  • 學位論文


The Research of Fire Prevention System Pipeline Deterioration in Existing Buildings

指導教授 : 楊詩弘


近年我國國民對於高生活水準的需求日益提高,對建築物品質與性能更為大眾所關切。然而建築設備的設置對於現代人的居住環境品質,包括了居住環境的安全性、效率性、舒適性與保建性等四大需求有著很大的影響。 雖然建築結構體與設備在耐用壽命不同,然而隨著使用年數的增加將逐漸產生劣化並導致性能的低下。但以「類人化」的觀點,消防系統如同人體的免疫防禦系統一般,扮演著緊急防護的角色,而消防系統常因外在環境與施工品質等因素的作用下,使得系統劣化程度影響了整個系統的運作正常進而影響到了生命財產的安全。 有鑑於此,本研究嘗試以「室內消防栓設備」系統為對象,對於消防設備管路系統的現況情形,經由「目測法」「管內探測器試驗法」等研究方法,使用大、小不同口徑的管內探測器,施行實際的案例檢測,藉以建立檢測與評估的體系,希望能有效且快速的掌握相關設備的劣化現況及性能狀態,以作為設備進行保養、維修、或更新的參考依據。 然而「不動產證券化」為政府發展不動產產業的既定政策,而不動產的價值評估不應只考慮建造地點,建物總成本及使用年數等因素,更應將未來可能發生大規模修繕或更新的費用以及性能低下、殘存壽命的估測,列入估算之考量因素,使得不動產的價值估算,更能貼近現實。 且為因應「建築預防醫學」的原理與趨勢,在預防重於治療、事前治療勝於事後救災的原則下,如何建立起一個有效而客觀評估模式,以幫助建築物的使用者與管理者在有限的資源下,訂定分階段性之維護、修繕之延壽計劃,進而維持或增加其資產價值。 本研究並就實際應用於,現有案例之操作方法、評估模式且針對實際操作所得致之成果,對國內推動建築物設備之健康診斷及建築物維護等延壽策略之研究結果。 分別由1.檢測儀器選擇與使用方法的「操作面」2.針對檢測結果與評估分級,探討維護管理的「組織面」3.經由「類人化建築醫學」所提出的預防性建築健診的策略,針對法規制度、規劃設計的「計劃面」等方面的缺失及於實證檢測所遭遇的問題,提出結論與建議修改之處。


In recently years, the people who live in Taiwan are demanding high level of living style, the quality and functionality of building is one of their top concerns. The safety, efficiency, comfortableness, and guarantees of structure four requirements of living environments have a big impact on quality of building facility for the modern people. Although the durable life of building structure and facility are different, they will be degraded due to defects and increase of usage, But from the standpoint of “Diagnosis and Inspections ”, the fire prevention system is the same as human immunization system, it acts as a role of emergency protection. Therefore, the eternal environment and construction quality are the key factors of fire prevention system, and operation of system is impact by the system deterioration, then jeopardized the safety of life and properties. Based on the history, the research is trying to use “Fiber Score” system as the entity. For the current condition of fire prevention facility pipeline system, via “ocular estimate estimation by eye” or “tube detection experience” research methodologies, and employ different sizes of tube detector to execute the real cases and examinations. Then we can establish a system for examination and appraisal. Hopefully, we can control the status of deterioration and performance of related facilities in rapidly and efficiently, and as a reference to maintain, service or renew the facility or system. However, the “real estate securitization” should not be the deciding policy for government real estate industry development, and the value real estate should not only consider the building place, the cost, or year of usage, it should put massive maintenance, the cost of renew equipment, and remaining usage into consideration. So, the appraisal of the real estate will be more realistic. To follow the theory and trend of “hominization of construction medicine”, and the rule of prevention again in treatment, treated in anticipation wins in afterward the disaster relief, how to establish a model more efficiency and objective appraisal, and help the user or superintendent of the building in limited resources, to schedule services and maintenances of extension projects, then maintain or increase its property value. This research is to improve strategy of healthy diagnosis of building facility and maintenance or extending quality of the building, nationwide, based on the results of operational methodology, appraisal model of current case study. Also, this research is categorized in: 1.Operation Aspect - The selection of examination instrument and the method of operation. 2.Organization Aspect - The discussion of maintenance and management, based on the examination results and different appraisal stages. 3.Planning Aspect - Propose the suggestions and remedies for the current flaw of regulations or building plemning design, via preventive construction diagnosis strategy from “hominization of construction medicine”.


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[8]王建翔,住宅電氣設備健康檢查之研究,國立成功大學建築研究所 環境控制組,碩士論文,2002


