  • 學位論文


The Institution and Practice of the Police Substations in “Aboriginal Area”in Japanese Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃俊銘


本論文所關注的主題為日本時代警察機關「駐在所」之體制與實務,以及在臺灣山地空間變遷過程中所產生之影響,屬建築史之基礎性研究,亦為十九世紀後半期以降、新帝國主義下殖民地建築史學研究之一環。 本論文有兩個核心議題:第一,在不同時空階段之理蕃政策與蕃地警察制度下,駐在所如何被建置,建置後的駐在所又如何被應用、變化與調整;第二,在駐在所設置後,其環境、空間與建築特質,對山地空間造成何種影響。 基於臺灣山地空間特性與歷史遞嬗的視野,本論文著重具體的案例探討。在文獻調查方面,進行史料閱讀、比對與篩選,著重於考證、歸納與論述分析。尤其是各版地形圖的套疊與比對,以確認各時期駐在所之基礎資料及定位,建構其空間上及時期上的精準定址。於實地踏查駐在所舊址之同時,則應用建築學的測量、繪圖等調查紀錄工具,將殘存的建築構造物以較精準的二維圖像記錄下來,以利比較、分析及論述。 本論文共7章,第一章為序言;第二章回顧臺灣總督府各時期理蕃政策之特徵與演變;第三章至第五章依時間順序,從沿革、分類,建置過程的時空變化、建築空間實體特性等,解析各時期駐在所建築之體制與實務,進而釐清其變遷樣態,依序為1914年以前之隘勇線及蕃務官吏駐在所、1914至1915年間之警察官吏駐在所、1915年以後之蕃地道路及警察官吏駐在所;第六章則從法令與規範、預算與管理、營建體系與管理維護、不成文規範與蕃地技術者等向度,討論駐在所的建築體制之特徵與變化;第七章為結論。 已確認1907至1914年間設立之蕃務官吏駐在所至少有213所,1913至1941年間設立之警察官吏駐在所至少有738所,合併計算後為795所。前述兩時期駐在所之基本資料,列於附錄,可為後續蕃地相關研究之空間定位參考。


駐在所 隘勇線 理蕃 蕃地 原住民 體制


This thesis focuses on the system and practice of Japanese police organizations, ‘police substations,’ and their influences upon the changes of mountain space in Japanese Taiwan. The research can be regarded as a fundamental research of architectural history, as well as part of studies of colonial architecture under imperialism since late nineteenth century. Two essential issues are dominated in the thesis. First, how those substations were established and how police substations were used, changed and adjusted will be formulated. Additionally, the substations were founded under different control policies of aborigine and police institution of aboriginal area in terms of space-time changes. Second, how the mountain spaces, such as environmental, spatial and architectural characteristics, were affected by establishments of police substations will be discussed. Based on the visions of characteristics of mountain space in Taiwan as well as the progress of historic developments, the exploration of empirical projects is stressed in the thesis. Regarding to archival works, review, comparison and sieve of historical data were emphasized for later induction and contextual analysis. In particular, stacking up and comparing different versions of maps could allow us to identify and establish fundamental data and locations of police substations in different space and time. In field works, some record methodologies of architecture, such as measure and drawings, were applied in order to inscribe the remained constructions of police substations in relatively precise two-dimension graphic ways. This could help in the way of later comparison, analysis and discussions. The thesis consists of seven chapters. Chapter one is introduction. Chapter two is to review the characteristics and changes of ‘control of aborigine’ policies in different periods of the colonial government. The following three chapters are arranged with the order of time and discuss the developments, categories, establishments and characteristics of police substations in terms of different space and time in order to understand systems and practice of police substations, and changes of their forms and appearence. It can be categoried as three types: before 1914, guard lines and police substations for servants of aborigine affairs; during 1914 and 1915, police substations for police-officers of police affairs; and after 1915, roads of aboriginal areas and police substations for police-officers of police affairs. Chapter six is composed of the characteristics and changes of the architectural formats of police substations in terms of regulations, budgets, managements, building systems, management and maintenance, unwritten rules, technicians of aboriginal areas, and so on. Finally, the last chapter is the conclusion of the thesis. To sum up, from 1907 to 1914, there were at least 213 police substations for servants of aborigine affairs established. From 1914 to 1941, to the least extents, there were 738 police substations for police-officers of police affairs built. Merging the identical, 795 police substations were constructed during the Japanese Taiwan. Basic data of police substations referred earlier have been enlisted in the appendix for future research of spatial location in aboriginal area.


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