Issue 11, 2015

Ring-opening polymerization of a 2,3-disubstituted oxirane leading to a polyether having a carbonyl–aromatic π-stacked structure


2-Methoxycarbonyl-3-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)oxirane was synthesized and polymerized using a cationic initiator to afford a polymer having a rather stiff, stretched conformation. The side-chain methoxycarbonyl group and 3,4-dimethoxyphenyl group of neighboring monomeric units may form a hetero π-stacked structure between side-chain carbonyl and aromatic groups which leads to intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) interactions. 2-Ethoxycarbonyl-3-phenyloxirane failed in polymerization, leading only to small molecules including cyclic compounds.

Graphical abstract: Ring-opening polymerization of a 2,3-disubstituted oxirane leading to a polyether having a carbonyl–aromatic π-stacked structure

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Article type
10 Dec 2014
13 Jan 2015
First published
16 Jan 2015

Polym. Chem., 2015,6, 1932-1936

Author version available

Ring-opening polymerization of a 2,3-disubstituted oxirane leading to a polyether having a carbonyl–aromatic π-stacked structure

M. Merlani, Y. Koyama, H. Sato, L. Geng, V. Barbakadze, B. Chankvetadze and T. Nakano, Polym. Chem., 2015, 6, 1932 DOI: 10.1039/C4PY01711K

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