
Entrepreneurship and Green Finance Practices

ISBN: 978-1-80455-679-5, eISBN: 978-1-80455-678-8

Publication date: 14 December 2023

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(2023), "Index", Raza, S.A., Tunio, M.N., Ali, M. and Puah, C.H. (Ed.) Entrepreneurship and Green Finance Practices, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 319-327.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Syed Ali Raza, Muhammad Nawaz Tunio, Muhammad Ali and Chin Hong Puah. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited


Ability, Motivation, and Opportunity Theory (Amo)
, 288–295

Access to capital
, 69

Accessibility to capital for green entrepreneurship
, 55–56

Achievement, need for
, 291

Ad hoc environmental entrepreneur
, 49–50

Adds value
, 313–314

Afternoon tea
, 117–118

Air pollution
, 78–79

Ascription of responsibility (AR)
, 221

, 165–166

business sustainability
, 168–170

future directions
, 174

green innovation
, 166–168

green technology
, 168

, 173–174

sustainable business model innovation
, 170–172

, 222

Author citation analysis
, 309

Autonomous motivation
, 7–8

Average Variance Extracted (AVE)
, 204–205, 252

Awareness of consequences (AC)
, 221

, 301

Behavioural intention
, 222, 226, 230

, 221

Bibliography analysis
, 24–40

Bibliometric analysis
, 310–312

Bintulu Port
, 93

, 165

, 184

, 184

, 186–187

, 184

, 98–99

Burger King
, 14

, 300

, 168–170

, 22

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
, 95

Citation analysis
, 308–310

, 309

, 310

City Development Limited (CDL)
, 242–243

, 13

, 80

Competitive pressure
, 270

Composite reliability (CR)
, 252

Connecticut Green Bank
, 300

Consumer choice theory
, 225–226

Consumer intention
, 221–222

, 222

, 221

Consumer variety seeking behaviour
, 222–223

Controlled motivation
, 7–8

Corporate social irresponsibility (CSIR)
, 230–231

Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
, 111–112, 220–221

linking stakeholder theory to CSR practice
, 229

, 227–229

Cosy bungalows
, 108

COVID-19 pandemic
, 194–195

Cronbach’s Alpha
, 204–205

Cross Loading
, 205–206

Culinary tourism
, 113

, 248–249

Customer willingness

direct effect of CSR image
, 230–231

direct effect of trust
, 231

indirect effect of CSR image
, 231

indirect effect of green marketing mix
, 231–232

proposed constructs of
, 230–232

Database Research Protocol
, 303

Developed countries
, 22

Diffusion of Innovations theory (DOI theory)
, 79, 83, 223–224

, 8

, 13

, 14

, 302

, 132

Eco-design and packaging (EDP)
, 133–134

Eco-responsible entrepreneur
, 52–53

, 107–108, 112

Economic and Social Commission for Asia and The Pacific (ESCAP)
, 93

Economic gain
, 142

, 107–108

Educational support
, 290

Elsevier Science Direct
, 302

, 302

Employee Green Behaviour (EGB)
, 4–5, 251

historical background
, 6–7

, 12

leadership and
, 8–10

literature review
, 7–8

, 12

multilevel model for
, 5–6

organizational benefits
, 11

organizational EGB strategies
, 7

personality factors influencing
, 8

real-time examples
, 13–14

theoretical framework
, 10–11

End of Life Vehicles (ELV)
, 149

Energy crisis
, 78–79

Entrepreneur motivation
, 56–57, 66

Entrepreneurial education
, 195

Entrepreneurial intention
, 195–196

Entrepreneurial knowledge as mediator
, 199–200

Entrepreneurial skills
, 54, 63, 66

, 48–49

Entrepreneurship, subjective vision of
, 51

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG)
, 22–23

lack of information on
, 42

Environmental degradation
, 142–143, 240

Environmental entrepreneur
, 49, 52–53

Environmental laws
, 173

Environmental marketing
, 271–272

Environmental outcomes
, 131

Environmental performance
, 131, 170

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
, 286

Environmental Quality Act
, 130

Environmental regulations
, 167–168

Environmental sustainability
, 226–227, 248

Environmental transformational leadership (ETFL)
, 9

, 300

Environmentally friendly entrepreneur
, 49

Equator Principles for Project Finance
, 300

Ethical and managerial perspective of stakeholder theory
, 228–229

External barriers
, 149–151

of green concept implementation
, 152–154

identification of
, 144–145

inadequate academic research
, 151

inadequate environmental administrative support
, 150

lack of green collaborative practices
, 150–151

lack of stakeholder’s interest
, 149–150

Extra-role green behaviour
, 5

, 184

Federal ports

and authorities
, 94

in Malaysia
, 93

, 94

Financial constraints
, 147–148

Financial development
, 21–22

Financial institutions
, 21, 102

Five-point Likert scale
, 187–188

Foreign tourists

factors affecting tea preferences of foreign tourists in India
, 118–119

tea preferences
, 115–120

Fornell-Larcker method
, 252

Fornell-Larcker’s Criterion
, 205–206

4th Party Logistics (4PL)
, 95–96

Fresh tea
, 108

Gastronomy tourism
, 112–113

, 13

Geographical indications (GI)
, 117–118

Geothermal energy
, 165

Global Footprint Network
, 240

Global warming
, 78–79

Go Green
, 164, 300

Governmental pressure
, 269

Green access practices
, 280–281

Green banking
, 300

adoption of green banking classification
, 308

adoption of green banking practices
, 301–302

analysis by research method and methodology
, 306–307

articles by country studied
, 308

bibliometric analysis
, 310–312

citation analysis
, 308–310

distribution based on journal
, 307

distribution based on publication year
, 304

findings from systematic literature review
, 313–314

, 302–303

results and analysis
, 303–308

, 39

Green behaviour (GB) (see also Employee Green Behaviour (EGB))
, 3–5, 186–187, 246, 248–249, 252, 254

