  • 學位論文


Added Value From the COUNTER Project to Analysis the Electronic Resources Usage Reports: A Case Study of TKU Library

指導教授 : 歐陽崇榮


隨著期刊館藏型式的改變及期刊費用高漲等因素,促使電子期刊日益受到重視,因此,圖書館如何將有限的經費發揮最大的經濟效益顯得非常重要。 鑑於前述問題,本研究將標準化的電子資源使用統計報表進行電子期刊的使用統計分析、計量分析與引用文獻分析,冀望藉由此三種不同面向的分析作為圖書館日後評鑑電子期刊使用效益的依據。 本研究共蒐集淡江大學圖書館(以下簡稱個案)所提供的14家符合COUNTER計畫中的電子期刊使用統計資料進行分析,總計共收錄17,273種電子期刊,總使用次數達654,297次,本研究結果歸納如下: 一、個案所使用的電子期刊供應商類型主要以專業學會所出版的期刊居多,出版社次之,匯集商所代理的電子期刊使用情形偏低 二、個案所使用的電子期刊供應商類型主要以匯集商所代理的電子期刊變動情形偏高 三、個案電子期刊的學科主題主要以科學、技術及社會科學等被使用情形居多 四、個案電子期刊使用文獻與引用文獻的文獻分布相當分散 五、個案電子期刊使用文獻與引用文獻情形大致符合布萊德福定律 六、個案高使用量的電子期刊與高引用量的電子期刊其學科主題大致相同 七、個案電子期刊的使用與引用之間的相關性不高 最後,依研究之結果,提出以下建議: 一、圖書館可利用電子資源使用統計報表作為評鑑電子期刊使用效益的依據 二、圖書館應要求期刊供應商提供正確的電子期刊資料清單 三、影響期刊採購的因素眾多,圖書館不可僅因期刊使用高低而刪訂期刊 四、圖書館可利用電子期刊使用統計的結果擬訂採購電子期刊的策略 五、圖書館應針對使用率低的期刊供應商積極推廣與行銷


Libraries are facing two major obstacles in serial subscription at present: the rising cost of serials, the rapid development of electronic resources. In order to solve these problems, libraries have to find the way to acquire the more serials with limited funds to meet requirement. The research are uses the COUNTER Project to analysis the Journal Reports 1 from TKU library, via statistical analysis, bibliometric analysis and citation analysis to provide the library for measuring the use of electronic journals. The purpose of this research is to analyze 14 COUNTER-compliant vendors in TKU Library. Theses 14 COUNTER-compliant vendors have 17,273 journals and 654,297 usages. The results of this study reveal that: 1.The most usage journal is specialized academic society, the second is publisher, and the final is aggregator in TKU. 2.Aggregator is frequent changes than others. 3.The most uses discipline subject mainly by the science, the technology and the social sciences. 4.The scattering of journal uses and citing literature in TKU shows diminishing returns. 5.Journal usage amount and citing literature in TKU shows do not fit with the Bradford’s Law and Bradford-Zipf’s Law. 6.The high usage amount and high citing amount subject in TKU are approximately same. 7.The relevance between journal uses and citation in TKU is law. Finally, some suggestions were proposed, which were based on the above results and findings: 1.The library may be used electronic resources usage reports to understand the electronic journal which in need. 2.Librarians have to response appropriately to the aggregators about the errors in collection. 3.Journal usage amount is not the only criteria for libraries to select the collection. 4.The library can develop a purchase strategy of electronic journals by using statistics reports. 5.The library should promoting and marketing low utilization rate vendors.




