongly disagree 6 1.5
2 Disagree 15 3.8
3 Somewhat disagree 26 6.6
4 Neutral 54 13.6
5 Somewhat agree 82 20.7
6 Agree 80 20.2
7 Strongly agree 133 33.6
AS_ML2 1 Strongly disagree 9 2.3
2 Disagree 11 2.8
3 Somewhat disagree 26 6.6
4 Neutral 53 13.4
5 Somewhat agree 83 21.0
6 Agree 83 21.0
7 Strongly agree 131 33.1
AS_ML3 1 Strongly disagree 11 2.8
2 Disagree 8 2.0
3 Somewhat disagree 21 5.3
4 Neutral 47 11.9
5 Somewhat agree 107 27.0
6 Agree 86 21.7
7 Strongly agree 116 29.3
IS_ML1 1 Strongly disagree 11 2.8
2 Disagree 14 3.5
3 Somewhat disagree 32 8.1
4 Neutral 67 16.9
5 Somewhat agree 84 21.2
6 Agree 90 22.7
7 Strongly agree 98 24.7
IS_ML2 1 Strongly disagree 4 1.0
2 Disagree 14 3.5
3 Somewhat disagree 18 4.5
4 Neutral 53 13.4
5 Somewhat agree 78 19.7
6 Agree 85 21.5
7 Strongly agree 144 36.4
IS_ML3 1 Strongly disagree 7 1.8
2 Disagree 8 2.0
3 Somewhat disagree 27 6.8
4 Neutral 52 13.1
5 Somewhat agree 69 17.4
6 Agree 102 25.8
7 Strongly agree 131 33.1
CS_ML1 1 Strongly disagree 4 1.0
2 Disagree 14 3.5
3 Somewhat disagree 20 5.1
4 Neutral 26 6.6
5 Somewhat agree 63 15.9
6 Agree 127 32.1
7 Strongly agree 142 35.9
CS_ML2 1 Strongly disagree 12 3.0
2 Disagree 9 2.3
3 Somewhat disagree 28 7.1
4 Neutral 45 11.4
5 Somewhat agree 85 21.5
6 Agree 95 24.0
7 Strongly agree 122 30.8
CS_ML3 1 Strongly disagree 9 2.3
2 Disagree 33 8.3
3 Somewhat disagree 34 8.6
4 Neutral 50 12.6
5 Somewhat agree 95 24.0
6 Agree 78 19.7
7 Strongly agree 97 24.5
MLS_ML1 1 Strongly disagree 4 1.0
2 Disagree 15 3.8
3 Somewhat disagree 46 11.6
4 Neutral 74 18.7
5 Somewhat agree 78 19.7
6 Agree 89 22.5
7 Strongly agree 90 22.7
MLS_ML2 1 Strongly disagree 9 2.3
2 Disagree 10 2.5
3 Somewhat disagree 44 11.1
4 Neutral 53 13.4
5 Somewhat agree 70 17.7
6 Agree 108 27.3
7 Strongly agree 102 25.8
MLS_ML3 1 Strongly disagree 12 3.0
2 Disagree 12 3.0
3 Somewhat disagree 29 7.3
4 Neutral 60 15.2
5 Somewhat agree 93 23.5
6 Agree 91 23.0
7 Strongly agree 99 25.0
ACL_OC1 1 Strongly disagree 7 1.8
2 Disagree 13 3.3
3 Somewhat disagree 41 10.4
4 Neutral 66 16.7
5 Somewhat agree 85 21.5
6 Agree 93 23.5
7 Strongly agree 91 23.0
ACL_OC2 1 Strongly disagree 5 1.3
2 Disagree 17 4.3
3 Somewhat disagree 23 5.8
4 Neutral 46 11.6
5 Somewhat agree 82 20.7
6 Agree 98 24.7
7 Strongly agree 125 31.6
ACL_OC3 1 Strongly disagree 7 1.8
2 Disagree 10 2.5
3 Somewhat disagree 25 6.3
4 Neutral 55 13.9
5 Somewhat agree 97 24.5
6 Agree 77 19.4
7 Strongly agree 125 31.6
CCL_OC1 1 Strongly disagree 9 2.3
2 Disagree 15 3.8
3 Somewhat disagree 30 7.6
4 Neutral 62 15.7
5 Somewhat agree 99 25.0
6 Agree 96 24.2
7 Strongly agree 85 21.5
CCL_OC2 1 Strongly disagree 8 2.0
2 Disagree 5 1.3
3 Somewhat disagree 26 6.6
4 Neutral 36 9.1
5 Somewhat agree 77 19.4
6 Agree 104 26.3
7 Strongly agree 140 35.4
CCL_OC3 1 Strongly disagree 6 1.5
2 Disagree 13 3.3
3 Somewhat disagree 23 5.8
4 Neutral 46 11.6
5 Somewhat agree 95 24.0
6 Agree 79 19.9
7 Strongly agree 134 33.8
DEIL_OC1 1 Strongly disagree 9 2.3
2 Disagree 15 3.8
3 Somewhat disagree 42 10.6
4 Neutral 65 16.4
5 Somewhat agree 85 21.5
6 Agree 84 21.2
7 Strongly agree 96 24.2
DEIL_OC2 1 Strongly disagree 7 1.8
2 Disagree 10 2.5
3 Somewhat disagree 33 8.3
4 Neutral 68 17.2
5 Somewhat agree 76 19.2
6 Agree 89 22.5
7 Strongly agree 113 28.5
DEIL_OC3 1 Strongly disagree 6 1.5
2 Disagree 9 2.3
3 Somewhat disagree 33 8.3
4 Neutral 53 13.4
5 Somewhat agree 76 19.2
6 Agree 80 20.2
7 Strongly agree 139 35.1
EAIL_OC1 1 Strongly disagree 5 1.3
2 Disagree 10 2.5
3 Somewhat disagree 24 6.1
4 Neutral 51 12.9
5 Somewhat agree 87 22.0
6 Agree 98 24.7
7 Strongly agree 121 30.6
EAIL_OC2 1 Strongly disagree 7 1.8
2 Disagree 15 3.8
3 Somewhat disagree 34 8.6
4 Neutral 52 13.1
5 Somewhat agree 72 18.2
6 Agree 81 20.5
7 Strongly agree 135 34.1
EAIL_OC3 1 Strongly disagree 6 1.5
2 Disagree 9 2.3
3 Somewhat disagree 30 7.6
4 Neutral 45 11.4
5 Somewhat agree 102 25.8
6 Agree 88 22.2
7 Strongly agree 116 29.3
FTL_OC1 1 Strongly disagree 7 1.8
2 Disagree 12 3.0
3 Somewhat disagree 35 8.8
4 Neutral 58 14.6
5 Somewhat agree 94 23.7
6 Agree 96 24.2
7 Strongly agree 94 23.7
FTL_OC2 1 Strongly disagree 7 1.8
2 Disagree 12 3.0
3 Somewhat disagree 26 6.6
4 Neutral 55 13.9
5 Somewhat agree 68 17.2
6 Agree 90 22.7
7 Strongly agree 138 34.8
FTL_OC3 1 Strongly disagree 12 3.0
2 Disagree 7 1.8
3 Somewhat disagree 30 7.6
4 Neutral 67 16.9
5 Somewhat agree 80 20.2
6 Agree 84 21.2
7 Strongly agree 116 29.3
SL_OC1 1 Strongly disagree 8 2.0
2 Disagree 20 5.1
3 Somewhat disagree 38 9.6
4 Neutral 50 12.6
5 Somewhat agree 105 26.5
6 Agree 101 25.5
7 Strongly agree 74 18.7
SL_OC2 1 Strongly disagree 10 2.5
2 Disagree 15 3.8
3 Somewhat disagree 27 6.8
4 Neutral 55 13.9
5 Somewhat agree 71 17.9
6 Agree 91 23.0
7 Strongly agree 127 32.1
SL_OC3 1 Strongly disagree 13 3.3
2 Disagree 18 4.5
3 Somewhat disagree 29 7.3
4 Neutral 48 12.1
5 Somewhat agree 76 19.2
6 Agree 112 28.3
7 Strongly agree 100 25.3

Source: Author's own research.

Note: MCQ: Metacognitive Cultural Intelligence, COCQ: Cognitive Cultural Intelligence, MOTCQ: Motivational Cultural Intelligence, BEHCQ: Behavioral Cultural Intelligence, RKD: Rational Knowledge Dynamics, SKD: Spiritual Knowledge Dynamics, EKD: Emotional Rational Knowledge Dynamics, AS_ML Administrative Skills, IS_ML: Interpersonal Skills, CS_ML Conceptual Skills, MLS_ML: Multicultural Leadership Skills, ACL_OC: Agility and Change Level, CCL_OC: Community and Connection Level, DIEL_OC: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Level, EAIL_OC: Entrepreneurship, Autonomy, and Innovation Level, FTL_OC: Flexibility and Transparency Level, SL_OC: Strength Level of the Company's Culture.

Appendix L – Assessing Normality (Quantitative Research) – Mean Based

Table L.1.

Assessing Normality for Quantitative Research – Mean Based.

