  • 學位論文


City Playing - Program versus Configuration

指導教授 : 林靜娟


本研究對長期將空間計畫和空間形態視為明確對應的關係提出發問。由於建築教育認為具精確性、可預測性、可推論性的建築計劃是操作建築設計的根本;反觀台灣的城市建築,使用者脫離建築師所設定的空間計畫和形態而自行衍生非預設的活動和構築行為的現象頗為普遍,導致空間形態隨著使用的累積而與原設定計畫漸趨脫離。究竟建築「計畫」賦予使用(者)的內容應被精確界定、或誘發事件和活動、或以更開放不明確界定? 第一章從上述問題意識提出研究課題與方法,旨在重新思考使用和空間的對應關係,並設定研究途徑為:透過學理與現象的參照分析,從實證研究進一步瞭解城市空間的使用遊戲,從上述獲取研究者建築觀念與設計策略的啟發以及設計方法的參考。 第二章透過解構批評中德希達對於文本和遊戲的知識和閱讀方法,以及屈米延伸解構批評於建築範疇提出事件之不可非預期性,使用、機能和活動的不預設性,以及空間型態與空間計畫對應性的鬆動。透過屈米理論和案例研究歸結三種解構的遊戲特質:形態的多義性、空間的增殖性、空間的不確定性。屈米應用三種特質看待空間文本(給定的),為其找到新的出路(改寫)。無疑地,某種給定的「文本」成為遊戲性閱讀的所在。 第三章以十三處台北城市的空間為閱讀文本,歸納出台北城市空間文本遊戲的特質:計畫的尺度、形態的轉用、空間的補充、構築的補充、時間的補充、非整體性,以此印證和補充解構批評的台灣獨特經驗。屈米以設計整合進行整體性的遊戲,而台北城市空間則充滿隨機性與混合使用的包容性,增添了在構築和時間方面的遊戲向度。 第四章以中山足球場類比設計操作的文本,依據彙整的方法架構進行文本閱讀與改寫。從原建築的尺度和形態關係中尋找解構的縫隙,並注入前章獲得的啟發。「城市遊戲、遊戲城市」的設計企圖隱喻新文本的開放性與空間多義性。 解構對思考慣性與中心觀點提出具爆炸性的思維,而台灣城市卻以現象說明解構。本研究無意間成為兩方的橋樑,西方理論竟從不謀而合之台灣現象中獲得補充與延伸。


文本 解構閱讀 事件 空間形態 計畫 計劃


This research raises questions concerned with the prescribed certainty between program and spatial configuration. Professional educations suppose that precisely, predictably, rationally programming is crucial to architecture design. While the users developed their activities and construction far beyond architect’s prefigured features is not surprisingly in Taiwan. On this account, spatial configuration tends to deviate from the elaborate setting prescribed in program. In terms of use, should contents of architectural program be specific, open, or as an encouraging catalyst? Chapter 1 proposes research issues and method based upon research question. The aim is to reconsider to what extent uses affect space sequences, and vice versa? Two parts compose the research framework: 1. references between theories and phenomenon, 2. spatial texts reading through de-constructive method. Chapter 2 concerns with epistemology of this research. The textual reading and play in literature and un-predictabilities of events, un-imposition of use, functions and activities, and untying the links between programs and spatial configurations of architecture consist of the main body of this research. Three characters, ambiguity multiplicity and uncertainty of space are summarized and to which spatial text reading is carried out in order to search for diversities in text. In Chapter 3, 13 spatial text readings on city space of Taipei are undertaken and a few aspects in forms of scale in program, configuration transition, time scale, the properties of fragment, as well as supplement to space, construction, and time, of play are probed further. A design methodology is accordingly established and underlies the design demonstration implement in Chapter 4. Chungshan Soccer Stadium is analogized to the text in literature. The search for diversities of text resides at elements de-constructed and re-constructed through analysis of spatial configuration. De-constructivism put forward frontier conception to rethink single-minded and inertia ideology, whilst the phenomenon of playing and re-writing on space itself shed light on de-constructivism. This research set up un-intentionally to mediate between the West and the Eastern, however, a supplement and extension is bringing forward.


Text Deconstructive Event Spatial Configuration Program Programming


[13] 孫全文 著,論後現代建築,詹氏書局,1987
[2] 胡昌明,台北都市閱讀方略-線的都市書寫術,淡江大學建築研究所 碩論,2008
[3] Raoul Bunschoten, Chora 著,何炯德 譯,後設空間,田園城市文化,2004
[21] K. Michael Hayes, Giovanni Damiani, Marco De Michelis,BERNARD TSCHUMI,University Book of Architecture,2003
[27] Bernard Tschumi,The Manhattan Transcripts,Academy Editions,1995


