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Year: 2012  Vol. 16   Num. Suppl. 1  - May - (254º)
DOI: 10.7162/S1809-977720120S1PO-085
Section: 11º CONGRESSO DA FUNDAÇÃO OTORRINOLARINGOLOGIA - Poster Otorhinolaryngology
Texto Text in Portuguese
Nedio Steffen, Viviane Feller Martha, Luciane Mazzini Steffen, Luise Sgarabotto Pezzin, Bruna Machado Köbe, Addller Oliveira Fagundes

INTRODUCTION: A laryngocele is an abnormal dilatation of the saccule of the laryngeal ventricle. The sacculus usually varies in size and extends from the anterior ventricle, superior to the parapharyngeal space, lateral to the false vocal cord and medial to the thyroid cartilage [1]. It is believed that have congenital and can occur at any age. Most are clinically asymptomatic but, when present, the most common presenting symptoms are airway obstruction, hoarseness, and unilateral or bilateral neck mass [3]. May cause coughing, stridor and sore throat. There is an association with supraglottic squamous cell carcinoma. OBJECTIVE: Because it is a relatively rare disease and a variety of symptoms, we report a case of pseudo-laryngocele large proportions in partial laryngectomy patients for 14 years making daily use of BIPAP. DISCUSSION: On physical examination, the expansion is visualized on the right side of the neck when the patient speaks. (Figure 1) reported pain on palpation of the region. There was no signs fluctuation of liquid within the lesion. Laryngoscopy was performed which revealed mucous throughout the redundant supraglottic region, preventing visualization of the glottis. Asked aRNM findings with the identification of large lesion affecting the region subplatismal. (Figures in annex). The patient underwent surgical resection via external. CONCLUSION: It was reported a case of voluminous pseudo-laryngocele in which the patient had been treated for SAHOS with use of BIPAP. It is questioned whether prolonged use with overpressure in the mucosa with point of least resistance secondary to frontolateral laryngectomy could be the etiology.



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