Indicators Minimum Maximum Mean Median Std. Deviation Skewness Kurtosis
MCQ1 1 7 mai.17 6 1.653 −0.764 −0.285
MCQ2 1 7 mai.14 5 1.672 −0.787 −0.079
MCQ3 1 7 mai.26 5 1.591 −0.670 −0.276
MCQ4 1 7 mai.24 5 1.618 −0.707 −0.290
COCQ1 1 7 5.00 5 1.640 −0.592 −0.448
COCQ2 1 7 05.oct 5 1.575 −0.534 −0.511
COCQ3 1 7 05.aug 5 1.693 −0.488 −0.800
COCQ4 1 7 5.00 5 1.616 −0.669 −0.244
COCQ5 1 7 05.nov 5 1.719 −0.721 −0.363
COCQ6 1 7 apr.94 5 1.695 −0.515 −0.642
MOTCQ1 1 7 05.mar 5 1.710 −0.546 −0.614
MOTCQ2 1 7 mai.22 6 1.682 −0.650 −0.582
MOTCQ3 1 7 mai.19 5 1.696 −0.702 −0.392
MOTCQ4 1 7 mai.24 6 1.653 −0.665 −0.515
MOTCQ5 1 7 mai.18 6 1.705 −0.772 −0.263
BEHCQ1 1 7 05.ian 5 1.675 −0.690 −0.293
BEHCQ2 1 7 mai.22 6 1.674 −0.643 −0.572
BEHCQ3 1 7 mai.18 5 1.673 −0.620 −0.580
BEHCQ4 1 7 mai.20 6 1.687 −0.703 −0.461
BEHCQ5 1 7 mai.32 6 1.581 −0.839 −0.012
RKD1 1 7 05.nov 5 1.500 −0.616 −0.317
RKD2 1 7 mai.47 6 1.532 −0.835 −0.102
RKD3 1 7 mai.26 5 1.507 −0.842 0.317
EKD1 1 7 mai.69 6 1.509 −1.286 1.122
EKD2 1 7 mai.31 6 1.630 −0.817 −0.164
.EKD3 1 7 mai.55 6 1.559 −0.964 0.120
SKD1 1 7 mai.14 5 1.519 −0.585 −0.201
SKD2 1 7 mai.36 6 1.479 −0.813 0.138
SKD3 1 7 mai.51 6 1.454 −0.875 0.159
MLS_ML1 1 7 05.nov 5 1.511 −0.429 −0.672
MLS_ML2 1 7 mai.27 6 1.552 −0.743 −0.201
MLS_ML3 1 7 mai.22 5 1.546 −0.777 0.110
CS_ML1 1 7 mai.72 6 1.408 −1.286 1.173
CS_ML2 1 7 mai.41 6 1.547 −0.964 0.420
CS_ML3 1 7 05.mai 5 1.663 −0.605 −0.536
IS_ML1 1 7 mai.17 5 1.565 −0.690 −0.135
IS_ML2 1 7 mai.57 6 1.464 −0.906 0.187
IS_ML3 1 7 mai.52 6 1.478 −0.933 0.293
AS_ML1 1 7 mai.43 6 1.532 −0.807 −0.062
AS_ML2 1 7 mai.43 6 1.537 −0.872 0.170
AS_ML3 1 7 mai.41 6 1.479 −0.945 0.674
SL_OC1 1 7 05.aug 5 1.513 −0.680 −0.147
SL_OC2 1 7 mai.38 6 1.591 −0.869 0.029
SL_OC3 1 7 mai.25 6 1.608 −0.898 0.094
CCL_OC1 1 7 mai.16 5 1.499 −0.705 0.023
CCL_OC2 1 7 mai.63 6 1.441 −1.116 0.876
CCL_OC3 1 7 mai.48 6 1.487 −0.874 0.220
EAIL_OC1 1 7 mai.48 6 1.429 −0.853 0.242
EAIL_OC2 1 7 mai.40 6 1.586 −0.785 −0.237
EAIL_OC3 1 7 mai.41 6 1.446 −0.800 0.178
FTL_OC1 1 7 mai.23 5 1.483 −0.681 −0.094
FTL_OC2 1 7 mai.49 6 1.530 −0.891 0.087
FTL_OC3 1 7 mai.30 6 1.554 −0.766 0.049
ACL_OC1 1 7 mai.15 5 1.515 −0.575 −0.357
ACL_OC2 1 7 mai.47 6 1.495 −0.905 0.177
ACL_OC3 1 7 mai.41 6 1.481 −0.784 0.125
DEIL_OC1 1 7 05.dec 5 1.571 −0.571 −0.405
DEIL_OC2 1 7 mai.31 6 1.513 −0.669 −0.230
DEIL_OC3 1 7 mai.47 6 1.517 −0.794 −0.125

Source: Author's own research.

Appendix M – Assessing Normality (Quantitative Research): Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk Test

Table M.1.

Assessing Normality for Quantitative Research: Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk Test.

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
MCQ1 0.206 396 0.000 0.886 396 0.000
MCQ2 0.173 396 0.000 0.886 396 0.000
MCQ3 0.168 396 0.000 0.889 396 0.000
MCQ4 0.173 396 0.000 0.887 396 0.000
COCQ1 0.181 396 0.000 0.910 396 0.000
COCQ2 0.159 396 0.000 0.910 396 0.000
COCQ3 0.163 396 0.000 0.896 396 0.000
COCQ4 0.187 396 0.000 0.907 396 0.000
COCQ5 0.187 396 0.000 0.886 396 0.000
COCQ6 0.167 396 0.000 0.912 396 0.000
MOTCQ1 0.159 396 0.000 0.900 396 0.000
MOTCQ2 0.197 396 0.000 0.880 396 0.000
MOTCQ3 0.172 396 0.000 0.883 396 0.000
MOTCQ4 0.197 396 0.000 0.881 396 0.000
MOTCQ5 0.184 396 0.000 0.880 396 0.000
BEHCQ1 0.176 396 0.000 0.902 396 0.000
BEHCQ2 0.185 396 0.000 0.882 396 0.000
BEHCQ3 0.169 396 0.000 0.887 396 0.000
BEHCQ4 0.193 396 0.000 0.882 396 0.000
BEHCQ5 0.192 396 0.000 0.878 396 0.000
RKD1 0.181 396 0.000 0.911 396 0.000
RKD2 0.190 396 0.000 0.862 396 0.000
RKD3 0.183 396 0.000 0.889 396 0.000
EKD1 0.252 396 0.000 0.808 396 0.000
EKD2 0.186 396 0.000 0.872 396 0.000
EKD3 0.214 396 0.000 0.840 396 0.000
SKD1 0.154 396 0.000 0.909 396 0.000
SKD2 0.179 396 0.000 0.885 396 0.000
SKD3 0.208 396 0.000 0.868 396 0.000
MLS_ML1 0.175 396 0.000 0.914 396 0.000
MLS_ML2 0.212 396 0.000 0.888 396 0.000
MLS_ML3 0.173 396 0.000 0.895 396 0.000
CS_ML1 0.257 396 0.000 0.815 396 0.000
CS_ML2 0.196 396 0.000 0.865 396 0.000
CS_ML3 0.170 396 0.000 0.900 396 0.000
IS_ML1 0.176 396 0.000 0.901 396 0.000
IS_ML2 0.199 396 0.000 0.855 396 0.000
IS_ML3 0.216 396 0.000 0.861 396 0.000
AS_ML1 0.183 396 0.000 0.871 396 0.000
AS_ML2 0.185 396 0.000 0.868 396 0.000
AS_ML3 0.172 396 0.000 0.872 396 0.000
SL_OC1 0.186 396 0.000 0.909 396 0.000
SL_OC2 0.202 396 0.000 0.868 396 0.000
SL_OC3 0.214 396 0.000 0.877 396 0.000
CCL_OC1 0.170 396 0.000 0.906 396 0.000
CCL_OC2 0.218 396 0.000 0.841 396 0.000
CCL_OC3 0.184 396 0.000 0.866 396 0.000
EAIL_OC1 0.194 396 0.000 0.876 396 0.000
EAIL_OC2 0.193 396 0.000 0.868 396 0.000
EAIL_OC3 0.172 396 0.000 0.883 396 0.000
FTL_OC1 0.177 396 0.000 0.903 396 0.000
FTL_OC2 0.206 396 0.000 0.859 396 0.000
FTL_OC3 0.178 396 0.000 0.884 396 0.000
ACL_OC1 0.177 396 0.000 0.910 396 0.000
ACL_OC2 0.202 396 0.000 0.867 396 0.000
ACL_OC3 0.174 396 0.000 0.879 396 0.000
DEIL_OC1 0.168 396 0.000 0.908 396 0.000
DEIL_OC2 0.186 396 0.000 0.891 396 0.000
DEIL_OC3 0.194 396 0.000 0.866 396 0.000

Source: Author's own research.

Appendix N – ANOVA Tests

Table N.1.

Descriptives of Age.

N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Cultural Intelligence 18–25 65 87.5077 31.30950 3.88347 79.7496 95.2658 21.00 135.00
26–40 136 102.9044 26.08160 2.23648 98.4813 107.3275 22.00 140.00
41–60 160 107.2813 19.66166 1.55439 104.2113 110.3512 27.00 136.00
>61 35 110.4857 22.42553 3.79061 102.7823 118.1892 41.00 135.00
Total 396 102.8157 25.33919 1.27334 100.3123 105.3190 21.00 140.00
Knowledge Dynamics 18–25 65 41.8615 14.18282 1.75916 38.3472 45.3759 9.00 62.00
26–40 136 48.6324 10.49360 0.89982 46.8528 50.4119 18.00 63.00
41–60 160 50.0250 7.69624 0.60844 48.8233 51.2267 9.00 63.00
>61 35 52.4000 5.75582 0.97291 50.4228 54.3772 35.00 63.00
Total 396 48.4167 10.31801 0.51850 47.3973 49.4360 9.00 63.00
Multicultural Leadership 18–25 65 55.5385 18.92838 2.34778 50.8482 60.2287 12.00 80.00
26–40 136 64.7426 12.72501 1.09116 62.5847 66.9006 26.00 82.00
41–60 160 66.3000 9.82027 0.77636 64.7667 67.8333 16.00 84.00
>61 35 69.8286 9.49144 1.60435 66.5681 73.0890 28.00 83.00
Total 396 64.3106 13.30392 0.66855 62.9963 65.6250 12.00 84.00
Organizational Context 18–25 65 85.9692 28.54874 3.54103 78.8952 93.0433 19.00 124.00
26–40 136 97.7941 17.48020 1.49891 94.8297 100.7585 51.00 126.00
41–60 160 98.2000 15.56758 1.23073 95.7693 100.6307 18.00 125.00
>61 35 100.3429 11.67436 1.97333 96.3326 104.3531 71.00 117.00
Total 396 96.2424 19.15749 0.96270 94.3498 98.1351 18.00 126.00

Source: Author's own research.