in-role and extra-role
, 5

Green blogging (GB)
, 185–188

literature review
, 185–187

moderating role of perceived trust in social media
, 187

research implications and limitations
, 189–190

research methodology
, 187–188

, 188–189

Green Business Model
, 286–287

Green businesses
, 294–295

Green climate (GClim)
, 252–254

Green Climate Fund (GCF)
, 21–22

Green concepts
, 143

external barriers
, 149–151

identification of internal and external barriers
, 144–145

internal barriers
, 145–149

solutions to barriers and action plans
, 151–155

Green Consumers
, 268

Green consumption
, 184

Green creativity (GC)
, 248–249, 251–252, 254

Green culture
, 8

Green energy
, 164

Green entrepreneurial intention
, 197–198

Green entrepreneurial knowledge
, 197–198

Green entrepreneurial practices
, 50

Green entrepreneurs
, 48

intentions for
, 290–292

, 49–50

Green entrepreneurship
, 48–49, 196, 198, 286

accessibility to capital for
, 55–56

, 288–295

case study
, 292–294

chances for
, 54–55

, 288

data analysis
, 60

data collection
, 59

, 295

green entrepreneurship-related factors
, 54–57

hurdles for
, 294–295

incentives schemes for
, 56

limitations of study
, 73

literature review
, 48–57

need of research
, 287–288

objectives of study
, 53

participant companies
, 60–61

percentage of SMEs
, 61–69

possibilities for
, 66

, 289–290

, 73–74

research design
, 57–58

research methodology
, 57–60

research methodology and design
, 296

research problem
, 52–53

sampling design
, 58–59

scope of study
, 53

study population
, 58

Green Finance
, 313

Green financing
, 21–22

, 42

Green Growth
, 288

Green Human Resource Management (GHRM)
, 5, 8

Green Information
, 280

Green initiatives
, 142–143, 148

Green innovation (GI)
, 164–166, 168, 252, 254

, 248–249, 251

Green Innovative Practices (GIP)
, 165–166

Green Innovative Work Behaviour
, 4

Green management
, 93

challenges for Malaysia’s seaports
, 100–101

, 94–95

at Malaysian seaports
, 95–98

opportunities and future
, 101–103

ports in Malaysia
, 93

positive outcomes
, 98–99

, 243–244

Green marketing
, 220, 268

literature review
, 221–229

, 221–229

proposed constructs of customer willingness
, 230–232

, 220

Green Marketing Campaigns
, 279

Green marketing mix (GMM)
, 268–269, 271–272

case study
, 272, 278–279

competitive pressure
, 270

developing sides of world and role of
, 278–279

, 273

, 269–270

governmental pressure
, 269

issues of cost and profit
, 270

methodology and design
, 278–281

need of developing sides and sustainability
, 270

need of research
, 270–271

purpose and significance of study
, 271

revolutionizing of own business activities
, 270

in service industry
, 272

social responsibility
, 269

Green Oil Energy Sciences
, 293

association and explanation
, 293

Green packaging
, 132

Green performance appraisal
, 5

Green perspective of transformational leadership
, 245–246

Green Place
, 275

Green Politics
, 300

Green practices
, 8, 78–79, 83, 144

conceptual research framework
, 83

literature review and hypotheses formulation
, 79–83

relationship between technological, organizational, and green practice implementation
, 79–81

