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GraphPrompt: Unifying Pre-Training and Downstream Tasks for Graph Neural Networks

Published:30 April 2023Publication History


Graphs can model complex relationships between objects, enabling a myriad of Web applications such as online page/article classification and social recommendation. While graph neural networks (GNNs) have emerged as a powerful tool for graph representation learning, in an end-to-end supervised setting, their performance heavily relies on a large amount of task-specific supervision. To reduce labeling requirement, the “pre-train, fine-tune” and “pre-train, prompt” paradigms have become increasingly common. In particular, prompting is a popular alternative to fine-tuning in natural language processing, which is designed to narrow the gap between pre-training and downstream objectives in a task-specific manner. However, existing study of prompting on graphs is still limited, lacking a universal treatment to appeal to different downstream tasks. In this paper, we propose GraphPrompt, a novel pre-training and prompting framework on graphs. GraphPrompt not only unifies pre-training and downstream tasks into a common task template, but also employs a learnable prompt to assist a downstream task in locating the most relevant knowledge from the pre-trained model in a task-specific manner. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments on five public datasets to evaluate and analyze GraphPrompt.


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  1. GraphPrompt: Unifying Pre-Training and Downstream Tasks for Graph Neural Networks



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