  • 學位論文


An Action Research on Movie-Integrated Instruction in National Defense Education for Senior High School

指導教授 : 張瓊穗


現今高中生對於非升學科目之國防通識課程缺乏學習動機及興趣。而國防通識課程內部分生硬的單元如軍事知能、中外戰史也無法提高學生學習興趣。近日國防通識教師之角色已從傳統的管教者轉變成為輔導者,而教師的角色也在教改浪潮下被寄予厚望。國防通識教師如何設計教學活動,讓生硬的課程容易被學生接受及吸收,以達成全民國防教育之目的。電影使人得以身臨其境,恰為學生易於接受國防通識教育課程內容的教學媒體。 本研究對象為臺北市立華江高中,以高中二年級「兵家述評¬-孫子兵法」單元為例,進行為期十一週的行動研究,以五部電影之片段方式融入課程。行動研究期間以前後測問卷了解學生對於孫子兵法內容理解的轉變並配合學習單、網絡圖及課後評量等資料來檢視教學成效,行動期間不斷重複規畫、行動、觀察及修正之循環來作教學修正,在教學現場進行教學、觀察與焦點訪談,以了解學習成效及作為教師之專業成長之依據。 研究結果發現: 一、 電影適合用於國防通識課程,而影片長度以3-15分鐘為宜,融入之電影在本科目上使用應注重娛樂性與教育性。 二、 提出一個電影融入教學的ADDIE教學設計歷程,供未來其他有意採用此模式之教師參考應用。 三、 透過有效的教學設計使教學成效明顯提升,並有助於師生關係的建立。


Nowadays, senior high students aren’t interested in national defense courses, which is not a main subject. Some units in national defense courses are too difficult to them, such as military knowledge and civil and foreign war histories. Military instructors are used to train discipline, but now their teaching skills are also taken highly important. So, how to make students interest in the courses by good instructional design~”ADDIE” is my topic. In this action research, the researcher used “film” as a teaching media in instructional design to motivate students and attain the teaching goals. The researcher used self-made instruction designs and work sheets to estimate the research objects’ learning results. The research objects were in the second grade of Taipei Huajiang high school, the research course was “The Art of War”, lasting 11 weeks. The data was analyzed with the observation records by myself, and my coworkers’ opinion, interviews, and assessments. There are three findings: First, “film” is a moderate teaching media in the national defense course. In this course, the recreation and education effects of the film are highly focused. Second, the length of film is better from 3 to 15 minutes, the worksheets used to estimate the learning results are necessary and quite important. Third, the instruction effects promote apparently through “ADDIE”, and the relationship between the instructor and students are better. Last, the researcher found a model of ADDIE and film instruction for some teachers who are interested in this subject in the future.


