  • 學位論文


Fragmented time: The everyday life of Taiwanese IT engineers under the trend of time-space compression

指導教授 : 沈秀華


時間和空間是人和社會據以存在的基本範疇,一切人類活動都是在一定的空間中,歷時變化推陳而產生的。在這個基礎上,本文提出以下研究問題:在以資訊技術為基礎的當代時空壓縮(Time-Space Compression)情境中,台灣的科技業工程師們,如何在即時化(real time)的勞動時間與其他日常生活領域中的、多重時間的衝突中生存?他們如何理解並協調各種活動間的界線?更進一步地說,透過資訊科技中介,介入受訪者生活中的即時時間,如何改變並重新打造了作為認知、行動主體的受訪者們,從而讓他們又用什麼樣的方式再生產他們的生活世界? 本文的研究結果指出,科技業工程師在面對即時勞動的情境下,傾向於發展出兩種生存策略,這些策略乃是主體在具體與外在世界互動的日常生活劃界實作中呈現出來的:首先,主體容易在認知層次上,以過度重視效益、並且高度工具理性的詮釋框架面對日常生活的各領域;再來,他們也容易在情緒、感受力的層次上展現出麻木的態度。根據如此研究發現,本文進一步探問,青年馬克思在論及工業社會中的工廠工人時所提出的「異化」概念,是否在討論當代科技業工程師的生活狀況時依然具有啟發性。


Time and space are the two elementary categories that, any activity taking place in a person’s life or in the society lies on. This research therefore discusses the questions below: Given the condition of contemporary time-space compression which is rooted on the basis of development of information technology, how do IT engineers in Taiwan, who are always facing enormous real-time works assigned to them, deal with the conflict between real-time works and other realms of everyday life? How do they conceive and accordingly arrange the boundaries within the realms of their everyday life? Further, how are they, as subjects that conceive and act, affected by real-time works that being possible only under contemporary information technology, and how do they consequently interact and reproduce their life world? According to the investigation of the study, there appears to be two main strategies for survival under real-time labor, which can be identified in the practices in the everyday lives of the interviewees. They are as below: Firstly, in terms of cognition, interviewees tends to treat different aspect of everyday life with an attitude that over-emphasizing utility and being technological-rational; secondly, a tendency of being numb in terms of capability of feeling and emotion is also shown. Based on these findings, this study also brings up the issue of reconsidering the adequacy of using the classic concept – alienation, to explain the current conditions of post-industrial society.


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