  • 學位論文


Zeng Min's Study of the Yu Gong

指導教授 : 蔣秋華 黃復山


《尚書》一經,至宋代,〈禹貢〉研究始盛。然以宋代治〈禹貢〉之盛,〈禹貢〉學專著之多,卻多所亡佚。北宋之作,今所存者,較之南宋,益見其寡。 攷宋代諸家《尚書》學及所存之〈禹貢〉學專著,頗見宋代〈禹貢〉學專著佚文。再者,屢見北宋曾旼論〈禹貢〉,為諸家多所稱引。 曾旼著有《尚書講義》三十卷,已佚。雖非〈禹貢〉學專著,論〈禹貢〉卻詳,當有可取之處。此又為北宋之作,當可補北宋〈禹貢〉學之寡。 欲復宋代亡佚之〈禹貢〉學,唯有輯佚。遂擇定以宋代迄清代,諸家《尚書》學及〈禹貢〉學專著,為輯佚之範疇。以四川大學歷史地理研究所編纂,上海交通大學出版社出版之《中國歷史地理文獻輯刊》,其中《禹貢集成》、《尚書禹貢篇集成》二編,共十五冊,共計一百八十九部著述之文獻,為輯佚之底本。以亡佚之諸家宋代〈禹貢〉學專著及曾旼《尚書講義》為輯佚之對象。 所輯得者,以曾旼,共三百七十一條次,可見其〈禹貢〉學之大概,最為完備。 是故,以宋代〈禹貢〉學之盛、北宋〈禹貢〉學之闕、諸家稱引曾旼論〈禹貢〉之繁、曾旼解〈禹貢〉之精博、其說影響宋迄清之深遠、輯佚所得之完備、復其學面目之慨、罕有前人研究之憾,擬定「曾旼禹貢學」為題以作。 本文共分為兩部分。第一部分,第一至八章為論曾旼之〈禹貢〉學。本文復歸古之學者治〈禹貢〉之法,注解經文之體例,以經文為綱,注疏說義為開展。第一章緒論以下,第二至七章,循序以〈禹貢〉之冀州、兗州、青州、徐州、揚州、荊州各為一章,各州之下,以輯佚之所得,按經文先後之次排列,以一句經文為單位,每單位是為一節,以一節為一議題,共十八項議題。第八章為結論。 每一節涵蓋釐訂之底本、述有疑義底本之疑、宋代以前要說、宋代諸家要說、曾旼說解之創見或異議、前人對曾旼說解之評論、考辨評騭曾旼說解、曾旼說解之影響,共八項內容。 第二部分,是為附錄。其一,輯佚書目,表列所據以輯佚之書目。其二,曾旼《尚書講義》輯佚,為所輯得之三百七十一條佚文。 本文論曾旼〈禹貢〉學,可見其屢為新說,且可取者頗多,論「既載壺口,治梁及岐」、「九河」、「三江」、「九江」之說,尤為卓然。其〈禹貢〉學之特點有三,論〈禹貢〉之新說備出、解〈禹貢〉之不排孔《傳》、《正義》、近人之說或採之或駁之。此三種看似彼此相違,卻又並存之特點,亦為宋代學者解〈禹貢〉之特點。故可視曾旼之〈禹貢〉學,是為南宋〈禹貢〉學大盛前,北宋〈禹貢〉學遞演發展過程之象徵。 本文之作,總其成果。自縱而言,所論議題、輯佚範疇,皆及於歷代〈禹貢〉學;自橫而言,所採說解,及於宋代諸家〈禹貢〉學,輯佚所得,可補北宋〈禹貢〉學之闕;自曾旼而言,輯佚其書,論其說,不使其學沈埋於故紙之中也。


尚書 禹貢 曾旼 尚書講義 輯佚


In the Song Dynasty ,the study of the Shang Shu was entering in a brand new age. Scholars was began engaged in special research on the Yu Gong,many academic works are formed .But, a lot of academic works to become nonextant,the Northern Song dynasty 's was more than the Southern Song dynasty's. To observed and studied,some lost articles of the nonextant academic works, could be found in the academic works of the Shang Shu and the Yu Gong. Besides,Zeng Min's discussion on the Yu Gong, quoted by many scholars. Zeng Min,a scholar of the Northern Song dynasty,his Shang Shu Chiang Yih was become nonextant. Shang Shu Chiang Yih , isn't the academic works of the Yu Gong,but its detailedly studied on the Yu Gong. In order to revive the nonextant academic works of the Yu Gong, compiling ancient books is the only way to go. This text collected 371 lost works of Shang Shu Chiang Yih from 189 academic works of the Shang Shu and the Yu Gong in the Song Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. The 371 lost works of Shang Shu Chiang Yih ,which are unseen in the various collection of the Shang Shu and the Yu Gong,and neglected by the related scholars.Therefore, this text studied for Zeng Min's Study of the Yu Gong. This text comprised two parts.Part one,the first chapter to the eighth chapter,were discussed Zeng Min's study of the Yu Gong.The first chapter is an introduction about this text.The second chapter to the eighth chapter, in proper sequence Ji State,Yan State, Qing State,Shiu State, Yang State,Jing State for each chapter.In each chapter, to summarized 371 lost works into scriptures of tne Yu Gong.Each scriptures to become one section, to amount to eighteen sections. The eighth chapter is the conclusion. Each sections includes the lost works to formulate, a doubtful point of the lost works,the study of the Yu Gong prior to the Song Dynasty, the study of the Yu Gong in the Song Dynasty, the original idea of Zeng Min's study of the Yu Gong, predecessor's appreciation of Zeng Min, distinguished Zeng Min's study of the Yu Gong, the influence of Zeng Min, to amount to eight projects. Part two, is appendixes. Appendixe one, is bibliography of 189 academic works into one format. Appendixe two,is the 371 lost works of Shang Shu Chiang Yih. This text discussed Zeng Min's study of the Yu Gong,could find Zeng Min had much innovation,his idea of“Yu did his work at Hu-kou, and took effective measures at the mountains Liang and Qi. ”, “Nine Branches”, “Three Rivers”, “Nine Rivers”,were commented by many scholars. The distinguishing feature of Zeng Min's study of the Yu Gong includes following three:had much innovation, didn't dislike Con Zhuan、Zheng Yih, to quoted or to oppose the study of the Yu Gong in the Song Dynasty. This text to make reference to the study of the Yu Gong of all the past dynasties, collected 371 lost works of Shang Shu Chiang Yih,could make up for what is missing in the study of the Yu Gong of the Northern Song dynasty, manifested the theory of Zeng Min.



