  • 學位論文


Benefit And Discussion Of Standing Assistant Device's Design For User

指導教授 : 張政元


社會上大多數的長者與殘疾之人,從椅子上或沙發上,需要起身、站立時,因為從膝蓋到大腿連接到臀部,這一整個身體連動部位,得支撐起整個上半身的重量,往往在預備起身到站立的這整個過程,是十分吃力及辛苦的。如何幫助使用者能減少站立時所需花費的肌力,便是此篇技術報告所要討論的主題。 在設計此輔助起身裝置的時候,關於起身方面的動力來源,此篇技術報告採用了電動式的電動推桿;另外在額外添加的偵測功能部分,則是利用Arduino的平台來達到起身通知及久坐提醒這兩項功能。 我們可以從此輔助起身裝置的成品檢視,由測試結果可知,此輔助起身裝置,的確可以成功的輔助長者及行動不便之人,達到起身之目的。且額外添加的偵測功能,也確實可以幫助到使用者,能讓使用者的安全性能更為提升。 此輔助起身裝置雖然可以幫助到使用者們,但仍有需要改進的部分,像是若是增加扶手,就可以使得使用者在起身時的平衡度獲得更佳的成效;偵測功能的部分,若是可以改為通訊模組及使用超音波感應器的話,在使用的同時,將更能獲得充分的助益。


殘疾 輔助設備 久坐


The majority of elderly people and disabled people who needs to getting up in this process is very difficult. Because the connection from the knee to the thigh and from thigh to the buttocks, the whole body interlocking part supporting the entire of upper body. How to help user reduce the standing-strength is the main theme of this technical report. In the design of assistive device for getting-up regarding the aspect of power resource. The main skill is electric putter in this technical report. Another parts of the additional detection that is using Arduino platform to notify reaching up and sedentary remind these two function. Due to inspection the finished device for getting-up that can successfully assist elderly and disabled person to achieve the purpose of getting up. Adding additional detection capabilities help user indeed and enhance safety. Although this device helping users but the function need to improve. Armrest be attached can get up in the balance for better results. If adopt communication module and ultrasonic sensor in detection function. At the same time using this skills can getting more benefit.


disabled people assistive device sedentary


[2] 研究生:高立杰,指導教授:黃啟梧。高齡者輔助起身坐下座椅設計研
[1] 研究生:陳家騏,指導教授:蔡登傳。銀髮族坐椅輔助起身裝置之研究。
國立雲林科技大學 碩士論文,中華民國101年06月。
究。國立臺北科技大學 碩士論文,中華民國98年01月。
