  • 學位論文


The Study of The Relationships Among Special Education Teachers' Computer Self-Efficacy And Teaching Effectiveness of Information and Communications Technology Teaching of Junior High Schools:An Example of Taipei City

指導教授 : 張瓊穗 博士


本研究旨在了解臺北市國中特教教師電腦自我效能及運用ICT融入教學效能之現況,及不同背景變項因素之特教教師電腦自我效能及運用ICT融入教學之效能是否有顯著差異。研究採問卷調查法,以臺北市國中特教教師為研究對象進行問卷調查,共發出問卷385份,回收325份,將以上研究所獲得的資料進行分析處理,歸納下列結論: 一、國中特教教師電腦自我效能及運用ICT融入教學效能現況,整體屬「中上」程度表現。ICT融入教學效能以「教學評量」層面最高。 二、國中特教教師,電腦自我效能之現況在背景變項之差異分析,其中「教育背景」、「任教年資」、「每週使用電腦時間」等達顯著差異。 三、國中特教教師,ICT融入教學效能之現況在背景變項之差異分析中,「每年參加研習時數」及「每週使用電腦時間」等達顯著差異。 四、國中特教教師電腦自我效能及運用ICT融入教學效能各層面有顯著的正相關。 五、國中特教教師電腦自我效能對ICT融入教學效能具有預測力。 依據研究結論,對教育行政機關、特教師資培育機構等提出落干建議,俾利相關人士與未來研究參考。


This study investigates the statuses of special education teachers’ computer self-efficacy and teaching effectiveness of integration of ICT in teaching in Taipei city junior high schools. This study also examines whether there are significant differences among special education teachers with different background variables on computer self-efficacy and teaching effectiveness of integration of ICT in teaching. This study uses questionnaire survey for data analysis from 325 participants of total 385 questionnaires. Some findings are as follows: 1. Special education teachers’ computer self-efficacy and teaching effectiveness of integration of ICT in teaching are high. The aspect of “teaching evaluation” in ICT integrated teaching is the highest. 2. Variables of educational background, teaching experience, weekly computer using hours are significantly relevant to the junior high school special education teachers and computer self-efficacy. 3. Variables of hours of yearly seminar participation and weekly computer using hours are significant relevant to junior high school special education teachers and ICT integrated teaching. 4. Junior high school special education teachers’ computer self-efficacy is positively correlated to ICT integrated teaching. 5. Junior high school special education teachers’ computer self-efficacy has high probability in ICT integrating teaching.


王全世(2000)。資訊科技融入教學之意義與內涵。資訊教育雜誌,80, 23-31。