Table N.2.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Explaining Age Differences Among Cultural Intelligence, Knowledge Dynamics, Multicultural Leadership, and Organizational Context.

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Cultural Intelligence Between groups 20482.453 3 6827.484 11.480 0.000
Within groups 233137.090 392 594.737
Total 253619.543 395
Knowledge Dynamics Between groups 3768.579 3 1256.193 12.863 0.000
Within groups 38283.671 392 97.662
Total 42052.250 395
Multicultural Leadership Between groups 6726.078 3 2242.026 13.909 0.000
Within groups 63186.718 392 161.191
Total 69912.795 395
Organizational Context Between groups 8389.068 3 2796.356 8.026 0.000
Within groups 136579.659 392 348.417
Total 144968.727 395

Source: Author's own research.

Based on the mean values, participants aged between 41 and 60 exhibited higher levels of cultural Intelligence (M = 107.28), while those aged 18–25 demonstrated lower levels of cultural Intelligence (M = 87.507). Furthermore, participants over the age of 61 scored higher in Knowledge Dynamics, Multicultural Leadership, and Organizational Context (M = 52.40, 69.82, and 100.34, respectively) compared to other age groups. A one-way ANOVA indicated a statistically significant difference in all levels of Cultural Intelligence, Knowledge Dynamics, Multicultural Leadership, and Organizational Context across at least three age groups (F (3, 392) = [11.480, 12.863, 13.909, and 8.026, respectively], p = 0.000).

Table N.3.

Descriptives of Education.

Education Descriptives
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Cultural Intelligence High school only 27 88.3333 34.50195 6.63990 74.6848 101.9819 21.00 135.00
University graduate 164 100.6402 24.80869 1.93723 96.8149 104.4656 32.00 134.00
Master graduate 157 105.6242 24.29451 1.93891 101.7943 109.4541 22.00 140.00
PhD graduate 48 109.2083 20.95279 3.02428 103.1243 115.2924 45.00 137.00
Total 396 102.8157 25.33919 1.27334 100.3123 105.3190 21.00 140.00
Knowledge Dynamics High school only 27 42.5185 14.95216 2.87754 36.6036 48.4334 9.00 63.00
University graduate 164 47.3110 10.73642 0.83837 45.6555 48.9664 12.00 62.00
Master graduate 157 49.8917 9.00682 0.71882 48.4718 51.3116 9.00 63.00
PhD graduate 48 50.6875 8.07717 1.16584 48.3421 53.0329 19.00 62.00
Total 396 48.4167 10.31801 0.51850 47.3973 49.4360 9.00 63.00
Multicultural Leadership High school only 27 58.0370 21.00821 4.04303 49.7265 66.3476 12.00 81.00
University graduate 164 62.7866 13.47197 1.05198 60.7093 64.8639 16.00 84.00
Master graduate 157 65.4650 11.68087 0.93223 63.6235 67.3064 16.00 83.00
PhD graduate 48 69.2708 10.03767 1.44881 66.3562 72.1855 31.00 81.00
Total 396 64.3106 13.30392 0.66855 62.9963 65.6250 12.00 84.00
Organizational Context High school only 27 85.8148 29.54662 5.68625 74.1266 97.5031 19.00 122.00
University graduate 164 96.3963 19.47521 1.52076 93.3934 99.3993 26.00 125.00
Master graduate 157 97.5032 16.99910 1.35668 94.8234 100.1830 18.00 126.00
PhD graduate 48 97.4583 16.05040 2.31668 92.7978 102.1189 48.00 120.00
Total 396 96.2424 19.15749 0.96270 94.3498 98.1351 18.00 126.00

Source: Author's own research.

Table N.4.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Explaining Educational Differences Among Cultural Intelligence, Knowledge Dynamics, Multicultural Leadership, and Organizational Context.

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Cultural Intelligence Between groups 9639.024 3 3213.008 5.162 0.002
Within groups 243980.519 392 622.399
Total 253619.543 395
Knowledge Dynamics Between groups 1728.897 3 576.299 5.602 0.001
Within groups 40323.353 392 102.866
Total 42052.250 395
Multicultural Leadership Between groups 2833.766 3 944.589 5.520 0.001
Within groups 67079.030 392 171.120
Total 69912.795 395
Organizational Context Between groups 3260.250 3 1086.750 3.006 0.030
Within groups 141708.477 392 361.501
Total 144968.727 395

Source: Author's own research.

The table shows descriptive statistics for our four variables across different levels of education. The table provides data on the number of participants, the mean score for each level of education. It can be observed that as the level of education increases, the mean score for all variables also tends to increase.

The significant values in the ANOVA table (i.e., those with a Sig. value less than 0.05) indicate that there are statistically significant differences between the groups for each variable. Specifically, for Cultural Intelligence, there are significant differences between the groups of different education levels (high school only, university graduate, master graduate, and PhD graduate). Similarly, there are significant differences between the education groups for Knowledge Dynamics and Multicultural Leadership.

For Organizational Context, there is a significant difference between the groups, but the significance level is nearer (0.030) than to the typical cut-off of 0.05, indicating a weaker level of significance.

Table N.5.

Descriptives of Continent Affiliation.

N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Cultural Intelligence Africa 47 98.2979 29.15246 4.25232 89.7384 106.8574 22.00 135.00
Asia 79 97.7089 30.45221 3.42614 90.8879 104.5298 21.00 140.00
Australia 38 109.1579 16.37818 2.65689 103.7745 114.5413 48.00 138.00
Europe 130 108.8615 15.23804 1.33646 106.2173 111.5058 37.00 135.00
North America 73 98.9041 30.10960 3.52406 91.8790 105.9292 27.00 136.00
South America 29 98.4828 30.51887 5.66721 86.8740 110.0915 24.00 135.00
Total 396 102.8157 25.33919 1.27334 100.3123 105.3190 21.00 140.00
Knowledge Dynamics Africa 47 47.6596 10.80514 1.57609 44.4871 50.8321 21.00 63.00
Asia 79 47.1899 12.49315 1.40559 44.3916 49.9882 9.00 63.00
Australia 38 49.7632 9.41946 1.52804 46.6671 52.8593 12.00 62.00
Europe 130 50.3231 5.56598 0.48817 49.3572 51.2889 15.00 62.00
North America 73 46.6712 13.01714 1.52354 43.6341 49.7084 9.00 61.00
South America 29 47.0690 12.05028 2.23768 42.4853 51.6526 18.00 60.00
Total 396 48.4167 10.31801 0.51850 47.3973 49.4360 9.00 63.00
Multicultural Leadership Africa 47 63.1489 14.51832 2.11771 58.8862 67.4117 26.00 84.00
Asia 79 62.6709 16.43848 1.84947 58.9889 66.3529 12.00 82.00
Australia 38 65.9474 11.77480 1.91012 62.0771 69.8176 16.00 80.00
Europe 130 66.5154 7.79707 0.68385 65.1624 67.8684 23.00 81.00
North America 73 62.2192 15.93062 1.86454 58.5023 65.9361 16.00 83.00
South America 29 63.8966 15.30720 2.84248 58.0740 69.7191 16.00 81.00
Total 396 64.3106 13.30392 0.66855 62.9963 65.6250 12.00 84.00
Organizational Context Africa 47 98.0638 17.91575 2.61328 92.8036 103.3241 51.00 121.00
Asia 79 94.1013 23.53045 2.64738 88.8307 99.3718 19.00 126.00
Australia 38 93.9474 18.23265 2.95773 87.9544 99.9403 27.00 117.00
Europe 130 99.7692 13.14177 1.15261 97.4888 102.0497 32.00 125.00
North America 73 92.7123 21.47833 2.51385 87.7011 97.7236 18.00 125.00
South America 29 95.2069 23.86477 4.43158 86.1292 104.2846 26.00 122.00
Total 396 96.2424 19.15749 0.96270 94.3498 98.1351 18.00 126.00

Source: Author's own research.

Table N.6.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Explaining Continent Affiliation Differences Among Cultural Intelligence, Knowledge Dynamics, Multicultural Leadership, and Organizational Context.

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Cultural Intelligence Between groups 10961.279 5 2192.256 3.523 0.004
Within groups 242658.264 390 622.201
Total 253619.543 395
Knowledge Dynamics Between groups 962.274 5 192.455 1.827 0.107
Within groups 41089.976 390 105.359
Total 42052.250 395
Multicultural Leadership Between groups 1333.848 5 266.770 1.517 0.183
Within groups 68578.947 390 175.843
Total 69912.795 395
Organizational Context Between groups 3276.040 5 655.208 1.803 0.111
Within groups 141692.688 390 363.315
Total 144968.727 395

Source: Author's own research.

