  • 學位論文


Evaluation of Public-Private Partnership Model:A Case of Mehas Joint Development Program

指導教授 : 黃一峯 黃琛瑜


隨著社會進步及經濟持續發展所帶動民眾對於「行」的需求,促使政府規劃台北捷運系統,不僅滿足區域內通勤、旅遊等移動需求,亦縮短區域間之開發差距及加速原先邊陲地帶之發展,形成另一種都市發展更新。然而民眾對於捷運系統的高度依存度,促使政府持續開發新捷運系統,為解決龐大建設成本、水漲船高的地價,設施用地居民面對徵收可能產生之抗爭,訂定「大眾捷運法」及「大眾捷運系統土地開發辦法」,除傳統徵收與撥用之模式外,增加結合土地使用、都市計劃與交通建設之「土地聯合開發」方式。 本文以美河市開發案為案例探討,採取個案研究法,因其爭議涉及土地徵收適法、權益分配比例問題、人工地盤之法定空地爭議及鑑定報告圖利廠商等等,就其整體徵收計畫、徵收方式適法性、建物性質配當及權益分配比例等議題探討。主要係肇因於捷運聯合開發案迄今無明確標準可循等重大問題,一併檢討制度亂像才能除弊興利,將聯合開發模式導入常軌,才能釋放土地利用最大價值,使人民、政府雙贏共蒙其利。


公私協力 美河市 聯合開發


This thesis aims to explore the Mehas Joint development projects’ various issues and challenges involving the legality of land expropriation, re-distribution of benefits and land assessment through an empirical study. In order to satisfy the demand for transportation of the society generated by the social progress and economic development. The government is driven to plan the Taipei Mass Rail Transport (MRT) System. Not only is the development aiming at facilitating regional commutes, it is also a step towards narrowing the development gap between regions as well as accelerating the development of peripheral regions, which in turn becomes another form of urban renewal initiative. However, because of the commuter’s high reliance on the MRT system which drives government to continuously build and develop new MRT system. The government has drafted the “The Mass Rapid Transit Act”, “The Mass Rapid Transit Land Development Act” to address the resolution of the growing cost of land and development as well as the potential local residents’ resistance against the land expropriation. The above legislation not only addressed the traditional land expropriation, but also the “Land Joint Development” framework which includes land usage, urban planning and transportation infrastructure. The main driving force behind this study is because of the fact that the Joint MRT development project have not had a standard to abide by projects of similar magnitude. We hope to address the issues within the system and develop a win-win framework for the Joint Development project as well as the people and the government.


