  • 學位論文


Measurement of Water Stage Using Bubble Gauge

指導教授 : 陳彥璋


水理、水文分析中水位資料是為一非常重要之參數。在台灣早期大多數採用浮筒式及壓力式水位計,近幾年陸續引進超音波水位計及雷達波水位計量測水位。其中浮筒式水位計量測需建水位塔,建造經費較大;壓力式水位計量測常遭沖毀或掩埋,維修費較大;而超音波水位計與雷達波水位計量測通常需有跨河結構物才可安裝,水位觀測地點受限。 『氣泡式水位計』(Bubble Gauge)不需靜水塔及跨河結構物,僅需將測量管沿橋墩、岩盤或牆壁向下至水中,即可量測,安裝較方便。測量管遭沖毀或掩埋時,僅需更換測量管便可繼續量測水位,因此量測位置的選擇較彈性,且維護費用較低。 為瞭解氣泡式水位計自動量測台灣水庫與河川水位的可行性與精確度。研究中以室內之PVC管進行實驗,由實驗可得知氣泡式水位計主要受水密度影響,經過密度修正後可增加精確度。但在長期量測中,測量管管內產生水珠後,導致量測值呈現不穩定狀態。室外實驗以寶二水庫與北勢溪上之水源橋為主,寶二水庫受測量管管內水珠影響,導致長期量測之水位值呈現不穩定狀態。但在水源橋量測時,測量管管內沒水珠產生,量測之水位值較穩定。使用氣泡式水位計時,測量管管內受水珠影響相當大。


The water level is a significant data for hydrology analysis. Nowadays, the ultrasonic gauge and radar gauge has been adopted to replace float gauge and pressure gauge, the previous equipment. Compared with bubble gauge, the after-mentioned equipments are inferior due to the sundry limitations, such as site condition, economic condition and environment condition. Bubble gauge is much higher convenience than others, to insert the measuring tube into underwater along pier or wall is the only preparation, the installation is much simpler; furthermore, to exchange abolished measuring tube is feasible, maintenance fee and sampling location is no longer to be consideration. For The experiment precision, PVC pipe was adopted to measure the water level of Taiwan rivers and dams, and the water density was adjusted to enhance higher accuracy. Bao-er dam and Beishi River is the major subject of extralaboratory testing, for long time observation, drops were occurred in measuring tube and resulted to unstable data; however, this phenomenon occurred in Bao-er dam experiment only.


Bubble Gage Float Gage Radar Gage Water Level


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