  • 學位論文


Intention Derivation and Control Strategy Development for Passive Walker Based on Human Hip Information

指導教授 : 楊谷洋


近年來,人口老化的問題日益嚴重,照顧銀髮族的生活起居成為一個迫切需要解決的課題。隨著醫療與機器人科技的進步,各式各樣的行動輔具機器人的發展越趨成熟,本實驗室亦開發行動輔具i-Go以應對銀髮族生活不便的困擾。在本論文中,我們在i-Go上開發以行動意圖為依歸之智慧型行動輔具操控系統,乃以使用者髖部關節轉向於水平面上的投影作為主要的使用者行進意圖指標,使用者的行動狀態依此髖部投影角度可分為停止、直進、左轉與右轉等四種狀態。輔具系統藉由分析使用者狀態與行進意圖,並利用卡曼濾波器(Kalman Filter) 可得到經估測後的使用者髖關節角度,之後藉由新開發的被動式輔具控制策略,使輔具能夠利用髖部角度資訊輔助使用者行進。此基於使用者之髖部資訊的輔具控制策略經實驗驗證,可提升使用者的自主性與安全性。我們期望於未來中能夠幫助正在復健且行走能力尚佳的銀髮族,提供一個完善且安全的智慧型行動輔具。


Recently, the problem of aging population becomes more serious. How to take good care of the elderly is an important issue around the world. Along with the progress of the medical and robot technology, various kinds of robot walking helpers have been developed. It motivates us to develop a robot walking helper, named i-Go, in our laboratory for assisting the lives of the elderly. In the thesis, we aim to develop an intention-based manipulation system for the intelligent robot walking helper. It takes user’s hip joint projection on the transverse plane as the main reference for user’s walking intention. The user's action status can be divided into stop, walk straight, turn left and turn right. The proposed system obtains an estimated hip angle by analyzing user status and his/her walking intention, and using Kalman Filter. Via the developed passive walker control strategy, the system utilizes the information of the hip angle to assist the user during walking. The proposed walker control strategy based on hip information has been verified via intensive experiments. By enhancing the autonomy and safety of the elderly, we expect the i-Go can assist them in outdoor environment in the near future.


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