Issue 36, 2023

Novel magnetic topological insulator FeBi2Te4 with controllable topological quantum phase


Herein, we report a new intrinsic magnetic topological insulator FeBi2Te4 based on first-principles calculations and it can achieve a rich topological phase under pressure modulation. Without pressure, we predict that both FeBi2Te4 ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic orders are non-trivial topological insulators. Furthermore, the FM-z order FeBi2Te4 undergoes a series of phase transitions from a topological insulator to semimetal and then to a trivial insulator under pressure. Finally, we further clarify and verify topological phase transitions with low-energy effective model calculation. This topological phase transition process is attributed to the synergy of the magnetic moment and the spin–orbit coupling. The unique topological properties of FeBi2Te4 will be of great interest in driving the development of quantum effects.

Graphical abstract: Novel magnetic topological insulator FeBi2Te4 with controllable topological quantum phase

Article information

Article type
31 May 2023
09 Aug 2023
First published
11 Aug 2023

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2023,11, 12307-12319

Novel magnetic topological insulator FeBi2Te4 with controllable topological quantum phase

W. Guo, N. Yang, Z. Huang and J. Zhang, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2023, 11, 12307 DOI: 10.1039/D3TC01890C

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