  • 學位論文


Research on the Benefit Evaluation of Green Transportation Policy for Penghu Low Carbon Island Development Based on System Dynamics Approach

指導教授 : 張瑞芬


地球日漸暖化,節能減碳已成為國際間共同的責任。在人類面對全球氣候挑戰的同時,低碳城市抑或是低碳生活圈已逐漸成為低碳經濟與低碳社會的關鍵。因此,國內外不少政府以及城市積極推動各項低碳生活圈策略與措施,以邁向低碳經濟,減少能源使用與二氧化碳排放。 由於低碳城市、低碳生活圈的盤查與規劃技術,可協助行政區域落實溫室氣體減量目標,故本研究擬建立一個再生能源生活圈綠色運輸之碳足跡評量與分析方法,並以台灣政府所推動的節能減碳總體計畫含十大標竿型子計畫中之「澎湖低碳島建置計畫」為深入研究案例進行探討。首先本研究使用EIO-LCA由上至下的程序,推估出綠色政策執行前,澎湖縣各產業部門所產生的碳足跡;接著使用系統動態學方法論,建構澎湖低碳島綠色運輸政策系統動態量化模型,進行政策效益評估的模擬;最後,幫助決策者了解綠色運輸政策的節能減碳效益以及相對的投資成本,並且可事先評估相關政策是否能達成所設定的減碳目標。 本研究結果顯示,對澎湖縣環境衝擊較大的四大產業為 (運輸倉儲及通訊產業),其次為 (農林漁牧業) 、(批發零售業住宿及餐飲業) 以及 (水電燃氣業);而綠色運輸政策如電動機車替代政策、電動機車替代結合二行程機車限制上路政策以及電動機車替代結合二行程機車限制上路再加上限制汽油機車牌照發放政策,執行從2011年至2030年模擬結果以電動機車替代結合二行程機車限制上路再加上限制汽油機車牌照發放政策減碳量效果最佳,但相對其所需投資成本也越高。


Owing to fierce global warming, carbon reduction and energy saving approach has become the common responsibility of the international communities. While humans face the global warming problem, low-carbon city or low-carbon living circle has gradually become the key point to low-carbon economy and low-carbon society. Thus, many governments and cities start to advance all kinds of low-carbon living circle policies and measures to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide. However, the verification and technical plan of low-carbon living circle can help the administration areas to implement the goal of carbon reduction. In our in-depth case study, we apply the methods to Taiwan’s Penghu County’s (Taiwan’s largest island) low carbon island development project of green transportation policy. First, we use the economic input-output life cycle assessment (EIO-LCA) and location quotient methods from top to bottom level to effectively assess the industrial sectors’ carbon footprint in Taiwan’s Penghu County. Based on the assessment of carbon emissions in the given region, then this research applies system dynamics (SD) approach to construct a cost-benefit evaluation quantitative model. Finally, the policy scenarios are simulated to evaluate the time-varying impacts of proposed green transportation strategies. This research shows that Transport and Communications, Agricultural, Forestry, Fishery and Husbandry, Trade, Accommodation and Eating-Drinking places and Electricity, Gas and Water have the greatest impact on Penghu's environment. And “Changing gasoline motorcycles into electric scooters, Limitation of two-stroke gasoline motorcycles road permission and Limitation of gasoline motorcycles licenses’ permission” is the best carbon reduction benefit policy in the simulation result of green transportation strategies which is enforced until 2030.


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