The average scores for Cultural Intelligence vary from 98.30 (Africa) to 109.16 (Australia), and for Knowledge Dynamics, they range from 46.67 (North America) to 50.32 (Europe). The average scores for Multicultural Leadership range from 62.22 (North America) to 66.52 (Europe), and for Organizational Context range from 92.71 (North America) to 99.77 (Europe).

According to the ANOVA table, the differences in mean scores for Cultural Intelligence across the continents are statistically significant (F = 3.523, p = 0.004). However, the mean differences in scores for Knowledge Dynamics, Multicultural Leadership, and Organizational Context are insignificant as the p-value is greater than 0.05.

Table N.7.

Descriptives of Company Sector.

Company Sector Descriptives
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Cultural Intelligence Production 87 113.5977 17.27914 1.85252 109.9150 117.2804 41.00 136.00
Retail 95 82.8000 29.34338 3.01057 76.8224 88.7776 21.00 138.00
Services 115 106.4696 21.00013 1.95827 102.5902 110.3489 27.00 135.00
Trade 92 107.9348 20.86682 2.17552 103.6134 112.2562 24.00 136.00
Other 7 113.1429 26.58589 10.04852 88.5550 137.7307 57.00 140.00
Total 396 102.8157 25.33919 1.27334 100.3123 105.3190 21.00 140.00
Knowledge Dynamics Production 87 51.9425 6.23448 0.66841 50.6138 53.2713 27.00 63.00
Retail 95 40.1895 13.34748 1.36942 37.4705 42.9085 9.00 62.00
Services 115 50.1478 7.82623 0.72980 48.7021 51.5936 9.00 62.00
Trade 92 51.6522 7.62793 0.79527 50.0725 53.2319 20.00 63.00
Other 7 45.2857 11.52843 4.35734 34.6237 55.9477 23.00 54.00
Total 396 48.4167 10.31801 0.51850 47.3973 49.4360 9.00 63.00
Multicultural Leadership Production 87 69.0230 9.60859 1.03015 66.9751 71.0709 20.00 83.00
Retail 95 54.5474 16.94344 1.73836 51.0958 57.9989 12.00 80.00
Services 115 65.5391 11.33717 1.05720 63.4448 67.6334 16.00 84.00
Trade 92 68.3261 8.57560 0.89407 66.5501 70.1020 36.00 81.00
Other 7 65.2857 12.85450 4.85854 53.3973 77.1741 40.00 79.00
Total 396 64.3106 13.30392 0.66855 62.9963 65.6250 12.00 84.00
Organizational Context Production 87 98.3563 17.09343 1.83261 94.7132 101.9994 32.00 125.00
Retail 95 87.2737 24.66647 2.53073 82.2489 92.2985 19.00 124.00
Services 115 98.0957 17.44514 1.62677 94.8730 101.3183 18.00 125.00
Trade 92 100.6957 12.97651 1.35289 98.0083 103.3830 58.00 123.00
Other 7 102.7143 18.65221 7.04987 85.4639 119.9647 69.00 126.00
Total 396 96.2424 19.15749 0.96270 94.3498 98.1351 18.00 126.00

Source: Author's own research.

Table N.8.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Explaining Company Sector Differences Among Cultural Intelligence, Knowledge Dynamics, Multicultural Leadership, and Organizational Context.

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Cultural Intelligence Between groups 52866.314 4 13216.579 25.741 0.000
Within groups 200753.229 391 513.435
Total 253619.543 395
Knowledge Dynamics Between groups 8888.163 4 2222.041 26.198 0.000
Within groups 33164.087 391 84.819
Total 42052.250 395
Multicultural Leadership Between groups 12651.085 4 3162.771 21.596 0.000
Within groups 57261.711 391 146.449
Total 69912.795 395
Organizational Context Between groups 10543.034 4 2635.759 7.667 0.000
Within groups 134425.693 391 343.800
Total 144968.727 395

Source: Author's own research.

Based on the mean values, participants from the production sector exhibited higher levels of Cultural Intelligence, Knowledge Dynamics, and Multicultural Leadership (M = 113.59, 51.94, and 69.02 accordingly), while the organizational context level was high among those who were from trade sector (M = 100.69) compared to other sectors. A one-way ANOVA indicated a statistically significant difference in all levels of Cultural Intelligence, Knowledge Dynamics, Multicultural Leadership, and Organizational Context across at least four sectors (F (4, 391) = [25.74, 26.198, 21.596, and 7.667, respectively], p = 0.000).

Table N.9.

Descriptives of Company's Size (Company's Yearly Turnover in Millions €).

Size by Turnover Descriptives
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Cultural Intelligence <0.5M. €/year as turnover 50 77.4200 32.06695 4.53495 68.3067 86.5333 21.00 137.00
0.5>=x < 1M. €/year 72 90.5139 29.25796 3.44808 83.6386 97.3892 22.00 135.00
1M. <=x < 5M. €/year 102 108.8431 16.60833 1.64447 105.5810 112.1053 54.00 140.00
5M.>=x < 10M. €/year 107 111.0093 18.54698 1.79300 107.4545 114.5642 37.00 136.00
>10M = x < 50M €/year 48 112.0833 13.88989 2.00483 108.0501 116.1165 73.00 138.00
>=50M. €/year 17 115.7059 22.47989 5.45217 104.1478 127.2640 67.00 136.00
Total 396 102.8157 25.33919 1.27334 100.3123 105.3190 21.00 140.00
Knowledge Dynamics <0.5M. €/year as turnover 50 40.6200 14.16937 2.00385 36.5931 44.6469 9.00 62.00
0.5>=x < 1M. €/year 72 42.8611 13.55978 1.59804 39.6747 46.0475 9.00 61.00
1M. <=x < 5M. €/year 102 50.8333 6.89825 0.68303 49.4784 52.1883 20.00 62.00
5M.>=x < 10M. €/year 107 50.9813 7.04029 0.68061 49.6319 52.3307 23.00 63.00
>10M = x < 50M €/year 48 52.0833 4.59803 0.66367 50.7482 53.4185 41.00 63.00
>=50M. €/year 17 53.8824 4.94826 1.20013 51.3382 56.4265 43.00 60.00
Total 396 48.4167 10.31801 0.51850 47.3973 49.4360 9.00 63.00
Multicultural Leadership <0.5M. €/year as turnover 50 54.5400 18.11439 2.56176 49.3919 59.6881 12.00 80.00
0.5>=x < 1M. €/year 72 57.2361 17.61041 2.07541 53.0979 61.3744 16.00 82.00
1M. <=x < 5M. €/year 102 67.3627 8.62392 0.85390 65.6688 69.0566 35.00 81.00
5M.>=x < 10M. €/year 107 67.5888 8.85092 0.85565 65.8924 69.2852 36.00 84.00
>10M = x < 50M €/year 48 68.8333 7.56626 1.09209 66.6363 71.0303 46.00 83.00
>=50M. €/year 17 71.2941 7.99034 1.93794 67.1859 75.4024 50.00 82.00
Total 396 64.3106 13.30392 0.66855 62.9963 65.6250 12.00 84.00
Organizational Context <0.5M. €/year as turnover 50 89.8800 25.75524 3.64234 82.5604 97.1996 19.00 124.00
0.5>=x < 1M. €/year 72 89.5000 25.82771 3.04382 83.4308 95.5692 18.00 123.00
1M. <=x < 5M. €/year 102 101.6176 13.28965 1.31587 99.0073 104.2280 58.00 126.00
5M.>=x < 10M. €/year 107 99.0187 12.87163 1.24435 96.5517 101.4857 54.00 118.00
>10M = x < 50M €/year 48 97.1458 15.53718 2.24260 92.6343 101.6574 61.00 120.00
>=50M. €/year 17 91.2353 23.48278 5.69541 79.1616 103.3090 40.00 125.00
Total 396 96.2424 19.15749 0.96270 94.3498 98.1351 18.00 126.00

Source: Author's own research.

Table N.10.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Explaining Company's Size (Company's Yearly Turnover in Millions €) Differences Among Cultural Intelligence, Knowledge Dynamics, Multicultural Leadership, and Organizational Context.

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Cultural Intelligence Between groups 60979.700 5 12195.940 24.691 0.000
Within groups 192639.843 390 493.948
Total 253619.543 395
Knowledge Dynamics Between groups 7714.298 5 1542.860 17.523 0.000
Within groups 34337.952 390 88.046
Total 42052.250 395
Multicultural Leadership Between groups 12287.708 5 2457.542 16.632 0.000
Within groups 57625.087 390 147.757
Total 69912.795 395
Organizational Context Between groups 9534.358 5 1906.872 5.491 0.000
Within groups 135434.369 390 347.268
Total 144968.727 395

Source: Author's own research.

The company size is divided into the described six groups, which are based on their annual turnover.

The table provides insights into the relationship between company size and the four variables measured in the study. For instance, in the Cultural Intelligence category, there are 50 companies with a turnover of less than 0.5M. €/year, and the mean turnover for these companies is 77.42M. €/year, with a standard deviation of 32.07M. €/year. Similarly, for the Knowledge Dynamics category, there are 72 companies with a turnover between 0.5M. €/year and 1M. €/year, and the mean turnover for these companies is 42.86M. €/year, with a standard deviation of 13.56M. €/year. The results suggest that there are significant differences between groups for all four factors, as indicated by the low p-values (all <0.05) for the F-tests.

Table N.11.

Descriptives of Company's Size (Employees' Number).

