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Hmurova V.,Grashhenko I. Dystancijna osvita v period pandemii' COVID-19. Visnyk Kyi'vs'kogo nacional'nogo torgovel'no-ekonomichnogo universytetu. 2020. № 3. S. 135-146.

DOI:  http://doi.org/10.31617/visnik.knute.2020(131)10

UDC 378.018.43:616-036.21
KHMUROVA Victoriia,
Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Management,
Kyiv National Universityof Trade and Economics
19, Kioto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine

E-mail: v.khmurova@knute.edu.ua
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6398-6351
Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor, D
epartment of Foreign Economic Activity Enterprise Management, 
National Aviation University
1, Liubomyra Huzara ave., Kyiv, 03058, Ukraine

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ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8735-9061


Background. A decisive factor in the competitive advantage of a higher education institution is the possibility of introducing a distance education system. Educational leaders need to respond quickly to environmental challenges, especially now in a pandemic. There­fore, existing education systems and traditional approaches have to be modified and improved.
The aim of the article is to theoretically substantiate the need for distance edu­ca­tion, as a modern tool for lifelong learning and an effective tool in the mind of the coronavirus.
Materials and methods. The theoretical basis for writing the article is the metho­dological approaches to the conceptual essence of distance education in the practice of foreign and domestic organizations, including periodicals and online resources. In the course of their processing the following scientific methods were used: analysis and syn­the­sis, deduction and induction, systematization, analytical-systematization, systematic app­roach and generalization.
Results. In the context of the fight against the coronavirus, despite the willingness, higher education institutions were forced to implement distance education systems. Chan­ging conditions should not affect the quality of education, which is what distance learning provides. The advantage of the distance form over the daytime is the ability to take classes in full in convenient conditions without wasting time on trips. Also, the use of distance learning enhances the skills of the applicant in the use of modern interactive, telecommu­nication tools, allows you to expand your skills as a user. At the same time, distance learning requires applicants and teachers of greater organization, development of self-management skills, time management.
Unfortunately, the economic situation and science of Ukraine have lost considerable opportunities, but the critical situation under the virus quickly and radically changes the moods and helps to unlock potential opportunities for both teachers and educators.
Conclusion. The basic condition for effective implementation of the distance educa­tion system in Ukraine is the combination of the progressive experience of the leading countries of the world, national achievements. Thus, true effective distance education will open up new horizons for both educators and teachers. The opportunities presented and the challenges ahead open up potential reserves for this type of education in the future.
Keywords: distance education, development trends, tools for distance learning, systems of distance education.


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