  • 學位論文


A Study of the Location Selection for the Congress in Taiwan

指導教授 : 王隆昌


目前立法院院址產權非屬自己所有,係向台北市政府租用,多年來台北市政府已履次催立法院儘速遷移,而在都市計畫使用分區上,又屬於學校用地,與現行使用不符,加上各項設施空間侷促且分散多處,以致無法作整體規劃使用,及無足夠空間提供社會大眾作為集會場所,遇有陳情事件時,嚴重影響周遭生活環境與品質,所以國會遷建有其必要性,以滿足未來發展。 國會位址之選擇,屬公共區位之問題,牽涉層面有政策、社會、經濟、環境等因素,因此如何尋求適當地點,使設定之目標最適化,不僅能因應議事與政治運作功能,更能提供空間與設施供社會大眾共同使用,俾真正提昇了國會整體環境。 本研究將以宏觀之視野,蒐集並參考國內外相關文獻,配合專家訪談、問卷調查等方式,針對我國國會未來會址選擇進行深入研究與探討,並應用多準則決策之觀念,運用戴爾菲層級分析法及灰色關聯分析等方法,以期建立國會會址選擇之模式。


Instead of possessing ownership of the land, the current Legislative Yuan site is rent from Taipei City Government. In city planning, this land is marked for school rather than for governmental use. Due to the juxtaposition of old and new buildings and dispersion of facilities, this land is not effectively utilized and the congress could not reach a full operation accordingly. Furthermore, the frequent protests and demonstrations outside the congress tend to influence the surrounding stores, residence, schools, and hospitals. These events not only result in noise and deteriorate life quality, but they also consume a lot of social resource. For this reason, building a complete and permanent space for the congress is imperative and demands immediate attention. Selecting a location for the congress is a public facility issue involving policy, social, economic, and environmental aspects. Therefore, it is essential to look for an appropriate location for the congress to optimize its function. By so doing, it not only enhances the comprehensive environment of the congress and provides space and facilities for the public, but it also brings the official and political operation of the congress into full play. Through referring to the related literatures and collecting data from interviews and survey, this study conducts an extensive and detailed investigation in selecting the future site for the congress. Specifically, this study adopts the Multicriteria Scoring Methods, DAHP and GRA in an attempt to develop a model for selecting the location of congress.


Congress Location DAHP GRA


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