Company's Size (Employees' Number) Descriptives
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Cultural Intelligence 1–10 53 75.5472 30.65099 4.21024 67.0987 83.9956 21.00 137.00
11–50 65 90.8308 29.50030 3.65906 83.5210 98.1406 22.00 135.00
51–100 84 107.3810 19.04016 2.07745 103.2490 111.5129 37.00 135.00
101–500 116 112.3448 15.99680 1.48527 109.4028 115.2869 41.00 140.00
501–1,000 60 110.8833 15.57169 2.01030 106.8607 114.9059 67.00 138.00
1,000+ employees 18 116.7778 20.00163 4.71443 106.8312 126.7244 69.00 136.00
Total 396 102.8157 25.33919 1.27334 100.3123 105.3190 21.00 140.00
Knowledge Dynamics 1–10 53 38.7358 13.75213 1.88900 34.9453 42.5264 9.00 62.00
11–50 65 44.2923 13.72580 1.70248 40.8912 47.6934 9.00 62.00
51–100 84 49.9881 7.77003 0.84778 48.3019 51.6743 20.00 62.00
101–500 116 51.3879 6.52723 0.60604 50.1875 52.5884 23.00 63.00
501–1,000 60 51.5000 4.86600 0.62820 50.2430 52.7570 41.00 63.00
1,000+ employees 18 55.0556 3.29835 0.77743 53.4153 56.6958 50.00 60.00
Total 396 48.4167 10.31801 0.51850 47.3973 49.4360 9.00 63.00
Multicultural Leadership 1–10 53 52.8113 17.32057 2.37916 48.0372 57.5855 12.00 80.00
11–50 65 58.1692 17.65429 2.18975 53.7947 62.5438 16.00 82.00
51–100 84 66.5476 10.37189 1.13167 64.2968 68.7985 20.00 80.00
101–500 116 67.6207 8.42837 0.78255 66.0706 69.1708 36.00 84.00
501–1,000 60 69.1500 6.95707 0.89815 67.3528 70.9472 50.00 81.00
1,000+ employees 18 72.4444 6.25180 1.47356 69.3355 75.5534 60.00 83.00
Total 396 64.3106 13.30392 0.66855 62.9963 65.6250 12.00 84.00
Organizational Context 1–10 53 86.5094 25.95604 3.56534 79.3551 93.6638 19.00 124.00
11–50 65 92.0615 24.61762 3.05344 85.9616 98.1615 18.00 123.00
51–100 84 99.8452 16.41003 1.79048 96.2840 103.4064 32.00 123.00
101–500 116 101.1121 11.48138 1.06602 99.0005 103.2236 61.00 126.00
501–1,000 60 95.6167 15.43064 1.99209 91.6305 99.6028 58.00 120.00
1,000+ employees 18 93.8889 23.60182 5.56300 82.1520 105.6258 40.00 125.00
Total 396 96.2424 19.15749 0.96270 94.3498 98.1351 18.00 126.00

Source: Author's own research.

Table N.12.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Explaining Company's Size (Employees' Number) Differences Among Cultural Intelligence, Knowledge Dynamics, Multicultural Leadership, and Organizational Context.

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Cultural Intelligence Between groups 68443.962 5 13688.792 28.830 0.000
Within groups 185175.581 390 474.809
Total 253619.543 395
Knowledge Dynamics Between groups 8668.026 5 1733.605 20.252 0.000
Within groups 33384.224 390 85.601
Total 42052.250 395
Multicultural Leadership Between groups 13747.329 5 2749.466 19.092 0.000
Within groups 56165.466 390 144.014
Total 69912.795 395
Organizational Context Between groups 10121.236 5 2024.247 5.854 0.000
Within groups 134847.491 390 345.763
Total 144968.727 395

Source: Author's own research.

For Cultural Intelligence, the mean score increases with an increase in the number of employees. The mean score is the lowest for the group with 1–10 employees (75.55) and the highest for the group with over 1,000 employees (116.77). For Knowledge Dynamics, the mean score also increases with an increase in the number of employees. The mean score is the lowest for the group with 1–10 employees (38.74) and the highest for the group with over 1,000 employees (55.06). For Multicultural Leadership, the mean score also increases with an increase in the number of employees. The mean score is the lowest for the group with 1–10 employees (52.81) and the highest for the group with over 1,000 employees (72.44). For Organizational Context, the mean score also increases with an increase in the number of employees. The mean score is the lowest for the group with 1–10 employees (86.51) and the highest for the group with over 1,000 employees (93.89).

Based on the ANOVA table, we can see that all four groups show a significant difference between groups, as indicated by their F-statistics and p-values (all p-values are less than 0.05). This suggests that there are meaningful differences between the groups on the variables being measured. Additionally, the p-values for each group are very low (all less than 0.001), suggesting that the differences between the groups are highly significant.

Table N.13.

Descriptives of Function (From a Management Level Point of View).

Function (From a Management Level Point of View) Descriptives
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Cultural Intelligence Lower management 46 103.2609 23.65346 3.48751 96.2367 110.2851 41.00 138.00
Middle management 145 108.4897 20.76626 1.72454 105.0810 111.8983 32.00 137.00
TOP management 205 98.7024 27.84752 1.94496 94.8676 102.5372 21.00 140.00
Total 396 102.8157 25.33919 1.27334 100.3123 105.3190 21.00 140.00
Knowledge Dynamics Lower management 46 50.3478 8.54327 1.25964 47.8108 52.8849 26.00 63.00
Middle management 145 50.0207 8.55819 0.71072 48.6159 51.4255 19.00 63.00
TOP management 205 46.8488 11.54113 0.80607 45.2595 48.4381 9.00 63.00
Total 396 48.4167 10.31801 0.51850 47.3973 49.4360 9.00 63.00
Multicultural Leadership Lower management 46 66.8261 12.15512 1.79217 63.2165 70.4357 28.00 81.00
Middle management 145 66.1241 10.60129 0.88039 64.3840 67.8643 16.00 83.00
TOP management 205 62.4634 14.95303 1.04436 60.4043 64.5225 12.00 84.00
Total 396 64.3106 13.30392 0.66855 62.9963 65.6250 12.00 84.00
Organizational Context Lower management 46 92.7609 19.83060 2.92386 86.8719 98.6498 33.00 117.00
Middle management 145 96.9724 18.02427 1.49683 94.0138 99.9310 26.00 123.00
TOP management 205 96.5073 19.78329 1.38173 93.7830 99.2316 18.00 126.00
Total 396 96.2424 19.15749 0.96270 94.3498 98.1351 18.00 126.00

Source: Author's own research.

Table N.14.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Explaining Function (From a Management Level Point of View) Differences Among Cultural Intelligence, Knowledge Dynamics, Multicultural Leadership, and Organizational Context.

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Cultural Intelligence Between groups 8145.590 2 4072.795 6.520 0.002
Within groups 245473.953 393 624.616
Total 253619.543 395
Knowledge Dynamics Between groups 1048.565 2 524.283 5.025 0.007
Within groups 41003.685 393 104.335
Total 42052.250 395
Multicultural Leadership Between groups 1467.446 2 733.723 4.213 0.015
Within groups 68445.350 393 174.161
Total 69912.795 395
Organizational Context Between groups 649.229 2 324.615 0.884 0.414
Within groups 144319.498 393 367.225
Total 144968.727 395

Source: Author's own research.

For Cultural Intelligence, the mean scores are 103.26 for lower management, 108.49 for middle management, and 98.70 for TOP management. The mean scores are significantly different between groups (p = 0.002). For Knowledge Dynamics, the mean scores are 50.35 for lower management, 50.02 for middle management, and 46.85 for TOP management. The differences between groups are statistically significant (p < 0.05 and = 0.007). For Multicultural Leadership, the mean scores are 66.83 for lower management, 66.12 for middle management, and 62.46 for TOP management. The differences between groups are statistically significant (p < 0.05). For Organizational Context, the mean scores are 92.76 for lower management, 96.97 for middle management, and 96.51 for TOP management. However, the difference between groups is not significant (p > 0.05). Overall, the differences between groups are statistically significant for all dimensions except for Cultural Intelligence. The significance values are very low (p < 0.01), indicating that the differences between the groups are highly significant.

Table N.15.

Descriptives of Years of Experience Within the Company.

Years of Experience within the Company Descriptives
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Cultural Intelligence 1–3 72 92.0694 30.44151 3.58757 84.9160 99.2228 21.00 137.00
4–5 82 96.5488 29.14296 3.21830 90.1454 102.9522 22.00 136.00
6–10 100 107.2700 23.64931 2.36493 102.5775 111.9625 27.00 140.00
11–15 116 110.1121 15.45078 1.43457 107.2705 112.9537 45.00 136.00
16> 26 102.6538 25.69972 5.04013 92.2735 113.0342 37.00 135.00
Total 396 102.8157 25.33919 1.27334 100.3123 105.3190 21.00 140.00
Knowledge Dynamics 1–3 72 42.5139 13.47611 1.58817 39.3472 45.6806 9.00 62.00
4–5 82 46.7439 11.64051 1.28548 44.1862 49.3016 21.00 62.00
6–10 100 51.1600 9.22636 0.92264 49.3293 52.9907 9.00 63.00
11–15 116 50.5345 5.90126 0.54792 49.4492 51.6198 19.00 61.00
16> 26 50.0385 8.17548 1.60334 46.7363 53.3406 21.00 62.00
Total 396 48.4167 10.31801 0.51850 47.3973 49.4360 9.00 63.00
Multicultural Leadership 1–3 72 57.4861 17.53387 2.06639 53.3659 61.6064 12.00 80.00
4–5 82 62.1707 16.24337 1.79378 58.6017 65.7398 20.00 82.00
6–10 100 66.5300 10.37134 1.03713 64.4721 68.5879 16.00 81.00
11–15 116 67.3707 8.27414 0.76823 65.8490 68.8924 31.00 84.00
16> 26 67.7692 10.14419 1.98944 63.6719 71.8666 34.00 79.00
Total 396 64.3106 13.30392 0.66855 62.9963 65.6250 12.00 84.00
Organizational Context 1–3 72 89.9167 25.59145 3.01598 83.9030 95.9304 19.00 124.00
4–5 82 93.9146 21.97653 2.42690 89.0859 98.7434 32.00 125.00
6–10 100 98.9900 17.83453 1.78345 95.4512 102.5288 18.00 126.00
11–15 116 98.4828 12.32141 1.14401 96.2167 100.7488 54.00 121.00
16> 26 100.5385 14.50305 2.84428 94.6806 106.3964 47.00 123.00
Total 396 96.2424 19.15749 0.96270 94.3498 98.1351 18.00 126.00

Source: Author's own research.

