  • 學位論文


News agenda of major events - the 2010 Taipei International Floral Expo

指導教授 : 黃振家


「2010臺北國際花卉博覽會」是臺灣第一次正式獲得國際授權舉辦,也是亞洲第7個城市經AIPH正式授權舉辦的國際園藝博覽會。初步預估辦理「2010臺北國際花卉博覽會」將有國內外約800萬觀光人次參與,不僅對內促進本市觀光產業發展、國內花卉產業成長,更可對外促進國際交流,提升我國國際形象。(台北國際花卉博覽會官方網站,2010) 主辦單位於籌備大型活動過程中幾乎沒有機會與大眾直接接觸,大眾對於活動籌組過程的認識與瞭解往往是遠距離的、大範圍的。因此新聞媒體報導之大量、高速度的複製訊息特性,成為主辦方傳遞活動內容與規劃最有效且最常使用的工具。然而,不同立場的媒體組織對於議題的挑選與闡述相異,導致報導重點不同而產生出不同的框架競爭。當競爭框架產生,主辦方為了活動所形塑的議題遭遇挑戰,競爭性議題可能演變成危害活動規劃與形象的危機。因此,對於大型活動此類牽涉層面較廣,籌備過程與舉辦過程中對大眾影響程度較大之活動,主辦方一方面該如何藉由新聞報導將活動訊息傳遞,一方面有該如何小心避免競爭性議題所引發的危機,成為本研究關注焦點。 本研究以「2010臺北國際花卉博覽會」為個案研究對象,以官方(主辦方)及民間媒體對其報導之差異做為研究主軸。其中官方(主辦方)內容選定為臺北市政府發佈之官方新聞稿,而民間媒體則選定臺灣主要四大報(自由時報、中國時報、聯合報、蘋果日報),擷取2010.06.01至2011.09.30期間關於2010臺北國際花卉博覽會相關報導。以公共關係、媒體挑選新聞價值等面向探討並歸納,2010臺北花博會於展期前、展期中、展期後三階段之議題,不同的媒體對於其報導內容是如何呈現,而2010臺北花博會也有許多由官方(主辦方)所發佈之新聞稿,其中與民間媒體報導之差異,及若競爭性新聞議題產生時,官方(主辦方)如何回應。希望能藉此,進一步釐清大型活動在媒體議題論述與報導取向上,主辦方應注意哪些類型議題,並可利用何種類型議題塑造活動正面形象。


"2010 Taipei International Floral Exposition is the first officially authorized by the International held in seven Asian cities duly authorized by the AIPH organized by the International Horticultural Exposition. The initial estimate to apply for the "2010 Taipei International Floral Expo will have about 800 domestic and foreign tourist visitors to participate, not only internally to promote the development of the city tourism industry, the growth of the domestic flower industry, but also to promote international exchange to enhance China's international image. (From the official website of the Taipei International Flora Exposition, 2010) Organizer in the process of preparation is hardly to direct contact with the public. The public awareness and understanding of the activities of the formation process is often long-distance, large-scale. The news media reported a large number of high-speed replication message characteristics, organizers delivery activities and planning the most effective and most commonly used tools. However, the different positions of the media organizations for the selection of topics elaborated different, leading to reports a different focus and produce a different framework for competition.When the competitive framework of the organizers of the issues shaping the activities challenged, competitive issues may evolve into a hazard event planning and image crisis. Therefore, for large-scale activities such involve a level broader the public impact of activities in the preparatory process and organize the process, the organizers on the one hand how active signaling through news reports, on the one hand, how to be careful to avoid competition crisis triggered by the controversial issues become the focus of this study. In this study, the "2010 Taipei International Floral Expo" as a case study, the official (the organizers) and non-governmental media reported the difference as the study spindle. In the study, the sample of the official press release (the organizers) selected for The Taipei City Government, The sample of the private media I choose four newspapers in Taiwan (Liberty Times, China Times, United Daily News, Apple Daily), From 2010.06.01 to 2011.09. 30 and during the 2010 Taipei International Floral Expo coverage. Selection of news value, public relations, media oriented to explore and summarize the 2010 Taipei Floral Expo exhibition before the exhibition, the three stages of the extension of issues, different media for its reported content is how to present the 2010 Taipei Floral Expo also the press release published by the official (the organizers), official (the organizers) how to respond to differences in which folk media coverage, and if the competition the news agenda. I hope this further clarify the major events on media issues discusses the reported orientation, the organizers should pay attention to what types of issues, and can use what type of issues shaping the activities of a positive image.


葉至誠 (2000)。《社會科學概論》。台北:揚智文化事業股份有限公司出版。
