Issue 41, 2021

A Brønsted acid catalyzed tandem reaction for the diastereoselective synthesis of cyclobuta-fused tetrahydroquinoline carboxylic esters


A novel Brønsted acid catalyzed tandem reaction provides highly functionalized cyclobuta-fused tetrahydroquinoline carboxylic esters from anilines and 2-alkylenecyclobutanones in good to high yield. During the reaction a dynamic diastereoselective cyclization is achieved, resulting in the formation of three contiguous stereocenters with high stereoselectivity.

Graphical abstract: A Brønsted acid catalyzed tandem reaction for the diastereoselective synthesis of cyclobuta-fused tetrahydroquinoline carboxylic esters

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Article information

Article type
02 Aug 2021
30 Sep 2021
First published
30 Sep 2021

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2021,19, 8912-8916

A Brønsted acid catalyzed tandem reaction for the diastereoselective synthesis of cyclobuta-fused tetrahydroquinoline carboxylic esters

V. Marras, P. Caboni, F. Secci, R. Guillot, D. J. Aitken and A. Frongia, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2021, 19, 8912 DOI: 10.1039/D1OB01518D

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