  • 學位論文


Writing Urban Space: East London in Iain Sinclair’s Downriver, Lights Out for the Territory, and Dining on Stones.

指導教授 : 宋美璍


本論文研究當代英國作家伊恩・辛克萊(Iain Sinclair)的倫敦書寫,旨在探討都市現代性的空間化,以及辛克萊筆下所呈現的另類都會空間。藉由分析辛克萊三部作品中的語言文字、社會文化脈絡與文學生產方法,本研究不僅處理倫敦都市現代性的問題,亦討論書寫另類都會空間的可能性和侷限。援引法國哲學家昂希・勒斐博(Henri Lefebvre)的空間三元辯證概念(spatial trialectics)為理論架構,本論文主要從三個面向探討辛克萊筆下倫敦的都會空間:物質與社會建構、語言與思想以及富含想像的書寫行動。藉此,本研究除了關照歷史書寫、社會論述與人倫關係之外,並強調空間辯證的政治性,進而指出文本空間生產與這三者之間交互作用的關係。以勒斐博的空間生產理論(the production of space)探討倫敦的文本空間生產,本論文指出辛克萊如何透過書寫和行走倫敦的都市空間,解構並回應倫敦的都市現代性。 本論文主要有四個章節。第一章開啟勒斐博與辛克萊的對話,以勒斐博的空間生產三元辯證概念作為閱讀策略,彰顯辛克萊如何以空間、歷史和文學想像做為書寫/行走倫敦的主軸。第二章探討辛克萊如何運用反禁制(anti-closure)的書寫手法,檢視社會論述中的空間邊緣意象。本章分析辛克萊的語言符號如何牽連歷史、社會和空間三邊的權力互動,並說明辛克萊如何以反禁制的空間修辭,將倫敦都市空間轉化為一種抗拒封閉、開放複寫的想像空間。第三章分析辛克萊極富想像力與創造力的書寫行動,解釋城市漫遊者如何以潛伏盯梢(stalking)的行走模式,進行一場認識論的拆解。本章指出辛克萊的城市探索者如何以書寫和實際的空間參與,顛覆主流論述的空間想像,並重新結構主體與社會關係,試圖再現/造倫敦的另類都會空間。第四章審視辛克萊的書寫策略和行走模式,探討書寫另類都會空間的可能性,並指出以書寫/行走作為抗拒或重新詮釋社會文化論述的侷限性。本研究的主旨在於例示辛克萊筆下倫敦所呈現之另類都會空間,尋找寫實/歷史和虛構/文本之間的倫敦的空間性。


This study focuses on three of Iain Sinclair’s major publications: Downriver, Lights Out for the Territory, and Dining on Stones. By relating discussions of the three texts to the problematics of modernity in London, it tries to bring together critical reflections on Sinclair’s language, socio-cultural contexts of his writing, and his method of literary production. The dissertation not only deals with the problematics of London’s urban space represented in Sinclair’s work, but also probes into the problematics of writing urban space per se. In keeping with these objectives, it uses Henri Lefebvre’s conception of spatial trialectics, approaching Sinclair’s London from three main dimensions: material social reality, language and thought, and his creative, poetic act of writing. Despite looking at them separately, this thesis highlights the interplay of the three dimensions in the work of Sinclair. The focus is on how the codification of London’s urban space has been read, analyzed, and responded to by Sinclair in his practice of writing as well as walking the space of London. The thesis comprises four chapters: (1) Engaging Henri Lefebvre and Iain Sinclair in Dialogue, (2) Iain Sinclair’s Anti-Closural Narratology in Downriver, (3) The Poetics of Walking in Lights Out for the Territory, and (4) Mind the Gap! Artistic Integrity vis-a-vis Cultural Hegemony in Dining on Stones. With the aim to develop a methodology to approach Sinclair’s London—his texts and the city, Chapter One provides a link of Sinclair’s work to Lefebvre’s theory of the production of space. Chapter Two intends to study Sinclair’s language in both form and context in the hope of shedding light on Sinclair’s anti-closural narratology, as manifested in the novel Downriver. In addition to the study of his language, Chapter Three delves into Sinclair’s method of literary production with the focus on the practice of psychogeography, his act of identifying writing and walking as one and the same thing. Following up on the foregoing argument, Chapter Four studies the problematics of writing urban space per se in terms of investigating Sinclair’s authorial as well as artistic integrity in the face of dominant cultural hegemony. The dissertation not only develops an alternative methodology to approach Sinclair’s London—his texts and the city, but also opens a dialogue that engages Lefebvre in the intellectual terrain of literary criticism and cultural studies.


Works Cited
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