  • 學位論文


An Analysis on Ambient Media Advertising Design Using Conceptual Blending Theory

指導教授 : 王鴻祥


廣告的設計手法經常涉及隱喻(metaphor),隱喻是當今各設計領域如工業設計、視覺傳達、互動媒體等設計師常用的手法;隱喻是從已知的事物來解決未知的問題,幫助我們熟悉陌生的事物。然而環境媒體中雖然有許多運用隱喻的案例,但明確的隱喻手法分析卻不多見,因此本研究運用「概念隱喻理論」和「概念混成理論」(conceptual blending theory)來分析環境媒體廣告獲獎案例的發想模式,融合使用者認知的觀點來探討其隱喻設計手法。 1. 本研究發現,從事環境媒體設計時,概念混成設計手法包括: a.在環境中尋找與所廣告的產品相似的元素,作為創意元素;b.在產品上尋找可將環境中的元素結合成一個設計劇本,建構出設計概念。 2. 環境媒體設計的重要設計方向: a.考量目標消費族群當下心理情感層面的需求;b.增加訊息二次傳播的機會,例如透過Facebook社群分享等方式將人潮引導到專櫃,促進產品銷售。 設計師除了應用隱喻理論於環境媒體設計之外,思考範圍必須更擴大至行銷策略層面。本研究歸納出其中的隱喻設計架構與各類型的運用關鍵性,可提供未來環境媒體設計時的參考。


Ambient Media started to appear in British media jargon in late 90’s, but now seems to be firmly established as a standard term in the advertising industry. Unfortunately, the academic community in face of numerous ambient media advertisements has made few studies on its multiple forms. In the advertising industry, metaphor is one of the most common on designing. Conceptual blending theory has strong explanatory ability, which can combine two different things, such as language and design. Therefore, it is one of the most influential theories of cognitive linguistics. However, conceptual blending theory is less popular to analyze on designing ambient media nowadays We recognize some similarities and differences between metaphor and blending, and examine their occurrence in four types of blending networks in ads. This study will use conceptual blending theory to analyze the metaphor of ambient media advertising design. The results of this study suggest that the design method based on conceptual blending offers the designers a systematic approach through search sources of creativity from environment to generate ambient media design concepts. Or search sources of creativity from products to generate ambient media design concepts. The results support that the target consumer insight is the most important parts of ambient media design. The key to a successful ambient media campaign is to choose the best media format available and combined with effective message. Furthermore, this study will evaluate the innovation of the metaphor target and the source object in order to understand the relationship between the type of conceptual blending theory and the metaphorical and innovative.


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