  • 學位論文

智利參與聯合國維和行動之研究: 海地行動之重要性 (2002-2012)

Chile’s Participation in the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations: Importance of the Mission in Haiti (2002-2012)

指導教授 : 李大中


智利於1945年聯合國設立時便開始參與維和任務,然而其參與聯合國在海地的多國維和行動及聯合國海地穩定特派團時,智利便主動並開始擴大參與聯合國的維和行動。 本論文的主要目標是分析從2002年至2012年智利所參與過的維和任務,並且著重討論在海地所執行之聯合國維和任務對於智利的重要性、智利之外交政策與制度主義的各自差異與此次海地任務中所學到並可以給予未來智利維和部隊的經驗。 智利從2004年便開始參與聯合國海地維和任務及聯合國海地穩定特派團,此項任務對智利來說是一項大工程,智利亦秉持積極有效率的態度來進行這項任務。至此之後,對於聯合國任務能夠作出更好的反應,智利的法律與組織架構便開始有了許多變化。 由於多個拉丁美洲國家也參與了在海地的聯合國維和任務,新的合作機制也在拉丁美洲國家之間油然而生,這些機制對於各個安全議題甚為重要,對於區域安全上也有相當重要的進展。 本論文欲說明參與了海地的維和任務對智利來說,是為其參與聯合國維和行動的一個轉戾點,更是為智利融入到國際社會的一個重要結果。再者,本文意旨在發掘引導智利藉由參與海地維和任務的方式,來達成與外交政策相關聯結之利益的各個原因。其中最重要的一項便是,智利欲於2014至2015年成為安理會非永久會員的目的。 表單編號:ATRX-Q03-001-FM030-01


聯合國 維持和平行動 智利 海地 合作


Chile has participated in peacekeeping operations since the beginning of the United Nations in 1945. However, is with its participation in the Multinational Interim Force in Haiti MIFH and in the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti MINUSTAH, that Chile began an active and massive involvement in peacekeeping operations of the UN. This thesis is based on a main objective, to analyze Chile’s Participation in the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (UNPKO) from 2002 to 2012, giving special attention to the importance of the Mission in Haiti for Chile; the variations in Chile’s institutionalism and Foreign Policy; and lessons learned from this operation for future engagement by Chile’s blue helmets. Chile participates in MIFH and MINUSTAH since 2004. The deployment of this mission was a great effort of the state, giving an effective response. Since then, many changes have occurred in the legal and organizational structure of Chile to better respond to the call of the UN. Thanks to the massive participation of Latin American countries in the Haiti mission, new systems of cooperation have arisen between them. These mechanisms are of great importance in matters of security, and could entail significant progress on regional security. This research seeks to demonstrate that Chile’s participation in the Haiti mission represents a turning point in the country’s participation in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations, having as a consequence the country’s integration into the international arena. Furthermore, this study aims to discover the reasons that lead Chile to participate in Haiti, which are related to the foreign policy’s interests fulfilled by the engagement in this mission. One of the most important ones is the intention of Chile to be part of the Security Council as a nonpermanent member for the period of 2014-2015. 表單編號:ATRX-Q03-001-FM031-01


United Nations Peacekeeping Operations Chile Haiti MINUSTAH MIFH Cooperation


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