  • 學位論文


The impact on the satisfaction of employee by the manager’s humor style and humor leadership behaviors

指導教授 : 洪英正 張雍昇


幽默為個人魅力表現,處世態度以及智慧等素質集結的展現,適時的幽默可以化解職場上主管與員工間的尷尬,可以化解意見分歧時的緊張氣氛,可以讓人沈澱、省思並在無形中自我檢討,可以讓衝突與問題解決於無聲無息中。幽默感是領導者重要的人格特質之一,幽默的人使人感到親切( Dubrin,1997),具有幽默領導行為的領導者,在於其員工滿意與工作效能上顯著的正相關( Avolio,Howell, and Sosik,1999),因此,是否具幽默特質或幽默風格的領導者,其組織有較高的員工滿意度與工作效能。一個單位組織,若主管以幽默領導方式帶領其部屬,通常可以讓許多事情較容易克服及達成目標,員工工作滿意也因此有了明顯的提升。 因此,領導者是否具有幽默領導的特質或是領導者只要懂得裝幽默的技巧,在某些場合故作輕鬆狀表現出幽默領導的行為,就能夠得到其所想要的效果?主管的幽默領導行為與幽默風格何者對於員工的滿意度比較具有影響力?此正是本研究探討之重點。 緣此,本研究將以各企業在職者為研究對象,針對主管幽默風格及幽默領導行為對於員工工作滿意之影響進行探討。本研究總計發放200份問卷,有效回收樣本數為200份,有效樣本回收率為100%。研究結果即假設驗證發現如下: 1.主管幽默領導行為對員工工作滿意之影響大於主管之幽默風格。 2.主管之幽默領導行為對員工工作滿意有顯著的正向影響。   幽默在生活及職場中皆扮演重要的角色,其中幽默領導行為對於員工工作滿意有顯著影響。因此,企業各管理階層,在了解其幽默風格及幽默領導分別對於工作滿意的影響後,可以依不同環境調整其在領導時對於幽默的運用,俾使得員工工作滿意提升。一個擁有幽默領導行為的主管更可以提升員工的工作滿意,進而為公司創造進一步的佳績。


Humor is the expression of personal charisma, attitude and wisdom. Timely humor can remove embarrassment between employees and manager, and soften nervous situation of argument when there are different ideas. In addition, humor enables a person to think deeply and review himself conscientiously, and solve problems conflicts smoothly. Humor is one of the important characteristics of a leader (Dubrin, 1997). A leader with humor leadership has positive impacts on job satisfaction and performance of employees (Avolio, Howell, and Sosik, 1999). Therefore, an organization has a higher job satisfaction and better performance of employees by a leader with splendid humor style. So, it is usually easier to accomplish objectives and overcome difficulties with humor leadership. In this paper, we try to answer several important questions: Can a leader achieve expected effects by behaving being humorous under certain situations? Which factor has more impact on employee’s job satisfaction? Humor style or humor leadership behaviors? These questions are the key issues to be studied in this paper. We target on employees in private enterprises, and design a questionnaire to study the impact on job satisfaction of employees by humor style and humor leadership behaviors of manager. Two hundred questionnaires were sent, and all have been recalled. The effective recall ratio is 100%. The results by verifying our hypotheses are as followers: 1. The humor leadership behaviors of the manager has more impact on job satisfaction of employees than humor style. 2. The humor leadership behaviors of the manager has significant positive impact on job satisfaction of employees.   Humor plays an important role in both live and work. By understanding the impacts of humor style and humor leadership behaviors, the management of an enterprise can adjust their humor leadership for different circumstances, and improve performance of employees. Our experiical results demonstrate that leaders with humor leadership behaviors can increaseemployees’ job satisfaction, and hence achieve better performance as well as create more values for their organization.


