  • 學位論文


A Study on Industrial Parks for Cultural Creativity in Beijing.

指導教授 : 陳建甫


中國將發展文化產業納入《國民經濟和社會發展第十個五年計劃綱要》,而「十五」時期 (2001-2005)已有藝術工作者開始自發形成聚集區,如宋莊、798藝術區、中關村等,其中,798藝術區的存廢之爭,更是獲得世界各國媒體的關注,聚集區所產生的群聚效應也受到北京市府的重視。 「十一五」時期 (2006-2010),798藝術區獲得北京市政府同意保留,宋莊發展卻受到世界金融風暴影響,北京市政府遂投入專項資金接手經營,同時還運用國有資源開發新園區,並進行交通及環境建設,將群聚區提升成為政府認證的文化創意園區。由於文創園區的運作機制逐漸成熟,政府便開始著手規劃文化與科技融合創新的文化創意園區,如中關村一區十六園,以及全新的園區,如中國(懷柔)影視基地。北京自2006年12月開辦「北京國際文化創意產業博覽會」,至2016年已舉辦十一屆,逐年吸引外國資金投入北京的文創園區,使得北京的文化產業日漸興盛,「十二五」時期 (2010-2015)文化產業成為北京第二大支柱性產業,僅次於金融業。 自「十五」時期開始,15年來官方的文化產業政策陸續出台,北京的文創園區成為政府推行文化政策的載體,在文化與科技融合創新的思維下,中央與地方上下一致齊心協力主導文創園區發展,文化產業也帶動北京轉型再生,北京市政府的目標是要將北京打造成為有中國特色的「先進文化之都」。 北京文創園區的發展在政府運用行政資源的推展下可歸納四個模式,各模式的典型園區為:宋莊、798藝術區、中關村、中國(懷柔)影視基地。該四園區的發展均受到政府政策不同程度的影響,所幸園區發展過程中有北京政府的政策及資源大力扶持,園區並沒有受到國際金融風暴或經濟不景氣的影響,都能穩定的成長,逐漸帶動城市經濟轉型。 「十三五」時期,中央文化部將研擬《文化產業促進法》。北京市將據之使文化創意產業園區提質增效,並結合現行有效政策與成熟的市場運作機制,構建一個文化產業功能布局完整的大型「國家文化產業創新實驗區」,進而朝向「京津冀特色文化產業帶」發展。


China will be the development of cultural industries into the "National Economic and Social Development Tenth Five-Year Plan", And "fifteen" (2001-2005), there have been art workers began to spontaneous formation of gathering area,,such as Song Zhuang, 798 Art District, Zhongguancun, etc, of which 798 Art District of the abolition of the dispute, it is the media attention of the world, the clustering effect produced by the gathering area is also valued by the Beijing Municipal Government. "Eleventh Five-Year Plan " period (2006-2010), 798 Art District, Beijing Municipal Government agreed to retain, Song Zhuang development has been affected by the world financial turmoil, the Beijing municipal government has invested special funds to take over the operation, but also the use of state-owned resources to develop new park, and to carry out traffic and environmental construction, the cluster area to enhance the government certification of the cultural and creative parks. As the operating mechanism of the cultural and creative park gradually mature,the Government began to plan the integration of cultural and technological innovation of the cultural creativity parks, such as Zhongguancun District 16 Parks, as well as the new park, such as China (Huairou) film base. Beijing since December 2006 opened the "Beijing International Cultural and Creative Industry Fair", to 2016 has been held eleven, attracting foreign capital to invest in Beijing's cultural and creative Parks, making Beijing's growing cultural industries, "Twelfth Five-Year" period (2010-2015) cultural industries has become the second largest pillar industry in Beijing, second only to the financial industry. Since the "Tenth Five-Year Plan " period, 15 years of official cultural industries policies have been introduced, the Beijing cultural and Creative Parks has become the carrier of cultural policy,In the integration of culture and science and technology innovation thinking, the central and local cohesion work together to lead the development of cultural and creative park, cultural industries also led the transformation of Beijing, The goal of the Beijing Municipal Government is to make Beijing a "advanced cultural capital" with Chinese characteristics. The development of the Beijing Cultural and Creative Park can be summarized under the promotion of the administrative resources of the government. The typical parks of each model are: Songzhuang, 798 Art District, Zhongguancun, China (Huairou) film base.The development of the four parks have been affected by different degrees of government policy, but fortunately the park's development process has the Beijing government's policy and resources to support, the park has not been affected by the international financial turmoil or economic downturn, can be stable growth, gradually Driving urban economic transformation. During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, the Ministry of Culture will develop the "Cultural Industries Promotion Law", Beijing will be based on the cultural and creative industries to improve quality and efficiency,Combined with the existing effective policies and mature market operation mechanism, to build a large-scale "National Cultural Industries Innovation Experimental Zone" with a complete layout of the functions of the cultural industries, and then to the "Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei special cultural industries belt" development.


