  • 學位論文


The Research of Feng Shui doctrine on job satisfaction

指導教授 : 張文華


本論文主要探討風水學說對工作滿意度提升之探討,除了介紹人命配卦與八宅風水之相關知識、同時以科學性的分析,將文字描述轉換成邏輯格式化來做敘述,產生新的描述與歸納方法。中國人對平時居住之陽宅風水一向特別重視,「八宅法」把「命」與「卦」分類,而人命可分為東、西四命,卦則分為 乾、兌、離、震、巽、坎、艮、坤及中宮:男寄坤,女寄艮,八個卦位從而探討方位對居住者的吉凶影響。過去一直鎖定在住宅陽宅的研究、但今資訊時代人們在工作職場的時間往往超過住宅休息的時間,本研究即利用人命配卦與八宅風水學說是否也會對職場方位有所影響,利用辦公室滿意度調查及卡方檢定法實例調查來做為改善工作滿意度驗證與評估。本研究結果證實風水學說吉凶座位對辦公室滿意度的提升有著直接的正向關係,也就是說人命配卦與吉方位相符會提高工作滿意度。


In this thesis, we are focusing on the I-Ching and Feng-Shui doctrine of enhancing job satisfaction. This introduces the knowledge of I-Ching and Feng-Shui, converting text descriptions into logical formatting using scientific methods, and generating a new descriptions and inductive methods making it easier for people to use and read. Feng-Shui is of particular importance to the lives of Chinese people as they believe that there is a profound effect on the family from current to even future events. This comprises many different aspects life including the work life, study, property, emotion, health and so on. In order to investigate the impact of I-Ching and Feng-Shui in the work place, as well as job satisfaction, precise, I-Ching and Feng-Shui doctrine was used to classify specific horoscope and their orientation and position to determine job satisfaction surveys. Paired sample and the chi-square test statistical methods were utilized for the verification and assessment of job satisfaction improvement.


I Ching Feng Shui Job satisfaction