theoretical foundation
, 79

Green price
, 274

Green process innovation
, 167

Green procurement (GP)
, 131, 133–134

Green product development (GPD)
, 244, 251–252, 254

analysis and results
, 252–255

hypothesis development
, 245–249

limitations and future research
, 256–257

literature review
, 242–245

material and methods
, 250–252

, 250–252

population and sample
, 250

practical implications
, 256

theoretical research and research implications
, 255–256

Green products
, 184, 226–227, 273

group characteristics
, 273

, 170

Green Promotions
, 275–276

Green publicity
, 170

Green purchase
, 226

Green purchase intention (GPI)
, 185–186

Green recruitment
, 5

Green rewarding
, 5

Green rewards
, 69

Green solution
, 279–280

Green supply chain management (GSCM)
, 94–95, 130–132, 143

Green technology
, 164–166, 168

, 168

Green Technology Master Plan (GTMP)
, 102–103

Green Technology Master Plan Malaysia 2017–2030
, 197

Green tourism (see also Sustainable tourism)
, 107–108

, 109–110

factors affecting tea preferences of foreign tourists in India
, 118–119

foreign tourist’s tea preferences
, 115–120

limitations and future research agendas
, 120

practical implications
, 120

sustainability strategies for growth of green tourism
, 111–112

tea and ecotourism
, 112

tea and gastronomy tourism
, 112–113

tea and sustainable tourism
, 112

tea tourism
, 110–111

tourism and tea integration and impacts on sustainable livelihood
, 113–114

tourism and tea marketing
, 113

Green training
, 5

Green transformational leadership (GTL)
, 246, 250–252, 254

and follower green behaviour
, 246

and innovative climate
, 247

Green value practices
, 280

Green-SIVA Marketing Mix
, 271

, 279

Greenhouse gases
, 78–79

Heterotrait-Monotrait Criterion (HTMT Criterion)
, 205

Hewlett Packard
, 14

High tea
, 117–118

Higher education institutions (HEIs)
, 195

, 165

, 98–99

In-role green behaviour
, 5

Incentives schemes for green entrepreneurship
, 56

, 13

Internal barriers
, 145–149

acceptance of advanced technology
, 148

ambiguous economic gains
, 148–149

financial constraints
, 147–148

of green concept implementation
, 152–154

identification of
, 144–145

management commitment
, 146–147

International organizations
, 21–22

Investment recovery (IR)
, 131–134

Johor Port
, 93

Journal citation analysis
, 310

, 48

Kemaman Port
, 93

Knowledge application
, 199

Knowledge management (KM)
, 195, 198, 200

knowledge application
, 199

knowledge revision and conceptual change
, 198–199

Knowledge revision and conceptual change
, 198–199

Knowledge Spiral SECI Model
, 198

Kuantan Port
, 93

, 78–79

Leader–Member–Exchange theory (LMX theory)
, 245–246

, 8, 10, 244

, 78, 95

Logistics services providers (LSPs)
, 78–79

Low-income countries (LICs)
, 41

, 92–93

Malaysia SMEs’ sustainability
, 130

Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA)
, 95–96

Malaysian Logistics Council (MLC)
, 95–96

Malaysian ports
, 92–93

Management commitment
, 146–147

Marketing managers
, 220–221

Marketing mix for services, effective designing of
, 272

, 14

Mediation analysis
, 207

Mitti Cool Clay Creations
, 292

association and explanation
, 292–293

Multinational companies (MNCs)
, 135–136

Multiple regression analysis
, 131, 134–135

National Action Plan (NAP)
, 243

National governments
, 21–22

National Green Technology Policy (NGTP)
, 102–103

Natural hazards
, 78–79

Natural resources
, 241

New Environmental Paradigm (NEP)
, 221

New York Green Bank
, 300

, 13

Non-ecological fuel
, 48

Norm activation theory
, 226

Normative environmental preferences (NEP)
, 221

Organizational climate
