  • 學位論文


A Digital Game-based Learning System Using Graph Theory to Evaluate Harmonious Color Combination Rules in Art Education

指導教授 : 賀嘉生


本論文的研究目的可分為三個部分 1.實作一個在電腦上教學基礎色彩學的輔助學習 系統,並結合使命式學習和遊戲式數位學習作為系統的教學模型 2.使用圖論和圖論中 四色問題的概念設計一個演算法,讓系統得以自動評估任務成果 3.設計並進行一個實 驗,以利了解系統是否有效的提高學生的學習成效以及學習興趣。 使命式學習為一種任務式學習,學生被分為數個小組,進行活動,並使用有限的資源 試圖達成活動目標,活動過程中,學生可以使用網路或是教科書進行資料的查詢。使命 式學習是目標導向的活動,此學習模型是以要學生能達到在沒有其他幫助的情況底下找 到問題的解決方法。本論文系統即是以此教學模型結合遊戲式數位學習實作出一模擬策 略遊戲作為輔助教學系統。 本系統中每個使命是由多個封閉的幾何圖形組成的,系統會將其視為一圖(graph),結 合圖論中四色問題的概念,將每個封閉的幾何圖形視為一節點,並將與其相鄰的節點做 連線,最後使用演算法得知學生在此使命中的得分。 本論文的實驗樣本為台北市私立達人女中國中一年級的學生,學生被分為實驗組和對 照組,一組為一個班級,兩組的差異在於在課堂上的練習時間,實驗組的學生使用的為 本論文的系統,而對照組則使用水彩進行練習。實驗的結果顯示,實驗組的學生的學習 成果較對照組的學生來的好,除此之外,實驗組的學生對於本課程的學習興趣也較對照 組的學生高。因此,經由實驗證明,本系統有效的提高學生學習興趣以及學習成效。


The main objectives of this paper are 1. Combines mission-based learning model and digital game-based learning as a computer-assisted instruction system to teach basic color theory. 2. Defined an algorithm of how system judges the mission using the concept of graph and four-color problem. 3. There is an experiment to test will the system helps improve the educational outcomes of students. Mission-based learning model is a kind of task-based learning. The learners will be divided in groups and trying to achieve some mission in a creative way through an access to the resources available on network or textbooks in learning some knowledge through the mission. The goal of the mission-based learning model is try to help learners solve different kind problems autonomously without help. The system is built as a strategy and simulation game built on computer, it’s applied the mission-based learning model in the system. Many closed geometric shapes for users to coloring with compose the mission in the system. The system will see the mission as a graph. With the concept of one of a famous problem in graph, four-color problem, for each closed geometric shape, the system will see it as a vertex. Every vertex is adjacent to every other vertex if they are connected to each other in the graph. The system will use the algorithm to calculate the score that learner get. For the experiment, the participants of this experiment are the students in seventh grade in Da Ren Girls High School in Taipei, Taiwan. Students divided in two groups, experimental group and control group, and each group is a class. The different of these two groups is the experimental group is using the system and the control group is using watercolor in the class during the practice. With the result of experiment, the experimental group does have better learning outcome and higher learning interesting than control group.


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