  • 期刊


Women on Piano Playing-An Example of Spanish Pianist Alicia De Larrocha


身爲專業鋼琴家本身即需面對多重的挑戰與變化,如將專業表演視爲生涯的追求則需更多的準備及豐富的知識,特別是女性鋼琴家要能在樂壇出線,其必定要有挑戰性別差異的特質,音樂的表現則更需融合女性的細膩與敏感及男性的豪邁與熱情。西班牙鋼琴家Alicia de Larrocha(艾麗西亞‧得‧拉蘿佳)自幼跟隨鋼琴家Frank Marshall(法蘭克•馬歇爾)習琴,接受正統的訓練。de Larrocha的演奏洋溢著無限的誠意,聆聽者能很容易的跟著進入她獨特的音樂氣氛中。自1970年代起,其已樹立了個人特有的風格,如此一位知名的女性演奏家音樂對其而言即是人性的詮釋,音樂實現其需求及渴望,彈鋼琴即是她的樂趣。 De Larrocha的音樂表現就是有著一股強而有力的熱情,混合著一種令人讚賞的氣質。本文期望透過其成長、音樂理念的敘述及演奏特色之分析,綜合整理提出此位著名女性鋼琴家的音樂表現在時代的意義,期能對所有從事音樂工作之女性在生涯規劃上之鼓勵。


It is already overwhelming for a professional pianist to relentlessly overcome challenges and adapt to changes. A pianist wanting to pursue a career in performance is further expected to prepare and equip with domain knowledge in both depth and breadth. In order for a woman pianist to outshine in performance, she must challenge the characteristic differences of gender, and possess the aptitude to blend the feminine fine details and sensitivity with masculine passion and power. Spanish pianist Alicia de Larrocha began learning piano and receiving formal music training from Frank Marshall since her early childhood. She has established her own style since 1970. Her music overflows with sincerity, which subtlety leads listeners into the sphere of her unique musical world. To Alicia de Larrocha, music has become her interpretation of humanity, fulfilling her personal aspiration and passion for her own life. Performing piano is truly a delighted enjoyment for her. Her musical expression is convincingly passionate and admirable. The purpose of this article is to offer encouragements to those women who are engaged in the music field through the understanding and analysis of de Larrocha's music journey.
