Yuliana Setyaningsih(1*), R. Kunjana Rahardi(2)

(1) Sanata Dharma University
(2) Sanata Dharma University
(*) Corresponding Author


This research is meant to describe reduplication of word classes in prosedic morphology in the perspective of semantico-pragmatics. This research data is in the form of reduolication  of closed class words in the use of language in the mass media. The substantive data source of this research is in the form of text in which there are data in the form of reduplicative forms. The locational data source is the national mass media, i.e. Net TV both print and electronic, which can be reached by the research team around the time of research. After the data is classified and properly verified, the next step is the analysis and interpretation of the data. The analytical method applied is a distributional method with techniques for direct elements. Finally, the results of the analysis and interpretation of the data are presented in an informal method. The results showed that the most dominant reduplication occurred in closed word classes in Indonesian in the mass media was adverb reduplication. In this study, adjective reduplication was also quite significant, even though it was not the case with adverb reduplication and verb reduplication. Reduplication of nouns occupies the least significant portion. In terms of meanings, research in a semantico-pragmatic perspective rather than semantic linguistics is purely necessary to continue to be pursued so that new perspectives can be born in researching language.


Morphological Prosede; Reduplication; Closed Word Class; Mass Media Language

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