  • 學位論文


Effects of Using S-P Chart as a Feedback Tool on Elementary School Students' Learning Achievement, Attitudes, and Self-Regulated Learning toward Mathematics.

指導教授 : 蔡秉燁


在學習者的學習歷程中,回饋可以提供達成學習目標所需之相關訊息。近年來,教育改革已經注意到僅以分數做為回饋方式的限制和缺點,陸續有許多研究,教師於數學科中採用各種不同的回饋方式或透過系統輔助以提供學生學習回饋。本研究應用S-P表於學習回饋,採用準實驗研究法,並以問卷調查的方式進行資料蒐集。研究對象為新北市某小學四年級六個班,實驗組與對照組各三個班,有效樣本151人。於各次數學測驗結束後,提供實驗組學生S-P表做為學習回饋,控制組學生則採傳統試題檢討,藉此了解應用S-P表於學習回饋是否會對學生的學業成就、學習態度及自我調整學習產生影響。 本研究經實驗後,得到以下結論: 一、應用S-P表於學習回饋對學生學業成就未有影響。 二、應用S-P表於學習回饋於數學學習態度未達顯著差異。 三、實驗組學生在獲得S-P表學習回饋後,數學學習態度未有提升。 四、應用S-P表於學習回饋對學生自我調整學習未達顯著差異。 五、應用S-P表於學習回饋未能顯著提升實驗組學生之自我調整學習能力。 六、應用S-P表於學習回饋對自我調整學習中「期望調整策略」產生負向影響。


Feedbacks provide relevant information required to achieve the learning objectives in the learning process of learners. In recent years, education reform has been noted that using scores as the only feedback has several limitations and drawbacks. There are many studies have found that teachers apply various feedback types in math classes or provide learning feedbacks through the auxiliary system.This study aims to use S-P chart as a feedback tool and adopt quasi-experimental research method, collecting data through questionnaire survey. The subjects are 151 fourth graders in one elementary school in New Taipei City. There are three classes each in experimental group and control group.After the math tests, the experimental group students would get S-P chart as the learning feedback; on the other hand, the control group students adopt the traditional test review. In so doing, researcher wants to understand the effects of using S-P chart as a feedback tool on students' learning achievement, attitudes, and self-regulated learning toward mathematics. This research revealed the following results: 1.Using S-P chart as a feedback tool has no influence on students' learning achievement. 2.There is no significant difference between using S-P chart as a feedback tool and students' learning attitude in mathematics. 3.There is no positive impact on experimental group students’ attitude toward mathematics learning. 4.There is no significant difference between using S-P chart as a feedback tool and students' self-regulated learning. 5.There is no positive impact on experimental group students’ self-regulated learning ability. 6.Using S-P chart leads to a negative effect on students’ expectancy regulation strategies.


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