  • 學位論文


The Applicability of the Intervention-Intervention Provisions of Administrative Procedures and Appeal rocedures to Trademark Cases

指導教授 : 黃銘傑


中文摘要 商標法之目的在保障商標權、證明標章權、團體標章權、團體商標權及消費者利益,維護市場公平競爭,促進工商企業正常發展。故商標法涉及多元利益之調和。   行政法為了規範這類法律關係,在行政機關決定之階段,設計出行政程序法上程序參加與訴願參加之機制。這些行政法上規定在商標法上是否適用以及如何適用,在我國仍欠缺有系統之深入研究。本論文即是以解決上述問題為目標,嘗試以文獻分析及法律解釋提出建議。   依本文見解,在商標註冊申請審查階段,行政程序法上普通參加規定仍得補充適用,至於必要參加規定則無補充適用餘地。另外在商標法異議、評定及廢止程序,普通參加及必要參加規定則均得適用。至於在商標法之訴願案件,輔助參加及必要參加規定則當然得予適用,並無疑義。


Abstract The purpose of the Trademark Law is for the protection of the rights of trademark, certification mark, collective membership mark, collective trademark and the interests of consumers, maintenance of fair competition, and promotion of development of the industry and commerce. Therefore, the Trademark Law involves the reconciliation of multiple interests. In order to regulate the above legal relationship in the Administrative law, the Administrative Procedure Act thus design the systems of the intervention provisions for administrative procedures and appeal procedures before making the decision by the administrative authority. However, whether the intervention provisions of administrative procedures and appeal procedures in the Administrative Procedure Act are applicable to the Trademark Law and how to apply, there is no organized depth research in our country. The thesis intends to solve these problems by providing with suggests via interrelated analysis of materials and documents along with interpretation of the law.


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