  • 學位論文


The Study on Business Model and Competitive Strategy of Used Car

指導教授 : 彭德保


台灣中古車過戶數自1995年首度超越新車領牌數後,迄今十幾年來中古車市場規模不斷擴大,與新車銷售數的差距也愈來愈大;其中2005年中古車過戶數高達90.5萬輛規模,而且近幾年中古車過戶數已達新車銷售數的2倍以上,顯示出消費者對於中古車接受度有愈來愈高的趨勢,也引起新車品牌車廠及汽車集團對中古車市場的重視。 早期台灣中古車市場在法令制度不完備的情況下,存在嚴重的資訊不對稱問題,造成許多買賣糾紛,消費者權益無法受到保障。由於中古車商素質良莠不齊,加上中古車產業並沒有設立官方型式的公定評鑑機構,在沒有統一的品質標準可供依循的情形下,要落實品質管理非常困難。 少數不肖中古車商唯利是圖,罔顧消費者權益,不重視消費者使用安全性,違法販售事故車、泡水車、變造車...等問題車輛,造成消費者對中古車產生不信任感及不安全感,阻礙了中古車市場正常的發展。 近幾年,許多新車品牌車廠及汽車集團相繼投入中古車市場的經營,並且積極地參與中古車產業的運作及發展。本研究將針對新形態的經營模式(如:中古車聯盟、品牌認證中古車及拍賣場等)進行分析,從成立的動機、目的、經營模式、競爭策略及競爭優勢…等,以策略分析工具進行探討,找出不同經營模式的優缺點、在整體中古車市場運作機制下扮演的角色,以及對整體中古車市場發展的影響,希望從現行經營模式中找出新的機會點,以提供中古車業者未來發展之參考。


The trading number of used car in Taiwan has first overpassed the selling of new car since 1995. Over the past ten more years, the used car market has been growing rapidly and is now far beyond the new car market. The trading number of used car was up to 905 thousand in 2005 and was twice as many as the new car selling recently, which arose the highly concern of car companies on the used car market. In early times, the used car market had many trading arguments with the problem of asymmetric information under the poor law systems, which couldn’t guarantee the customers’ rights. It’s of difficulty to keep good quality management because the quality management of the used car stores was unsteady and there was no official certified organization in this field. Few dishonest used car stores just cared about their own benefits but not the customers’ rights. They ignored the security, sold abnormal cars illegally, which resulted in the customers’ distrusted about the used car stores. Recently, many car companies were involved in the management and development of used car market. This thesis aimed to study and analysis for the current new business model such as used car store alliance, certified pre-owned car and auction market in order to find the pros and cons, of these business models. This thesis tried to find some new opportunities and competitive strategy from current business models for future development of used car market.


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