  • 學位論文


The Assessment of An International Company’s E-PR Activities -- A Case Study of Samsung Electronics in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃振家


由於網際網路發展的普及化及易接近性,消費者對於產品、品牌的評價或想法能夠透過網路科技在彼此參與的社群中流傳、轉載,進而影響到該產品、品牌的銷售成績或形象。因此,在網際網路中的公關操作更加需要受到重視。本研究針對跨國企業的網路公關活動進行分析,討論跨國性企業如何運用網路公關與消費者建立關係以及進行溝通。 本研究主要聚焦於,跨國企業如何將本身文化特色及概念透過網路公關操作來包裝,歸納整理出三星電子的網路公關型態及特色,同時藉由消費者面向來進行相關評估研究。研究方法則採取個案研究法來進行個案資料的蒐集及討論,同時輔以深度訪談了解消費者面向。 研究發現三星電子在台灣所做的網路公關包含以下特色:結合時事討論、跨業合作、結合熱門戲劇及APP話題、在地關懷行動。在跨國企業的品牌建構方面則符合跨國企業經營策略,在網路公關模式中屬於策略導向模式的應用,企業品牌建構符合網路公關工作目標。研究也發現消費者主要仍以企業產品或服務表現來描繪對於品牌的印象,針對個人不同的主動性及目的性,企業網路公關活動會有不同程度的到達率。


Due to the development of internet, customers can share their opinions or experiences after using products or services with others in the social nets which they have joined. The products selling or brands’ images may be influenced by those suggestions. Therefore, people should pay more attention to electronic Public Relation (e-PR). This research’s main analysis is about how an international company operates its e-PR activities, and also, discussing the company how to build relationships and communicate with customers. This research focuses on how an international company links its inner cultures and working concepts to e-PR activities; furthermore, generalizes the e-PR type and characteristics of Samsung Electronics in Taiwan. Last, uses the customers’ interview data to show the assessment. In this research, researcher uses Case Study method, collecting the case’s data to analyze; meanwhile, uses In-Depth Interview to figure out customers’ views. In the research findings, the e-PR of Samsung Electronics in Taiwan has following characteristics: links to current events in its activities, cooperates with other working fields, combines with popular dramas and issues, social care activities. Among the e- PR Models, the Samsung Electronics’ e-PR tactic in Taiwan is classified as Strategic Orientation Model. Researcher also found that customers mainly use company’s products and services to build the brand image. According to personal purposes and free will, company’s e-PR activities have different levels of achievement.


International Companies E-PR Brand Image


張愛華等(2010)。<網路企業品牌形象之研究—以 Web 2.0 網站為例>,《電子商務研究》,8(2),259-290。