Table N.16.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Explaining the Differences of Years of Experience Within the Company Among Cultural Intelligence, Knowledge Dynamics, Multicultural Leadership, and Organizational Context.

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Cultural Intelligence Between groups 19695.448 4 4923.862 8.230 0.000
Within groups 233924.095 391 598.271
Total 253619.543 395
Knowledge Dynamics Between groups 4079.378 4 1019.845 10.501 0.000
Within groups 37972.872 391 97.117
Total 42052.250 395
Multicultural Leadership Between groups 5618.614 4 1404.653 8.542 0.000
Within groups 64294.182 391 164.435
Total 69912.795 395
Organizational Context Between groups 5142.408 4 1285.602 3.595 0.007
Within groups 139826.319 391 357.612
Total 144968.727 395

Source: Author's own research.

For Cultural Intelligence, the mean score increases with years of experience, from 92.0694 for those with 1–3 years of experience to 102.6538 for those with more than 16 years of experience. The difference between the groups is statistically significant, as evidenced by the 95% confidence intervals for the mean not overlapping. Similarly, for Knowledge Dynamics, the mean score also increases with years of experience, from 42.5139 for those with 1–3 years of experience to 50.0385 for those with more than 16 years of experience. Again, the difference between the groups is statistically significant. For Multicultural Leadership, the mean score also increases with years of experience, from 57.4861 for those with 1–3 years of experience to 67.7692 for those with more than 16 years of experience. Once again, the difference between the groups is statistically significant. For Organizational Context, the mean score also increases with years of experience, from 89.9167 for those with 1–3 years of experience to 100.5385 for those with more than 16 years of experience. The difference between the groups is statistically significant. Overall, the results suggest that as employees gain more years of experience within the company, they tend to score higher on measures of Cultural Intelligence, Knowledge Dynamics, Multicultural Leadership, and Organizational Context.

Table N.17.

Descriptives of Years of Experience in Total.

Years of Experience in Total Descriptives
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Cultural Intelligence 1–3 33 89.7879 33.46804 5.82604 77.9206 101.6551 21.00 135.00
4–5 63 86.3333 28.16942 3.54901 79.2390 93.4277 22.00 137.00
6–10 88 106.3409 21.90622 2.33521 101.6994 110.9824 24.00 140.00
11–15 110 107.7273 20.54840 1.95921 103.8442 111.6104 38.00 138.00
16–20 72 108.4444 21.18655 2.49686 103.4658 113.4230 27.00 136.00
21+ 30 109.9000 25.38307 4.63429 100.4218 119.3782 37.00 135.00
Total 396 102.8157 25.33919 1.27334 100.3123 105.3190 21.00 140.00
Knowledge Dynamics 1–3 33 42.9091 14.57816 2.53773 37.7399 48.0783 9.00 62.00
4–5 63 41.3810 12.49829 1.57464 38.2333 44.5286 12.00 62.00
6–10 88 49.4886 9.32059 0.99358 47.5138 51.4635 25.00 63.00
11–15 110 50.5545 7.55965 0.72078 49.1260 51.9831 18.00 63.00
16–20 72 50.5556 8.80283 1.03742 48.4870 52.6241 9.00 62.00
21+ 30 53.1333 4.38440 0.80048 51.4962 54.7705 46.00 63.00
Total 396 48.4167 10.31801 0.51850 47.3973 49.4360 9.00 63.00
Multicultural Leadership 1–3 33 57.4545 19.92030 3.46768 50.3911 64.5180 12.00 80.00
4–5 63 55.7460 16.57531 2.08829 51.5716 59.9205 16.00 81.00
6–10 88 64.4091 12.18878 1.29933 61.8265 66.9916 32.00 82.00
11–15 110 67.4818 8.56998 0.81712 65.8623 69.1013 27.00 80.00
16–20 72 67.5833 11.10989 1.30931 64.9726 70.1940 16.00 84.00
21+ 30 70.0667 7.05121 1.28737 67.4337 72.6996 57.00 81.00
Total 396 64.3106 13.30392 0.66855 62.9963 65.6250 12.00 84.00
Organizational Context 1–3 33 86.4545 28.44522 4.95168 76.3683 96.5408 19.00 117.00
4–5 63 87.3968 24.44978 3.08038 81.2392 93.5544 27.00 123.00
6–10 88 98.3523 17.71423 1.88834 94.5990 102.1056 54.00 126.00
11–15 110 98.7273 13.81855 1.31755 96.1159 101.3386 48.00 121.00
16–20 72 100.5833 15.93804 1.87832 96.8381 104.3286 18.00 123.00
21+ 30 99.8667 13.06676 2.38565 94.9875 104.7459 61.00 117.00
Total 396 96.2424 19.15749 0.96270 94.3498 98.1351 18.00 126.00

Source: Author's own research.

Table N.18.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Explaining Years of Experience in Total Differences Among Cultural Intelligence, Knowledge Dynamics, Multicultural Leadership, and Organizational Context.

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Cultural Intelligence Between groups 30249.959 5 6049.992 10.563 0.000
Within groups 223369.584 390 572.743
Total 253619.543 395
Knowledge Dynamics Between groups 5720.260 5 1144.052 12.281 0.000
Within groups 36331.990 390 93.159
Total 42052.250 395
Multicultural Leadership Between groups 9044.574 5 1808.915 11.590 0.000
Within groups 60868.221 390 156.072
Total 69912.795 395
Organizational Context Between groups 10912.602 5 2182.520 6.349 0.000
Within groups 134056.126 390 343.734
Total 144968.727 395

Source: Author's own research.

For Cultural Intelligence, the mean values increase as the years of experience increase, with the highest mean of 109.9 for those with 21+ years of experience. The lowest mean is for those with 1–3 years of experience, with a mean of 89.8. Similarly, for Knowledge Dynamics, the mean values increase as the years of experience increase, with the highest mean of 53.1 for those with 21+ years of experience. The lowest mean is for those with 1–3 years of experience, with a mean of 42.9. For Multicultural Leadership, the mean values also increase as the years of experience increase, with the highest mean of 67.5 for those with 11–15 years of experience. The lowest mean is for those with 1–3 years of experience, with a mean of 57.5. Finally, for Organizational Context, the mean values increase as the years of experience increase, with the highest mean of 100.6 for those with 16–20 years of experience. The lowest mean is for those with 1–3 years of experience, with a mean of 86.5. Overall, it is clear that the mean values significantly generally increase with more years of experience in all four areas, with some variation between the different categories as p < 0.001.

Table N.19.

Descriptives of Number of Managed Nationalities.

Number of Managed Nationalities Descriptives
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Cultural Intelligence 1–3 92 82.6196 30.59298 3.18954 76.2839 88.9552 21.00 140.00
4–5 72 108.3472 23.09269 2.72150 102.9207 113.7737 45.00 137.00
6–10 54 105.0000 20.03488 2.72640 99.5315 110.4685 24.00 135.00
11–15 66 109.7121 17.18923 2.11585 105.4865 113.9378 41.00 134.00
16–20 35 116.2286 14.50778 2.45226 111.2450 121.2122 60.00 135.00
21–50 45 110.2889 20.06197 2.99066 104.2616 116.3162 32.00 138.00
51–100 24 102.1250 21.16871 4.32104 93.1862 111.0638 37.00 126.00
>100 8 115.0000 16.04458 5.67262 101.5864 128.4136 98.00 136.00
Total 396 102.8157 25.33919 1.27334 100.3123 105.3190 21.00 140.00
Knowledge Dynamics 1–3 92 39.4674 13.68841 1.42712 36.6326 42.3022 9.00 62.00
4–5 72 51.2639 8.93638 1.05316 49.1639 53.3638 19.00 63.00
6–10 54 51.1296 7.19026 0.97847 49.1671 53.0922 24.00 62.00
11–15 66 50.6818 6.12726 0.75421 49.1755 52.1881 21.00 63.00
16–20 35 51.5143 7.08092 1.19689 49.0819 53.9467 26.00 63.00
21–50 45 51.9333 4.42822 0.66012 50.6030 53.2637 39.00 60.00
51–100 24 50.5833 7.37750 1.50593 47.4681 53.6986 23.00 59.00
>100 8 48.8750 9.53846 3.37235 40.9007 56.8493 27.00 56.00
Total 396 48.4167 10.31801 0.51850 47.3973 49.4360 9.00 63.00
Multicultural Leadership 1–3 92 54.3261 17.35290 1.80917 50.7324 57.9198 12.00 81.00
4–5 72 66.1111 13.26072 1.56279 62.9950 69.2272 16.00 82.00
6–10 54 66.8889 9.92741 1.35095 64.1792 69.5986 36.00 83.00
11–15 66 67.1818 8.39580 1.03345 65.1179 69.2458 26.00 81.00
16–20 35 68.1429 8.86879 1.49910 65.0963 71.1894 36.00 84.00
21–50 45 70.1333 7.09225 1.05725 68.0026 72.2641 54.00 82.00
51–100 24 66.4583 8.34568 1.70355 62.9343 69.9824 49.00 79.00
>100 8 65.8750 13.37842 4.72999 54.6904 77.0596 36.00 79.00
Total 396 64.3106 13.30392 0.66855 62.9963 65.6250 12.00 84.00
Organizational Context 1–3 92 87.7935 25.80763 2.69063 82.4489 93.1381 18.00 126.00
4–5 72 101.4861 18.67513 2.20088 97.0977 105.8746 26.00 123.00
6–10 54 99.8333 16.09729 2.19056 95.4396 104.2270 40.00 125.00
11–15 66 98.2273 14.85809 1.82890 94.5747 101.8798 48.00 123.00
16–20 35 97.8857 12.07275 2.04067 93.7386 102.0328 63.00 117.00
21–50 45 96.9333 13.72523 2.04604 92.8098 101.0568 66.00 125.00
51–100 24 94.6250 15.87126 3.23971 87.9232 101.3268 58.00 117.00
>100 8 99.3750 19.69726 6.96403 82.9077 115.8423 54.00 115.00
Total 396 96.2424 19.15749 0.96270 94.3498 98.1351 18.00 126.00

