  • 期刊


The Study of the Travel Behavior and Satisfaction for the Benefit of the 2009 Tu Cheng Aleurites Montana Festival


自1980年後,政府開始重視文化產業,針對各地固有的文化特色進行推廣、保存、發展等方式來強調各地方特色。而在2002年首次將「文化創意產業」列為重要項目後,更明確指引我國未來經濟型態發展的重要走向。為帶動地方產業發展,各縣市鄉鎮舉辦許多節慶活動,臺北縣縣府從2007年舉辦「臺北縣土城桐花節」,將其列為文化曆活動之一,整合土城人文、藝術、觀光休閒及產業等資源,營造地方特色,因此是臺灣十分具代表性之文化節慶活動。另則因為休閒產業市場龐大商機,鑑於對遊客需求的掌握,是活動規劃、管理與影響活動舉辦和成功的關鍵因素。因此,本研究以「2009年土城桐花節遊客之遊憩行為及滿意度之探討」為主題進行研究,結論如下: 一、受訪者樣本結構以女性、20~29歲,學生、未婚、大學學歷與月收入在15,000萬元以下者,為主要的參與族群。 二、前往土城桐花節的次數方面,以第一次佔最多;遊客的旅遊同伴,主要以親人佔多數;得知活動訊息的方式以朋友告知為最高。 三、滿意度分析中得知,得分較高為「服務滿意度」構面,其次為「場地宣傳滿意度」構面。性別變項之所有構面中皆達到顯著差異,年齡,收入及居住地之所有構面皆未達到顯著差異。


Since 1980, the government started to put more emphasize on cultural industries, popularizing, preserving and developing these cultural industries based on its regional features. Ever since 2002, when the government listed ”Creative industry” as an important issue, it showed a more direct way for the country economic development in the future. In order to promote the development of regional industries, different towns held various kinds of festivals. Started from 1997, Taipei County Government holds ”Tu Cheng Aleurites Montana festival,” and listed as one of the main activities in cultural calendar. Because the festival combined the resources of culture, art, tourism, and industry in order to create regional features, it was a representative cultural festival. On the other hand, because of the tremendous business in the field of leisure industry, according to the demands of tourists, the key elements of success depends on the arrangement, management, and the effects of activities. According to this, this research sets the topic on ”The study of the travel behavior, satisfaction, and cognition for the benefit of the festival”. The below-mentioned points were the conclusions of our research: 1. The interviewees of this festival in 2009 mainly targeted on unmarried female students, in the age between 20-29, who graduated from college and got monthly pay below NT$15,000; 2. About the number of times tourists went to thisa festival, most tourists went to the festival for the first time; The companions with the tourists were mainly composed of relatives, and they know about this event by their friends; 3. By the analysis which were evaluated by tourists, among all average, ”Service satisfaction” got the highest point, and the following was ”the satisfaction of promotion.” We noticed a wide difference in gender difference on the satisfaction of service. On the contrary, age, income, and residency didn't show directly influence in their satisfaction of service.




