Issue 64, 2022

S = 1/2 tetracene monoradical cation/anion: ion-based one-dimensional antiferromagnetic chains


The monoradical cation + and anion based on tetracene were generated by one-electron oxidation and one-electron reduction of the bulky tetracene (1), respectively, which contain the largest π-fused skeletons reported to date. For monoradical species, + and , EPR spectra and DFT calculation results indicate the spin density delocalized over the whole molecules. Notably, in the solid state, + and , respectively, pack into (+)n and (-K-crown)n, characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies. The intermolecular interactions of + and are, respectively, through van der Waals forces and exchange couplings supported by metal ions. The monoradical cation polymer (+)n was the first example based on PAHs. The EPR spectra at 90 K of + and all show forbidden transitions (Δms = ±2), indicating the existence of electronic coupling between the neighboring radicals, with respective 2J = −6.54 K and 2J = −0.22 K characterized by SQUID measurements.

Graphical abstract: S = 1/2 tetracene monoradical cation/anion: ion-based one-dimensional antiferromagnetic chains

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Article information

Article type
12 Apr 2022
07 Jul 2022
First published
08 Jul 2022

Chem. Commun., 2022,58, 8962-8965

S = 1/2 tetracene monoradical cation/anion: ion-based one-dimensional antiferromagnetic chains

W. Wang, S. Li, Q. Wang, X. Ding, Y. Fang, H. Ruan, Y. Zhao and X. Wang, Chem. Commun., 2022, 58, 8962 DOI: 10.1039/D2CC02084J

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