Source: Author's own research.

Table N.20.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Explaining Number of Managed Nationalities Differences Among Cultural Intelligence, Knowledge Dynamics, Multicultural Leadership, and Organizational Context.

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Cultural Intelligence Between groups 53133.968 7 7590.567 14.690 0.000
Within groups 200485.575 388 516.715
Total 253619.543 395
Knowledge Dynamics Between groups 9694.700 7 1384.957 16.607 0.000
Within groups 32357.550 388 83.396
Total 42052.250 395
Multicultural Leadership Between groups 12477.996 7 1782.571 12.042 0.000
Within groups 57434.799 388 148.028
Total 69912.795 395
Organizational Context Between groups 9760.731 7 1,394.390 4.001 0.000
Within groups 135207.996 388 348.474
Total 144968.727 395

Source: Author's own research.

The ranges of managed nationalities are divided into eight categories: 1–3, 4–5, 6–10, 11–15, 16–20, 21–50, 51–100, and greater than 100. The mean values show the central tendency of the data in each group. For example, the mean Cultural Intelligence score for the category of 1–3 managed nationalities is 82.6196, while the mean score for the category of greater than 100 managed nationalities is 115.0000. This indicates that as the number of managed nationalities increases, the mean Cultural Intelligence score also increases. Similarly, the mean Knowledge Dynamics score increases as the number of managed nationalities increases, from 39.4674 for the 1–3 category to 48.8750 for the >100 category. The Multicultural Leadership scores show a steady increase as the number of managed nationalities increases, with the highest mean score of 70.1333 for the 21–50 category. Finally, the Organizational Context scores also increase as the number of managed nationalities increases, with a mean score of 87.7935 for the 1–3 category and a mean score of 111.4828 for the >100 category. In general, the results suggest that there are significant differences between the groups for all four variables (p = 0.000).

Table N.21.

Descriptives of Spoken Languages.

Spoken Languages Descriptives
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Cultural Intelligence One 45 76.5556 32.24237 4.80641 66.8689 86.2422 21.00 134.00
Two 147 100.6667 25.33754 2.08980 96.5365 104.7968 24.00 140.00
Three 139 108.2878 19.42815 1.64787 105.0294 111.5461 32.00 136.00
More than Three 65 114.1538 16.69134 2.07031 110.0179 118.2898 54.00 138.00
Total 396 102.8157 25.33919 1.27334 100.3123 105.3190 21.00 140.00
Knowledge Dynamics One 45 39.2444 14.03106 2.09163 35.0290 43.4598 9.00 59.00
Two 147 47.5374 10.41158 0.85873 45.8403 49.2346 18.00 63.00
Three 139 50.2302 8.09841 0.68690 48.8720 51.5884 12.00 62.00
More than Three 65 52.8769 6.68839 0.82959 51.2196 54.5342 20.00 63.00
Total 396 48.4167 10.31801 0.51850 47.3973 49.4360 9.00 63.00
Multicultural Leadership One 45 53.9778 17.49609 2.60816 48.7214 59.2342 12.00 81.00
Two 147 62.3537 14.27125 1.17707 60.0274 64.6800 16.00 84.00
Three 139 66.5540 9.97255 0.84586 64.8814 68.2265 16.00 82.00
More than Three 65 71.0923 7.83367 0.97165 69.1512 73.0334 36.00 83.00
Total 396 64.3106 13.30392 0.66855 62.9963 65.6250 12.00 84.00
Organizational Context One 45 86.4000 25.66072 3.82527 78.6907 94.1093 18.00 123.00
Two 147 95.0680 20.82532 1.71764 91.6734 98.4627 26.00 126.00
Three 139 98.5683 15.15000 1.28501 96.0275 101.1092 27.00 125.00
More than Three 65 100.7385 14.98674 1.85888 97.0249 104.4520 54.00 121.00
Total 396 96.2424 19.15749 0.96270 94.3498 98.1351 18.00 126.00

Source: Author's own research.

Table N.22.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Explaining Spoken Languages Differences Among Cultural Intelligence, Knowledge Dynamics, Multicultural Leadership, and Organizational Context.

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Cultural Intelligence Between groups 44228.814 3 14742.938 27.600 0.000
Within groups 209390.729 392 534.160
Total 253619.543 395
Knowledge Dynamics Between groups 5649.746 3 1883.249 20.280 0.000
Within groups 36402.504 392 92.864
Total 42052.250 395
Multicultural Leadership Between groups 9056.421 3 3018.807 19.445 0.000
Within groups 60856.375 392 155.246
Total 69912.795 395
Organizational Context Between groups 6627.953 3 2209.318 6.260 0.000
Within groups 138340.774 392 352.910
Total 144968.727 395

Source: Author's own research.

For the construct of Cultural Intelligence, the mean score increases as the number of spoken languages increases. The group that speaks more than three languages has the highest mean score (114.1538), followed by the group that speaks three languages (108.2878), the group that speaks two languages (100.6667), and the group that speaks one language (76.5556). The differences between the means are statistically significant, as the 95% confidence intervals for the means do not overlap and p < 0.001. For the construct of Knowledge Dynamics, the mean score also increases as the number of spoken languages increases. The group that speaks more than three languages has the highest mean score (52.8769), followed by the group that speaks three languages (50.2302), the group that speaks two languages (47.5374), and the group that speaks one language (39.2444). The differences between the means are statistically significant, as p < 0.001. For the construct of Multicultural Leadership, the mean score also increases as the number of spoken languages increases. The group that speaks more than three languages has the highest mean score (71.0923), followed by the group that speaks three languages (66.5540), the group that speaks two languages (62.3537), and the group that speaks one language (53.9778). The differences between the means are statistically significant, as the 95% confidence intervals for the means do not overlap and p < 0.001. Finally, for the construct of Organizational Context, the mean score also increases as the number of spoken languages increases. The group that speaks more than three languages has the highest mean score (100.7385), followed by the group that speaks three languages (98.5683), the group that speaks two languages (95.0680), and the group that speaks one language (86.4000). There is a statistically significant difference (p = 0.000) between the means, as the 95% confidence intervals for the means do not intersect.

Table N.23.

Descriptives of Number of Worked Continents.

Number of Worked Continents Descriptives
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Cultural Intelligence One 166 93.6506 30.61370 2.37608 88.9592 98.3421 21.00 140.00
Two 128 108.5234 19.20874 1.69783 105.1637 111.8831 39.00 137.00
Three 62 107.1452 17.13863 2.17661 102.7928 111.4976 37.00 135.00
More than Three 40 115.8750 14.41720 2.27956 111.2642 120.4858 80.00 138.00
Total 396 102.8157 25.33919 1.27334 100.3123 105.3190 21.00 140.00
Knowledge Dynamics One 166 45.3976 12.44960 0.96628 43.4897 47.3055 9.00 63.00
Two 128 50.1797 9.10432 0.80472 48.5873 51.7721 12.00 63.00
Three 62 49.6935 6.08570 0.77288 48.1481 51.2390 24.00 61.00
More than Three 40 53.3250 4.28706 0.67784 51.9539 54.6961 46.00 61.00
Total 396 48.4167 10.31801 0.51850 47.3973 49.4360 9.00 63.00
Multicultural Leadership One 166 61.0663 15.95947 1.23870 58.6205 63.5120 12.00 84.00
Two 128 65.7188 12.07453 1.06725 63.6069 67.8306 16.00 83.00
Three 62 65.4677 7.99942 1.01593 63.4363 67.4992 36.00 79.00
More than Three 40 71.4750 5.83969 0.92334 69.6074 73.3426 55.00 81.00
Total 396 64.3106 13.30392 0.66855 62.9963 65.6250 12.00 84.00
Organizational Context One 166 95.5723 21.91618 1.70103 92.2137 98.9309 18.00 126.00
Two 128 96.5391 18.99312 1.67877 93.2171 99.8610 26.00 125.00
Three 62 97.1613 14.07147 1.78708 93.5878 100.7348 48.00 121.00
More than Three 40 96.6500 14.03211 2.21867 92.1623 101.1377 58.00 115.00
Total 396 96.2424 19.15749 0.96270 94.3498 98.1351 18.00 126.00

Source: Author's own research.

