  • 學位論文


Royal Australian Navy in the Post-Cold War Period

指導教授 : 鄭大誠


自二次大戰結束後,澳洲海軍發展的獨特性越見明顯。澳洲這段由原本受到英美兩大海權強國影響,到逐漸獨立自主的發展過程,引發了作者對於澳洲海軍研究的興趣。特別是在後冷戰時期,澳洲海軍如何隨著國家戰略定位的不同而有所轉變,更是作者所關心的範圍。有鑒於此,作者將論文內容聚焦於後冷戰時期澳洲海軍發展之研究,包括整體戰略、兵力態勢、任務與目的,以及未來展望等。希望能藉由深入的討論與分析,而能在這個議題上得到一些具有創新性的研究成果。 在主要內容上,本論文首先將闡述在整體戰略環境與威脅認知影響下的澳洲海軍,作者並將解釋其發展相對應的政策與作為。第二部份講述後冷戰時期澳洲歷任政府如何影響到海軍的戰略發展與作為,以及對澳洲海軍本身而言,它們對海權的概念為何?並藉以分析澳洲海軍的獨特觀點在軍力發展上具有何種意義?第三部份分析澳洲海軍的實質建軍方向及兵力態勢。第四部份除了總結與分析外,還希望能提供預測澳洲海軍未來發展的一些基本看法與建議。 本論文的研究結果顯示,澳洲海軍到了2020年後的戰力必將有很大的提升,其將具有區域兵力投射,並掌握區域制海、制空權的能力。除此之外,澳洲海軍還將會發展出新的軍事思想,藉以達成澳洲成為區域性的軍事和海上強權的目標。在2001年公佈的「21世紀的澳洲海軍」發展規劃當中,要求澳洲海軍提升海上快速反應能力、支援登陸作戰能力和區域防空能力。澳洲海軍不但要在周邊地區,還要能配合盟國遂行遠征作戰。規劃是澳洲海軍的「現存艦隊」到2015年蛻變為「增強艦隊」,到2025年發展成「未來艦隊」。這是澳洲海軍走向「藍水海軍」的標誌,也代表著澳洲海軍成為一個非謹守領海,而是逐漸擴張的戰略角色。


Since the end of the Second World War, the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) has demonstrated itself as a unique naval power in many ways. Historically, Australia had been first influenced by the United Kingdom and then, the United States. As time went by, Canberra had gradually adopted a more independent approach in terms of its naval development. Such changes and development triggered my interest in studying the RAN from a historical prospective, especially in the post-Cold War era. To identify how the RAN transformed itself in accordance with varying national interests and strategy is also one of my major concerns in this thesis. Therefore, this research in particular focuses on RAN’s overall strategy, force posture, missions and objectives, as well as future prospects and planning. Hopefully the readers can be inspired by my in-depth discussion and analysis on this subject. Structurally, this thesis firstly analyzes the overall strategic environment Canberra faces and different threat perceptions the RAN holds. The responding measures by this Down Under country are hereby discussed. The second part describes the policies and strategies of successive Australian governments affecting RAN’s growth. RAN’s strategic concepts and their application in actual development are also evaluated. Thirdly, this work assesses the military capabilities and force structures of the RAN, qualitatively and quantitatively, in order to depict the real picture of this naval power in the Southern Hemisphere. Last but not the least, the fourth part of this thesis provides my remarks and conclusions. Some future predictions and recommendations for the RAN are also included in this final section. This thesis finds that RAN’s capabilities shall be significantly enhanced by 2020. The Australian fleet will be able to project its military power at least regionally, and to enjoy certain area command of the sea and air. Besides, there will be a new development of military thinking within the RAN, so that its strategic planning could be properly guided. According to a 2001 governmental publication, Australia's Navy for the 21st century: 2001-2030, the RAN will upgrade its capabilities of maritime rapid response capability, amphibious operations and regional air defense in upcoming years. The RAN is expected to be competent enough to engage in not only regional operations, but also expeditionary missions with allies. For meeting these goals, the RAN as a “Fleet-in-Being” at present must be transformed to an “Enhanced Fleet” by 2015, and a “Future Fleet” by 2025. Such an evolution is apparently RAN’s roadmap for a “blue-water navy”, hoping that Australia will become an expanding naval power, rather than simply take up a pure defensive posture in the future.


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