  • 學位論文


The development of cost and benefit model in supply chain with capacity constraint and defective quality

指導教授 : 李旭華


由於全球化的影響、技術進步以及要求多樣化的顧客等因素,企業間的競合關係變得十分緊密,企業在追求利益最佳化或成本極小化的同時,也必須要考慮到產品品質。在企業的收益過程中,除了產品製造過程的好壞以及產品製造的過程中所產生的各種生產製造、運輸成本會影響收益外,顧客購買意願也會隨著品質改善的投資增加而提高。過去的消費者只注重物品能使用就好,而現今的消費者更希望能擁有高品質的商品與服務來提升自己的社會地位。   本研究希望藉由參考各種文獻,採用單一買方與單一賣方的方式來代表一供應鏈,除了製造過程中所產生的各種成本模式延展外,將著重探討定價與品質改善兩項決策變數對於整體供應鏈的重要性,以此發展一套以利潤最大化為目標之數學模型。最後使用Matlab R2014b軟體進行數值運算與分析,用以獲得本研究之成本效益模式的最適解。同時,希望透過本研究能提供未來研究者繼續以供應價值鏈為目標,使供應鏈的每個層級皆可增加其在供應鏈中的價值,提高各別企業之獲利能力進而使整個供應鏈獲得更多利潤。


Due to the influence of globalization, the improvement of technology and the diverse demand of customer and other factors make enterprises co-opetition be crucial. When the enterprises pursue the profit maximum or cost minimum, they must also consider the quality of products. In addition, a variety of production cost in the process can be considered to increase customer purchase intention with proper investment in quality improvement. The purpose of this study is to refer to literature by using single buyer and single seller to represent a simple supply chain. The cost model can be extended to generate the manufacturing process on both sides. The objective is to obtain two decision variables including price and defective quality in order to maximize the profit in a cost-benefit mathematical model. Finally, an example is given to illustrate a cost-benefit model and explain the relevant cost and benefit components of single buyer and single seller in this model. This study can help future researchers develop the value chain in supply chain management.


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