, 247

Organizational EGB strategies
, 7

Organizational factors
, 81

Organizational performance
, 82–83

, 132

, 48, 165–166

empirical evidence from
, 274–276

green entrepreneurship in
, 293–294

perspective of green marketing mix with reference to
, 277–278

Pakistan Green Building Council (PGDC)
, 243

Paris agreement of 2015
, 184

Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM)
, 201

, 13

Path analysis
, 205, 207

Pearson correlation analysis
, 133–134

Penang Port
, 93

, 276–277

value orientation
, 221

Personal norms (PN)
, 221

Personality factors influencing EGB
, 8

Persuasive leadership
, 9

Physical evidence
, 277

, 91–92

competitive values
, 97

, 93

in Malaysia
, 93

, 93, 95

of Tanjung Pelepas
, 93

Preference uncertainty
, 222–223

, 303

, 14

Process innovation
, 167

, 276

Product innovation
, 167

Public and private partnership processes (PPPs)
, 39

Quality of human resources
, 82

Rational choice theory
, 224–225

, 170

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle (three ‘R’s’)
, 5

Relative advantage
, 80–81

Reliability analysis
, 133

Repair, Reconditioning, Reuse, Recycling, and Remanufacturing (5Rs)
, 273

Resource dependence theory
, 51

Resource-based theory
, 130, 248

Resource-Based View theory (RBV theory)
, 79, 83

Responsible Business Alliance (RBA)
, 135–136

Responsible leadership
, 170

Responsible marketing
, 271–272

Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS)
, 142, 149

Reverse logistics
, 132

Risk Aversion
, 291

Scopus database
, 303

Sea cargo transport
, 92

Seaborne trade
, 91–92

Self-determination theory
, 7–8

Self-efficacy towards green entrepreneurial intentions
, 291

Servant leadership
, 9

Service industry, GMM in
, 272

Service marketing
, 271

Silk Road
, 110–111

SIVA Marketing Mix Elements
, 279

SIVA-green marketing mix
, 271

Skills, Incentives, and Entrepreneurial Education (SIE)
, 288–289

Small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
, 50–51, 78–79, 130, 244, 287

data, sample, and analysis
, 132–135

environmental performance
, 131

, 131–132

Malaysia SMEs’ sustainability
, 130

in Pakistan
, 50–51

percentage of
, 61–69

practical implications, and future research
, 135–137

Social enterprises
, 285–286

Social entrepreneurship
, 285–286

Social media
, 184

moderating role of perceived trust in
, 187

, 185

Social media usage
, 185

influence of
, 186

Social responsibility
, 170, 269

Solar energy
, 165

, 135–136

Stakeholder pressure
, 166

Stakeholder theory
, 227–228

ethical and managerial perspective of
, 228–229

linking stakeholder theory to CSR practice
, 229

Structural model
, 188

, 252–255

Structure–Action Model
, 52

Subjective norms
, 291

Substitution effect
, 225–226

Supportive peer groups
, 9

, 48–49, 170, 194, 219–220, 244

in asset operations and pollution prevention
, 165

history of
, 22–23

strategies for growth of green tourism
, 111–112

Sustainable acts
, 4

Sustainable business model innovation (SBMI)
, 170–172

Sustainable business models (SBMs)
, 166

Sustainable business practices, factors influencing
, 63

Sustainable development
, 96, 107–108, 164

Sustainable Development Growth (SDG)
, 300

Sustainable finance
, 22–23

, 22–24

, 40

disparities in financial access
, 41

green financing initiatives
, 42

inadequate risk management
, 41

lack of information on environmental, social, and governance
, 42

, 24

policy implications
, 42–43

political obstacles
, 41–42

rationale of study
, 23–24

regulatory obstacles
, 41

results and findings
, 24–43

Sustainable financing
, 22

Sustainable marketing (see Green marketing)

