  • 學位論文


The Effect of Urban Block Types Changing on Wind Field and the Distribution of Suspended Particles

指導教授 : 黃志弘


懸浮微粒目前儼然已經成為都市空氣品質中的空氣污染指標,也是空氣中有害於健康的主要成分。削減都市中已存在之懸浮微粒沉積僅能藉由都市風場帶離,而都市風道則受到街廓量體配置而受阻。故本研究推估若街廓內量體分佈愈密集,則風道易受到量體阻礙,無法順利將微粒分子移除。 本實驗將選擇台北市區域內之街廓量體為實驗對象,於街廓內量體拆除前、拆除中及拆除後三階段,分別對懸浮微粒PM10與風速風向做實際檢測,將其結果套繪於GIS系統內製作污染濃度等值圖,嘗試分析出不同街廓型態對於懸浮微粒分佈之影響,另外製作基礎資料套入FLOVENT5.1之模擬軟體內,針對受污染之校園區域進行三項量體配置改善計畫並提出建議方案。 本研究結論為:第一、街廓建物拆除前:街廓內量體分佈密集,都市風道受到量體阻礙,無法順利將微粒分子移除,其濃度值有偏高的現象。第二、街廓建物拆除中:施工時所產生之點污染源擴散狀態影響至量體周遭環境,其解決的方式乃經使用灑水系統使其降低,降低的濃度值介於20μg/m3至30μg/m3之間。第三、街廓建物拆除後:街廓內都市風場對懸浮微粒沉積有其紓解的效果,此結果可發現建築物量體型態的改變,將產生微氣候的疏導,可明顯地降低污染濃度值,改善街廓內的環境品質。第四、校園量體配置之減量計畫確實有其改善效果,分別為(一)一樓全面通風改善計畫減量成效達-67.5%,(二)量體集中配置改善計畫減量成效達-16.6%,(三) 原量體部份開口改善計畫減量成效達-17.2.%。


Suspended particles have already become air pollution index of urban air quality and it is also dangerous pollutant for human health. Suspended particles in the urban areas could be only removed by air draft in the urban wind field. The wind field is subject to urban block types, the building structure, the urban streets, the open space etc. This study would judge if the urban block types would effect the particle distribution intensively. The study is based on the empirical observation and simulation software. Urban block types in a school campus or inside the downtown area for an object would be chosen in Taipei. Actual measurements and simulation for suspended particles distribution respectively before deconstruction, under deconstruction and after deconstruction of a single building were done for three stages. And the results would be drawn to manufacture the polluted concentration equivalent diagram in the GIS with the relation to the space. Its PM10 distribution would be measured and be put into the database for the simulation of suspended particles in different urban blocks types. The CFD simulation software “Flovent5.1” would be applied for the comparison with three kinds of different types changing to the real condition on the distribution of suspended particles. The results of the study show that the changes of building types effect the distribution of suspended particles PM10 in Urban Areas enormously. The observation and simulation results demonstrate as following: Before deconstruction: the dense urban blocks result as a hindering of draft of the air pollutants. Under deconstruction: the sprinkler system reduces the PM10 concentration to 20-30μg/m3. After deconstruction: the changes of urban block types reduce pollutant concentration obviously and improve air quality a lot in this urban area. One floor air draft plan reduces the PM10 concentration 67.5%. Building structure concentrated plan reduces the PM10 concentration 16.7%. Bridge connected buildings structure plan reduces the PM10 concentration 17.2%.


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