  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Financing Behavior

指導教授 : 胡為善


過去五年,由於過度開發造成的溫室效應,使得全球各地天災頻仍,而2011年3月發生的日本福島核電外洩悲劇,更喚醒大眾對於環境永續的環保意識。同屬地球公民的企業實無法置身事外,在追求股東利益極大化的同時,也紛紛投入社會責任行動。 自Bowen(1953)首度定義社會責任以來,注重社會責任是否能為公司帶來正面財務績效的相關研究不勝枚舉,然而至今仍未達成一致性結論。本研究從負擔社會責任可降低公司之非系統風險(Sharfman and Fernando, 2008; Ghoul et al., 2010) 的角度出發,以探討社會責任是否能對公司融資行為發揮正面效益。 2007至2009年發生的次貸風暴引發流動性危機,銀行緊縮貸款、股價一蹶不振,導致公司融資困難 (Cook and Tang, 2009)。本研究以危機期間為研究背景,檢驗社會責任是否有助於公司在危機期間進行融資,並探討承擔社會責任的公司是否能有彈性地調整槓桿比例。最後由一般投資人的角度出發,觀察社會責任對公司融資行為的影響。 隨著社會責任的關注度升高,針對社會責任公司所編製的基金與指數也日益增加。本文以FTSE所編製的社會責任指數FTSE4Good之成分公司為樣本,並以S&P500指數以及針對菸酒、軍火、博弈公司所編制SINdex與Vice Fund之成分公司為對照組,採用融資順位模型(Pecking order model)搭配固定效果模型進行實證。相較於專家學者評選出的指數成分公司,本文也參考Reputation Institute與波士頓大學所進行的社會責任聲譽民調,將名列前茅的公司視為具有社會責任聲譽者進行研究。 研究結果顯示社會責任有助於公司融資。在金融危機影響股價大跌時,一般公司明顯減少權益融資,然而負擔社會責任之公司的權益融資卻逆勢增加,顯示金融危機期間,投資人偏好認同社會責任理念的企業並追求永續發展的投資標的。而在槓桿調整速度方面,本研究發現社會責任公司比其他公司更快修正偏離目標的槓桿,顯示社會責任能夠給予公司更多融資彈性。最後,本研究也發現相較於股市投資人,屬於風險趨避者的債市投資人更偏好具有社會責任聲譽的公司,顯示社會責任具有降低違約風險的效果。另一方面,股市投資人仍較重視公司的短期績效。由於實行社會責任所帶來的成本可能降低公司的短期績效,反而成為具社會責任聲譽之公司不受股市投資人青睞的原因之一。 此外,近三年歐債危機對於全球金融市場的影響正在擴散中,根據本研究實證結果顯示,在金融風暴來襲時,負擔社會責任的公司將成為投資人的首選。而強調社會責任的企業不只有益於社會大眾,也為公司帶來融資方面的效益。


During the past five years, natural disasters occurred owing to global climate changed dramatically. For example, the nuclear accident following the earthquake in Japan, have raised world environmental awareness. As attention to environmental sustainability grows, numerous firms have adopted sustainability and environmental strategies as part of their social responsibility to stakeholders. Numerous studies concentrated on the relationship between company’s financial performance with corporate social responsibility (CSR). Although about 70 percent of the related studies showed a significantly positive relationship between CSR and financial performance (Dilling, 2010), there is no consensus about whether CSR leads to better corporate financial performance. This study examines the effect of CSR from another viewpoint. Based on the researches of Sharfman and Fernando (2008) and Ghoul et al. (2010), this investigation posits that companies with a socially responsible corporate policy have lower costs of capital because of greater risk management, and examines whether CSR is helpful for companies’ financing behavior during the financial crisis period since 2007 to 2009. Additionally, the adjustment speed of leverage is estimated to assess whether socially responsible companies can revert to their target leverage flexibly because of lower risk and easier access to capital markets resulting from implementing CSR. Finally, the impact of reputation for CSR on financing behavior is examined. This study also attempts to investigate the attitudes of investors toward socially responsible companies. Methodologically, this investigation uses the basic pecking order equation with the fixed effect and random effect models to examine the financing behavior of the companies in the FTSE4Good Index which includes companies emphasizing social responsibility. For comparison, the companies in gambling, weapons and tobacco industries in S&P 500, the SINdex and the Vice Fund are also examined. Additionally, the companies in CSR Index developed by Reputation Institute and Boston College are regarded as CSR firms. This study examines whether the perception of CSR by the general public affects company’s financing behavior. The empirical results indicate that the risk management effect of social responsibility is recognized by capital markets. The issuance of equity significantly declines during the financial crisis period for S&P 500, SINdex and Vice Fund companies. However, FTSE4Good companies significantly increases to issue equity, suggesting that investors in equity market choose socially responsible companies with sustainable policy when the market is in an extremely unstable situation with stock declining seriously. CSR indeed protects the financing capacity of firms from an abrupt stock market sell-off. Furthermore, the fastest adjustment speed of leverage also shows that financing behavior is more flexible for socially responsible firms than other companies. Although investors in equity market who demand short-term financial performance do not emphasize socially responsible companies, those in debt market intend to choose socially responsible companies with sustainability and low default risk. For the past three years, the financial crisis occurred in the Euro zone, induced by Greece’s heavily debt, seems likely to affect other areas of the world. This study finds that socially responsible companies have investors’ favor during the crisis period. For managers of companies, it is useful to invest in social responsibility activities because it can protect financing capacity for companies especially in unstable market conditions.


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