Sustainable performance
, 168

Sustainable practices
, 302

Sustainable tourism
, 112, 194, 196

data collection and analysis methods
, 201

demographic characteristics
, 202–203

, 107–108

, 201–209

literature review
, 196–200

measurement development
, 201

measurement model evaluation
, 204–205

mediation analysis
, 207

path analysis
, 205

research design and sample
, 200–201

research methodology
, 200–201

Systematic literature review

adds value
, 313–314

dominance of survey research
, 313

emerging topic
, 313

findings from
, 313–314

lack of inter-country research
, 313

statements and declarations
, 315

Systematic review
, 302–303

Taste misprediction
, 222–223

Tea Horse Road
, 110–111

Tea marketing
, 113

Tea plantation community
, 108–109

Tea tourism
, 108, 110–112

Technological factors
, 79–80

, 49

Theory of green purchase behaviour (TGPB)
, 226

Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB)
, 189, 222

Theory of reasoned action
, 189

Theory of value-belief-norm
, 221

Third Party Logistics companies (3PLs)
, 78–79, 95–96

Top management support
, 81–82

quality of human resources
, 82


and tea integration and impacts on sustainable livelihood
, 113–114

and tea marketing
, 113

, 107–108

Transformational leadership
, 248–249

green creativity
, 247–248

green perspective of
, 245–246

Transformative innovation solutions
, 195

Transition economies
, 22

, 78–79

‘Triple bottom line’ framework
, 171

Trust in social media (TSM)
, 187–188

Trust transfer theory
, 187

, 184

UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI)
, 300

, 9–10, 13

United Nation World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
, 194

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
, 95, 98

United Nations Environment Programme-Finance Initiative (UNEP-FI)
, 300

United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
, 23–24, 242

, 243

, 198

University business students
, 198–199

US Green Building Council (USGBC)
, 242

Use of social media (SMU)
, 187–188

Validation of measurement model
, 252

Value-belief-norm model (VBN)
, 221

, 221, 280

Variance inflation factor (VIF)
, 133–134, 204–205

Variety seeking behaviour
, 222

Verdant tea gardens
, 108

, 13–14

Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)
, 142, 149

Water pollution
, 78–79

Wind energy
, 165

Part 1 From Business Perspective
Chapter 1 The Grass Is Greener Where You Water It!
Chapter 2 Challenges of Sustainable Finance in Transitions Economy
Chapter 3 Green Entrepreneurial Practices Among Small and Medium Enterprises in Karachi, Pakistan
Chapter 4 Green Practice Implementation Among SME's Logistic in Malaysia: A Conceptual Research Model of Determinants, Outcome, and Opportunities for Future Research
Chapter 5 Green Management Execution at Malaysian Federal Seaports: Challenges and Opportunities
Chapter 6 Green Tourism Dependency Towards Promoting Tea Tour
Chapter 7 SMEs' Sustainability: Green Supply Chain Practices and Environmental Performance
Chapter 8 Barriers and Challenges in Green Concepts Implementation
Chapter 9 The Importance of Green Innovation and Technologies for Sustainable Business in Asia: Issues and Challenges of the Contemporary Sustainable Business Models
Part 2 From Academic and Behavioural Perspective
Chapter 10 Does Green Blogging Affect Consumer Green Behaviour? Moderating Role of Green Psychology Variable
Chapter 11 Are Knowledge Management and Green Entrepreneurial Knowledge the Rescuer of Sustainable Tourism Post COVID-19 Pandemic?
Chapter 12 Green Marketing Strategies and CSR: Are They Relevant to Consumer Willingness to Purchase Green Products?
Chapter 13 Green Organizational Practices for Green Product Development: The Green Influence of Transformational Leadership
Chapter 14 Green Marketing Mix From the Perspective of Service Sector: Leveraging Marketing of Services With Green-SIVA Marketing Mix Elements
Chapter 15 Understanding Green Entrepreneurship: Concept Implications and Practices
Chapter 16 Green Banking Practices: A Bibliometric Analysis and Systematic Literature Review