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Volume 164 - Anno 2013 - Numero 5

Early childhood caries (ECC) and neglect in child care: analysis of an Italian sample

doi: 10.7417/CT.2013.1614

di A. Scorca,V. Santoro, A. De Donno, I. Grattagliano, S. Tafuri, F. Introna

Dental caries was identified as the single most common chronic childhood disease; its prevention should be a priority for dentists. With the aim of describing the correlation between early childhood caries (ECC) and the phenomenon of child neglect, a questionnaire which recorded socio-economic and dental service use data was provided to a randomly chosen sample of parents at three pediatric health service centers in Bari (Italy).

Materials and Methods.
In order to evaluate the association among risk factors and ECC, contingency tables were created and the value of the Odds Ratio (OR) was calculated, indicating the confidence intervals and chi square values. A student’s t-test for independent samples was performed to evaluate the differences between the averages. A value of p≤0.5 was considered to be significant for all tests used.

Of the 63 children examined, 61.9% (n=39; 95%CL=49.9- 73.9) presented with ECC, of which 47.6% (n=30; 95%CL=34.9-60.6) were classified as Wyne’s Type I; 12.7% (n=8; 95%CL=5.6-23.5) were classified as Type II; and 1.6% (n=1; 95%CL=0-8.5) as Type III. Interestingly, the frequency of Types II and III were shown to be higher in low-income families (chi-square=8.50; p=0.03).

Dentists should recognize children’s susceptibility to ECC and their exposure to risk factors for neglect, thus facilitating a primary prevention visit.

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