Strengthening Women Empowerment and Gender Equality in India
Dr. Parin Somani
Independent Academic Scholar
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i1-35

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Gender equality is a fundamental human right of each person in society and forms a vital foundation for a peaceful and sustainable world. This study aims to understand gender inequalities in India, with the objective of facilitating societies towards sustainable equality. There is an endeavour to strengthen women empowerment through recommended strategies that can be implemented in societies globally. A systematic literature review is carried out via a thorough literature search. Results have indicated that although there has been progression over the last few years including more females acquiring education through attending schools, less forced and early marriages, more females being appointed in leadership positions, there is still a requirement to eradicate gender inequalities further. Challenges highlighted within India include social norms and cultural biases, violence, education, and underrepresentation of women in positions of power. This study has deduced that there is a need for societal education on the identification of women inequality and changes of behaviour in supressed women. Utilisation of technology to promote women empowerment initiatives and collaborate with governmental and non-governmental organisations will facilitate women empowerment, because it is only by working together that gender inequalities can be eradicated.


Women empowerment, Gender inequality, India, Covid-19


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