Optimal method to establish joint flood control operation rules with flood forecast information for cascade reservoirs
中文关键词: 梯级水库  优化调度  联合预报调度  预报流量
英文关键词: cascade reservoirs  optimal operation  union forecast operation  forecast flow
摘要点击次数: 1616
全文下载次数: 962
      Combining conventional optimal operation and forecast dispatch, an optimal method is proposed to simplify the process of determining the optimal joint flood control operation rules with flood forecast information for cascade reservoirs. First, for the operation target the optimal joint operation rules based on the hydrographs are sought to minimize the occupied flood volumes for controlling the various design floods, and the characteristics of the optimal set of operation rules are analyzed and concluded. Next, the indexes for judging flood frequency are ascertained and the ideal joint flood operation rules are drawn up in terms of forecast peak flow but with no consideration of peak flow forecast error. Last, the satisfactory joint operation rules are determined by taking into account of flow forecast errors for various design floods based on ideal joint forecast operation rules. An application is given to the Zhaopingtai and Baiguishan cascade reservoirs. The application results indicate that this method simplifies the process of determining the joint flood control operation rules with flood forecast information for cascade reservoirs. It′s a new approach to solve this kind of optimal problems.
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