Table N.24.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Explaining Number of Worked Continents Differences Among Cultural Intelligence, Knowledge Dynamics, Multicultural Leadership, and Organizational Context.

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Cultural Intelligence Between groups 26097.810 3 8699.270 14.988 0.000
Within groups 227521.733 392 580.413
Total 253619.543 395
Knowledge Dynamics Between groups 2975.671 3 991.890 9.950 0.000
Within groups 39076.579 392 99.685
Total 42052.250 395
Multicultural Leadership Between groups 4137.239 3 1379.080 8.219 0.000
Within groups 65775.557 392 167.795
Total 69912.795 395
Organizational Context Between groups 144.803 3 48.268 0.131 0.942
Within groups 144823.924 392 369.449
Total 144968.727 395

Source: Author's own research.

Cultural Intelligence scores generally increase as the number of worked continents increases, with the “More than Three” group having the highest mean score of 115.8750 and the “One” group having the lowest mean score of 93.6506. Similarly, Knowledge Dynamics scores also generally increase as the number of worked continents increases, with the “More than Three” group having the highest mean score of 53.3250 and the “One” group having the lowest mean score of 45.3976.

Meanwhile, Multicultural Leadership scores show a similar trend, with the “More than Three” group having the highest mean score of 71.4750 and the “One” group having the lowest mean score of 61.0663. On the other hand, Organizational Context scores do not show a clear trend based on the number of worked continents. The mean scores for all four groups are relatively close, with the “Three” group having the highest mean score of 97.1613 and the “One” group having the lowest mean score of 95.5723. The significance values provided in the ANOVA table indicate that for Cultural Intelligence, Knowledge Dynamics, and Multicultural Leadership, the significance values are all less than 0.05, which means that there are significant differences between the means of the groups. However, for Organizational Context, the significance value is 0.942, which is greater than 0.05, indicating that there is not enough evidence to suggest that the means of the groups are significantly different.

Table N.25.

Descriptives of Number of Worked Countries.

Number of Worked Countries Descriptives
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Cultural Intelligence One 93 81.0430 29.98547 3.10935 74.8676 87.2184 21.00 140.00
Two 99 106.9697 19.70106 1.98003 103.0404 110.8990 24.00 135.00
Three 104 107.3750 20.52571 2.01271 103.3833 111.3667 37.00 137.00
More than Three 100 114.2100 16.97550 1.69755 110.8417 117.5783 61.00 138.00
Total 396 102.8157 25.33919 1.27334 100.3123 105.3190 21.00 140.00
Knowledge Dynamics One 93 41.1290 12.87923 1.33551 38.4766 43.7815 9.00 63.00
Two 99 49.2828 9.24391 0.92905 47.4392 51.1265 19.00 63.00
Three 104 49.7788 8.53884 0.83730 48.1183 51.4394 12.00 63.00
More than Three 100 52.9200 6.09136 0.60914 51.7113 54.1287 21.00 62.00
Total 396 48.4167 10.31801 0.51850 47.3973 49.4360 9.00 63.00
Multicultural Leadership One 93 55.9247 16.37153 1.69765 52.5531 59.2964 12.00 81.00
Two 99 64.9394 12.08120 1.21421 62.5298 67.3489 16.00 81.00
Three 104 65.2212 11.84361 1.16136 62.9179 67.5244 16.00 84.00
More than Three 100 70.5400 7.75694 0.77569 69.0009 72.0791 26.00 83.00
Total 396 64.3106 13.30392 0.66855 62.9963 65.6250 12.00 84.00
Organizational Context One 93 89.6989 23.12198 2.39764 84.9370 94.4608 18.00 126.00
Two 99 98.8384 18.36407 1.84566 95.1757 102.5010 26.00 124.00
Three 104 99.1154 17.34533 1.70085 95.7422 102.4886 27.00 125.00
More than Three 100 96.7700 16.27097 1.62710 93.5415 99.9985 48.00 121.00
Total 396 96.2424 19.15749 0.96270 94.3498 98.1351 18.00 126.00

Source: Author's own research.

Table N.26.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Explaining Number of Worked Countries Differences Among Cultural Intelligence, Knowledge Dynamics, Multicultural Leadership, and Organizational Context.

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Cultural Intelligence Between groups 60939.841 3 20313.280 41.327 0.000
Within groups 192679.702 392 491.530
Total 253619.543 395
Knowledge Dynamics Between groups 7234.444 3 2411.481 27.150 0.000
Within groups 34817.806 392 88.821
Total 42052.250 395
Multicultural Leadership Between groups 10545.933 3 3515.311 23.212 0.000
Within groups 59366.863 392 151.446
Total 69912.795 395
Organizational Context Between groups 5535.418 3 1845.139 5.187 0.002
Within groups 139433.309 392 355.697
Total 144968.727 395

Source: Author's own research.

The ANOVA results indicate that all four variables have significant differences between the groups. For Cultural Intelligence, the mean difference is highest for those who worked in more than three countries. For Knowledge Dynamics, the mean difference is also highest for those who worked in more than three countries. For Multicultural Leadership, the mean difference is highest for those who worked in more than three countries. For Organizational Context, the mean difference is highest for those who worked in three countries.

Table N.27.

Descriptives of Experience in Managing Virtual Teams.

Experience in Managing Virtual Teams Descriptives
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Cultural Intelligence No experience 51 68.7255 28.45774 3.98488 60.7216 76.7294 21.00 131.00
1–2 years experience 99 99.4141 26.73071 2.68654 94.0828 104.7455 22.00 140.00
3–4 years experience 142 109.2113 17.05387 1.43113 106.3820 112.0405 37.00 136.00
5+ years' experience 104 114.0385 14.86961 1.45809 111.1467 116.9302 61.00 136.00
Total 396 102.8157 25.33919 1.27334 100.3123 105.3190 21.00 140.00
Knowledge Dynamics No experience 51 39.7843 16.24969 2.27541 35.2140 44.3546 9.00 63.00
1–2 years experience 99 46.2626 11.04313 1.10988 44.0601 48.4651 20.00 62.00
3–4 years experience 142 50.2676 7.50784 0.63004 49.0221 51.5132 19.00 63.00
5+ years' experience 104 52.1731 5.15477 0.50547 51.1706 53.1756 34.00 63.00
Total 396 48.4167 10.31801 0.51850 47.3973 49.4360 9.00 63.00
Multicultural Leadership No experience 51 51.2549 19.46982 2.72632 45.7789 56.7309 12.00 78.00
1–2 years experience 99 63.1010 13.91629 1.39864 60.3255 65.8766 30.00 84.00
3–4 years experience 142 66.4789 10.63696 0.89263 64.7142 68.2435 16.00 81.00
5+ years' experience 104 68.9038 6.48152 0.63557 67.6434 70.1643 48.00 83.00
Total 396 64.3106 13.30392 0.66855 62.9963 65.6250 12.00 84.00
Organizational Context No experience 51 84.0588 29.80162 4.17306 75.6770 92.4407 18.00 125.00
1–2 years experience 99 95.2727 19.69037 1.97896 91.3456 99.1999 40.00 126.00
3–4 years experience 142 98.4507 16.58187 1.39152 95.6998 101.2016 26.00 123.00
5+ years' experience 104 100.1250 11.60573 1.13804 97.8680 102.3820 48.00 125.00
Total 396 96.2424 19.15749 0.96270 94.3498 98.1351 18.00 126.00

Source: Author's own research.

Table N.28.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Explaining Experience in Managing Virtual Teams Differences Among Cultural Intelligence, Knowledge Dynamics, Multicultural Leadership, and Organizational Context.

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Cultural Intelligence Between groups 79321.858 3 26440.619 59.466 0.000
Within groups 174297.685 392 444.637
Total 253619.543 395
Knowledge Dynamics Between groups 6213.735 3 2071.245 22.655 0.000
Within groups 35838.515 392 91.425
Total 42052.250 395
Multicultural Leadership Between groups 11699.644 3 3899.881 26.261 0.000
Within groups 58213.151 392 148.503
Total 69912.795 395
Organizational Context Between groups 9923.737 3 3307.912 9.602 0.000
Within groups 135044.990 392 344.503
Total 144968.727 395

Source: Author's own research.

For instance, for Cultural Intelligence: the group with 5+ years of experience in managing virtual teams has the highest mean score of 114.04, followed by the group with 3–4 years of experience (109.21), the group with 1–2 years of experience (99.41), and the group with no experience (68.73). That is statistically significant at 0.001 level. For Knowledge Dynamics, the group with 5+ years of experience in managing virtual teams has the highest mean score of 52.17, followed by the group with 3–4 years of experience (50.27), the group with 1–2 years of experience (46.26), and the group with no experience (39.78). The overall mean score for all groups is 48.42. For Multicultural Leadership, the group with 5+ years of experience in managing virtual teams has the highest mean score of 68.90, followed by the group with 3–4 years of experience (66.48), the group with 1–2 years of experience (63.10), and the group with no experience (51.25). The overall mean score for all groups is 64.31. For Organizational Context, the group with 5+ years of experience in managing virtual teams has the highest mean score of 100.13, followed by the group with 3–4 years of experience (98.45), the group with 1–2 years of experience (95.27), and the group with no experience (84.06). The overall mean score for all groups is 96.24. The ANOVA table shows that Cultural Intelligence, Knowledge Dynamics, Multicultural Leadership, and Organizational Context all have significant F values and p-values, indicating significant differences between the mean scores of their experience in managing virtual teams.