Issue 33, 2021

Fabrication of one-dimensional CoFe2/C@MoS2 composites as efficient electromagnetic wave absorption materials


New types of electromagnetic (EM) wave absorption materials with a light weight, strong absorption ability and wide absorption frequency have been widely explored. Nevertheless, it is still an intractable challenge to design the structure of the materials and rationalize multiple components. In this work, one-dimensional (1D) CoFe2/C@MoS2 composites were prepared via electrospinning technology, high-temperature carbonization and hydrothermal method. SEM and TEM images reveal that the as-prepared CoFe2/C fibers with a 1D structure are well coated with MoS2. The excellent absorption performance of the composites is mainly attributed to the 1D structure and the ideal impedance matching. CoFe2/C@MoS2 composites show strong absorption ability with an optimal reflection loss (RL) of −66.8 dB (13.28 GHz) at a matching thickness of 2.12 mm. Meanwhile, the composite possesses an effective absorption frequency range between 10.70 and 16.02 GHz with a bandwidth of 5.32 GHz. These results indicate that CoFe2/C@MoS2 composites will become promising lightweight and highly efficient MA materials.

Graphical abstract: Fabrication of one-dimensional CoFe2/C@MoS2 composites as efficient electromagnetic wave absorption materials

Article information

Article type
10 Jun 2021
12 Jul 2021
First published
20 Jul 2021

Dalton Trans., 2021,50, 11640-11649

Fabrication of one-dimensional CoFe2/C@MoS2 composites as efficient electromagnetic wave absorption materials

Z. Liao, M. Ma, Z. Tong, Y. Bi, K. L. Chung, M. Qiao, Y. Ma, A. Ma, G. Wu, X. Zhong and R. Sun, Dalton Trans., 2021, 50, 11640 DOI: 10.1039/D1DT01915E

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