  • 學位論文


A Study of Consumer behavior from Channel and Product Category Association

指導教授 : 曾義明


消費者在購買產品時,會從不同的通路進行選擇,例如量販店、百貨公司、購物中心、超級市場、便利商店等通路。然而消費者在選擇特定通路的過程中,往往會受到不同生活族群、產品購買特徵及通路特徵等因素影響。消費者根據所要購買的產品類型,會以不同的評估標準來決定符合所需的通路,例如:產品購買頻率、可供選擇的品牌數量、品牌差異化等因素。因此本研究主要是探討消費者在產品購買上,對於選擇通路的想法,另一方面消費者的生活型態、產品屬性、通路特徵因素,也是影響通路聯想的原因。  研究結果顯示,消費者在購買便利品及選購品時,對於通路的選擇有明顯的不同,便利品主要的通路聯想為便利商店、量販店、超級市場,因便利品購買頻率頻繁、產品價格低廉,消費者不願意花太多的時間與精力進行比價選購,因此通路聯想特徵皆為通路家數多、易到達、經常性的廣告促銷。而選購品在考量品質、價格等因素,所聯想到的通路特徵為能提供多樣化的品牌、專業人員服務、產品品質等服務的通路,如百貨公司、專賣店。另一方面,不同的生活型態對產品與通路的聯想關係也有顯著的影響,進而影響到他們對於產品購買上的差異。  最後本研究建議通路商若想提升本身企業競爭優勢,應了解消費者心中產品與通路的聯想程度,藉由此聯想關係,將產品有效的配置在最適當的通路,進而提高顧客惠顧的行為。


產品 通路聯想 生活型態


Consumers purchase goods from various channels or retail formats, such as grocery stores, drugstores, mass merchandisers, club stores, and convenience stores. But in the process of select channels, consumers always affected by kind of life pattern, characteristic of products, characteristic of channels and so on. In terms of characteristic of products, consumers can select channels on the basis of factors such as purchase frequency, brand, brand differentiation, price, convenience, assortment and service. Therefore the study will explores that what types of products categories are associated with a channel and consumer’s life pattern, attribute of product, characteristic of channels will influence association of channel and product category.The results of the study display when consumers purchase convenience goods and shopping goods, they will select different channels. In convenience goods, consumer most closely associated with convenience store, mass merchandiser, supermarket. Because characteristic of convenience good is high frequency, low price, thus consumer would not waste time and energy in shopping. In the result we can infer characteristics of association of channel and product category are channel has many sites, easy reach, regularly promote of advertising and so on. On the other hand ,in purchase shopping goods often consider product quality, product price, brand, service and so forth, thus characteristics of association of channel and product category are provide a variety of brand, professional, product quality, service and so forth, such as department store, Specialty Stores. On the other hand, we can discover different life pattern can influence association of channel and product category, and it also can influence consumer in differentiation of product purchase.Finally, this study suggest if channel want to improve competition advantage, ought to understand degree of association of channel and product category in consumer mind. By way of relationship with association, channel must position themselves and undertake initiatives that enable them to compete with one another successfully.


Product Channel Association Life Pattern


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